# # Fluentd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'fluent/registry' require 'fluent/config/error' module Fluent module Plugin SEARCH_PATHS = [] # plugins for fluentd: fluent/plugin/type_NAME.rb # plugins for fluentd plugins: fluent/plugin/type/NAME.rb # ex: storage, buffer chunk, ... # first class plugins (instantiated by Engine) INPUT_REGISTRY = Registry.new(:input, 'fluent/plugin/in_', dir_search_prefix: 'in_') OUTPUT_REGISTRY = Registry.new(:output, 'fluent/plugin/out_', dir_search_prefix: 'out_') FILTER_REGISTRY = Registry.new(:filter, 'fluent/plugin/filter_', dir_search_prefix: 'filter_') # feature plugin: second class plugins (instanciated by Plugins or Helpers) BUFFER_REGISTRY = Registry.new(:buffer, 'fluent/plugin/buf_', dir_search_prefix: 'buf_') PARSER_REGISTRY = Registry.new(:parser, 'fluent/plugin/parser_', dir_search_prefix: 'parser_') FORMATTER_REGISTRY = Registry.new(:formatter, 'fluent/plugin/formatter_', dir_search_prefix: 'formatter_') STORAGE_REGISTRY = Registry.new(:storage, 'fluent/plugin/storage_', dir_search_prefix: 'storage_') REGISTRIES = [INPUT_REGISTRY, OUTPUT_REGISTRY, FILTER_REGISTRY, BUFFER_REGISTRY, PARSER_REGISTRY, FORMATTER_REGISTRY, STORAGE_REGISTRY] def self.register_input(type, klass) register_impl('input', INPUT_REGISTRY, type, klass) end def self.register_output(type, klass) register_impl('output', OUTPUT_REGISTRY, type, klass) end def self.register_filter(type, klass) register_impl('filter', FILTER_REGISTRY, type, klass) end def self.register_buffer(type, klass) register_impl('buffer', BUFFER_REGISTRY, type, klass) end def self.register_parser(type, klass_or_proc) if klass_or_proc.is_a?(Regexp) # This usage is not recommended for new API require 'fluent/parser' register_impl('parser', PARSER_REGISTRY, type, Proc.new { Fluent::TextParser::RegexpParser.new(klass_or_proc) }) else register_impl('parser', PARSER_REGISTRY, type, klass_or_proc) end end def self.register_formatter(type, klass_or_proc) if klass_or_proc.respond_to?(:call) && klass_or_proc.arity == 3 # Proc.new { |tag, time, record| } # This usage is not recommended for new API require 'fluent/formatter' register_impl('formatter', FORMATTER_REGISTRY, type, Proc.new { Fluent::TextFormatter::ProcWrappedFormatter.new(klass_or_proc) }) else register_impl('formatter', FORMATTER_REGISTRY, type, klass_or_proc) end end def self.register_storage(type, klass) register_impl('storage', STORAGE_REGISTRY, type, klass) end def self.lookup_type_from_class(klass_or_its_name) klass = if klass_or_its_name.is_a? Class klass_or_its_name elsif klass_or_its_name.is_a? String eval(klass_or_its_name) # const_get can't handle qualified klass name (ex: A::B) else raise ArgumentError, "invalid argument type #{klass_or_its_name.class}: #{klass_or_its_name}" end REGISTRIES.reduce(nil){|a, r| a || r.reverse_lookup(klass) } end def self.add_plugin_dir(dir) REGISTRIES.each do |r| r.paths.push(dir) end nil end def self.new_input(type) new_impl('input', INPUT_REGISTRY, type) end def self.new_output(type) new_impl('output', OUTPUT_REGISTRY, type) end def self.new_filter(type) new_impl('filter', FILTER_REGISTRY, type) end def self.new_buffer(type, parent: nil) new_impl('buffer', BUFFER_REGISTRY, type, parent) end def self.new_parser(type, parent: nil) require 'fluent/parser' if type[0] == '/' && type[-1] == '/' # This usage is not recommended for new API... create RegexpParser directly require 'fluent/parser' Fluent::TextParser.lookup(type) else new_impl('parser', PARSER_REGISTRY, type, parent) end end def self.new_formatter(type, parent: nil) new_impl('formatter', FORMATTER_REGISTRY, type, parent) end def self.new_storage(type, parent: nil) new_impl('storage', STORAGE_REGISTRY, type, parent) end def self.register_impl(kind, registry, type, value) if !value.is_a?(Class) && !value.respond_to?(:call) raise Fluent::ConfigError, "Invalid implementation as #{kind} plugin: '#{type}'. It must be a Class, or callable." end registry.register(type, value) $log.trace "registered #{kind} plugin '#{type}'" if defined?($log) nil end def self.new_impl(kind, registry, type, parent=nil) # "'type' not found" is handled by registry obj = registry.lookup(type) impl = case when obj.is_a?(Class) obj.new when obj.respond_to?(:call) && obj.arity == 0 obj.call else raise Fluent::ConfigError, "#{kind} plugin '#{type}' is not a Class nor callable (without arguments)." end if parent && impl.respond_to?("owner=") impl.owner = parent end impl end end end