module ActiveRecord # == Multi-Table Inheritance module MTI module Inheritance def self.prepended(subclass) subclass.extend(ClassMethods) class << subclass class_attribute :mti_type_column class_attribute :tableoid_column end end module ClassMethods def has_tableoid_column? tableoid_column != false end def inherited(subclass) super subclass.using_multi_table_inheritance? end def uses_mti(*args) warn "DEPRECATED - `uses_mti` is no longer needed (nor has any effect)" end def using_multi_table_inheritance? mti = ActiveRecord::MTI::Registry.tableoid?(self) return (mti != false) unless mti == nil if (mti = check_inheritance_of(@table_name)) if (self != base_class && self.table_name == base_class.table_name) mti = false else mti = detect_tableoid(table_name) end end ActiveRecord::MTI::Registry[self] = mti descendants.each do |d| d.using_multi_table_inheritance? end return mti && mti != false end private def check_inheritance_of(table_name, table_schema = 'public') ActiveRecord::MTI.logger.debug("Trying to check inheritance of table with no table name (#{self})") and return nil unless table_name ActiveRecord::MTI.logger.debug "Checking inheritance for #{table_schema}.#{table_name}" result = connection.execute <<-SQL SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits AS i JOIN information_schema.tables AS t ON t.table_schema = '#{table_schema}' AND t.table_name = '#{table_name}' LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_rewrite AS r ON r.ev_class = t.table_name::regclass::oid LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_depend AS d ON d.objid = r.oid LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class AS c ON c.oid = d.refobjid WHERE i.inhrelid = COALESCE(c.relname, t.table_name)::regclass::oid OR i.inhparent = COALESCE(c.relname, t.table_name)::regclass::oid ) AS uses_inheritance; SQL return ActiveRecord::MTI.testify(result.try(:first)['uses_inheritance']) == true end def detect_tableoid(table_name, table_schema = 'public') tableoid_query = connection.execute(<<-SQL SELECT 1 AS has_tableoid_column, t.table_name::regclass::oid as tableoid FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute JOIN information_schema.tables t ON t.table_schema = '#{table_schema}' AND t.table_name = '#{table_name}' WHERE attrelid = t.table_name::regclass AND attname = 'tableoid' AND NOT attisdropped; SQL ).first tableoid = tableoid_query.try(:[], 'tableoid') || false self.tableoid_column = ActiveRecord::MTI.testify(tableoid_query.try(:[], 'has_tableoid_column')) if (has_tableoid_column?) ActiveRecord::MTI.logger.debug "#{table_schema}.#{table_name} has tableoid column! (#{tableoid})" add_tableoid_column self.mti_type_column = arel_table[:tableoid] else self.mti_type_column = nil end tableoid end # Called by +instantiate+ to decide which class to use for a new # record instance. For single-table inheritance, we check the record # for a +type+ column and return the corresponding class. def discriminate_class_for_record(record) if using_multi_table_inheritance? ActiveRecord::MTI::Registry.find_mti_class(record['tableoid']) || self else super end end # Type condition only applies if it's STI, otherwise it's # done for free by querying the inherited table in MTI def type_condition(table = arel_table) return nil if using_multi_table_inheritance? super end def add_tableoid_column if self.respond_to? :attribute self.attribute :tableoid, else new_column ='tableoid', nil,, "oid", false) columns.unshift new_column columns_hash['tableoid'] = new_column end end end end end end