= Semrush Semrush is a ruby wrapper for the SEMRush API. == Installation Add the gem to your Gemfile: gem install semrush Create an initializer, for instance semrush.rb with the following: Semrush.config do |config| config.api_key = "7899esf6874" end Replace '7899esf6874' with your SEMRush api key. == Getting started First, create a report for a domain, a URL or a phrase with: report = Semrush::Report.domain("seobook.com") # for the "seobook.com" domain report = Semrush::Report.url("http://tools.seobook.com/") # for the "http://tools.seobook.com/" url report = Semrush::Report.phrase("search+engine+optimization") # for the "search+engine+optimization" phrase Then run the report type you need: basic_data = report.basics or keywords_data = report.keywords_organic == Parameters You may use the following parameters: :db # (String) select the google engine ('us' for google.comn 'fr' for google.fr) :api_key # (String) change the api_key :limit # (Integer) select only the first 'limit' entries :offset # (Integer) skip the first 'offset' entries :export_columns # (String) select the columns you want to fetch, for instance: :export_columns => "Dn,Rk" Some examples: report = Semrush::Report.domain("seobook.com", :db => 'us', :limit => 100) data = report.basics or report = Semrush::Report.domain("seobook.com") data = report.basics(:db => 'us', :limit => 100) You will find more information about these parameters at http://www.semrush.com/api.html == Reports === Source of reports They are 3 sources for the reports: domain, url and phrase. report = Semrush::Report.domain("seobook.com") # for the "seobook.com" domain report = Semrush::Report.url("http://tools.seobook.com/") # for the "http://tools.seobook.com/" url report = Semrush::Report.phrase("search+engine+optimization") # for the "search+engine+optimization" phrase === Report types You may call for one of the following report types: data = report.basics # main report for either a domain or a phrase data = report.keywords_organic # keywords organic report for either a domain or a URL data = report.keywords_adwords # keywords adwords report for either a domain or a URL data = report.competitors_organic # for a domain data = report.competitors_adwords # for a domain data = report.competitors_organic_by_adwords # for a domain data = report.competitors_adwords_by_organic # for a domain data = report.related # keywords related report for a phrase For more information about the report types, please read http://www.semrush.com/api.html == About authors This gem is inspired by the work of Cramer Development for the semrush-client plugin (https://github.com/cramerdev/semrush-client). It has been rewritten and gemified for the internal use in Weboglobin (http://fr.weboglobin.com). This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.