require 'rake' require 'rake/tasklib' class ChiliVideosTasks < Rake::TaskLib VALID_DJ_ACTIONS = %w(start restart stop status) def initialize define end def define namespace :chili_videos do desc "Install ChiliVideos plugin (migrate database, include assets, etc)" task :install => [:migrate_db, :symlink_assets] desc "Uninstalls ChiliVideos plugin (removes database modifications, removes assets, etc)" task :uninstall => [:environment] do puts "Removing ChiliVideos database modifications..." migrate_db(:to_version => 0) puts "Removing link to ChiliVideo assets (stylesheets, js, etc)..." remove_symlink asset_destination_dir puts post_uninstall_steps end desc "Manage delayed_job...requires argument [ACTION=(#{VALID_DJ_ACTIONS.join('|')})]" task :delayed_job, [:action] => [:environment] do |task, args| unless(args[:action] && VALID_DJ_ACTIONS.include?(args[:action])) puts "No action specified!" puts "\nUsage: rake \"#{}[action]\" (Note the quotes, and include the brackets...)" puts "Valid values for 'action' are: #{VALID_DJ_ACTIONS.join(', ')}." exit(1) end shell_command = "RAILS_ROOT='#{application_root}' RAILS_ENV=#{RAILS_ENV} #{File.expand_path(delayed_job_path)} #{args[:action]}" puts "Issuing '#{args[:action]}' command to delayed_job executable (bundled with ChiliVideos)" sh shell_command do |ok, status| ok || fail("Command failed (status: #{status}) (command: '#{shell_command}')") end end task :migrate_db => [:environment] do puts "Migrating chili_videos..." ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose = ENV["VERBOSE"] ? ENV["VERBOSE"] == "true" : true ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrate(gem_db_migrate_dir, ENV["VERSION"] ? ENV["VERSION"].to_i : nil) Rake::Task["db:schema:dump"].invoke if ActiveRecord::Base.schema_format == :ruby end task :symlink_assets => [:environment] do # HACK: Symlinks the files from plugindir/assets to the appropriate place in # the rails application puts "Symlinking assets (stylesheets, etc)..." add_symlink asset_source_dir, asset_destination_dir end end end private def application_root File.expand_path(RAILS_ROOT) end def gem_root @gem_root ||= File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../..") end def asset_destination_dir @destination_dir ||= File.expand_path("#{application_root}/public/plugin_assets/chili_videos") end def asset_source_dir @source_dir ||= File.expand_path(gem_root + "/assets") end def gem_db_migrate_dir @gem_db_migrate_dir ||= File.expand_path(gem_root + "/db/migrate") end def delayed_job_path @delayed_job_path ||= File.expand_path(gem_root + "/bin/delayed_job") end def remove_symlink(symlink_file) system("unlink #{symlink_file}") if File.exists?(symlink_file) end def add_symlink(source, destination) remove_symlink destination system("ln -s #{source} #{destination}") end def migrate_db(options = {}) ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose = ENV["VERBOSE"] ? ENV["VERBOSE"] == "true" : true ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrate(gem_db_migrate_dir, options[:to_version]) Rake::Task["db:schema:dump"].invoke if ActiveRecord::Base.schema_format == :ruby end def post_uninstall_steps [ "!!!!! MANUAL STEPS !!!!!", "\t1. In your 'config/environment.rb', remove:", "\t\tconfig.gem 'chili_videos'", "", "\t2. In your 'Rakefile', remove:", "\t\trequire 'chili_videos'", "\t\trequire 'tasks/chili_videos_tasks'", "\t\", "", "\t3. Cycle your application server (mongrel, unicorn, etc)", "\n", ].join("\n") end end