module Avo class BaseAction include Avo::Concerns::HasItems include Avo::Concerns::HasActionStimulusControllers include Avo::Concerns::Hydration class_attribute :name, default: nil class_attribute :message class_attribute :confirm_button_label class_attribute :cancel_button_label class_attribute :no_confirmation, default: false class_attribute :standalone, default: false class_attribute :visible class_attribute :may_download_file class_attribute :turbo class_attribute :authorize, default: true class_attribute :close_modal_on_backdrop_click, default: true attr_accessor :view attr_accessor :response attr_accessor :record attr_accessor :resource attr_accessor :user attr_reader :arguments attr_reader :icon attr_reader :appended_turbo_streams attr_reader :records_to_reload # TODO: find a differnet way to delegate this to the uninitialized Current variable delegate :context, to: Avo::Current def current_user Avo::Current.user end delegate :params, to: Avo::Current delegate :view_context, to: Avo::Current delegate :avo, to: :view_context delegate :main_app, to: :view_context delegate :to_param, to: :class delegate :link_arguments, to: :class class << self delegate :context, to: ::Avo::Current def form_data_attributes { turbo: turbo, turbo_frame: :_top }.compact end def to_param to_s end def link_arguments(resource:, arguments: {}, **args) path = Avo::Services::URIService.parse(resource.record&.persisted? ? resource.record_path : resource.records_path) .append_paths("actions") .append_query( **{ action_id: to_param, arguments: encode_arguments(arguments), **args }.compact ) .to_s [path, {turbo_frame: Avo::MODAL_FRAME_ID}] end # Encrypt the arguments so we can pass sensible data as a query param. # EncryptionService can generate special characters that can break the URL. # We use Base64 to encode the encrypted string so we can safely pass it as a query param and don't break the URL. def encode_arguments(arguments) return if arguments.blank? Base64.encode64 Avo::Services::EncryptionService.encrypt( message: arguments, purpose: :action_arguments ) end def decode_arguments(arguments) return if arguments.blank? Avo::Services::EncryptionService.decrypt( message: Base64.decode64(arguments), purpose: :action_arguments ) end end def action_name if name.present? return target: name, resource: @resource, record: @record, view: @view, arguments: @arguments ).handle end self.class.to_s.demodulize.underscore.humanize(keep_id_suffix: true) end def initialize(record: nil, resource: nil, user: nil, view: nil, arguments: {}, icon: :play) @record = record @resource = resource @user = user @view = @icon = icon @arguments = target: arguments, resource: resource, record: record ).handle.with_indifferent_access self.class.message ||= I18n.t("avo.are_you_sure_you_want_to_run_this_option") self.class.confirm_button_label ||= I18n.t("") self.class.cancel_button_label ||= I18n.t("avo.cancel") self.items_holder = @response ||= {} @response[:messages] = [] if may_download_file.present? puts "[Avo->] WARNING! Since version 3.2.2 'may_download_file' is unecessary and deprecated on actions. Can be safely removed from #{}" end end # Blank method def fields end def get_message target: self.class.message, resource: @resource, record: @record, view: @view, arguments: @arguments ).handle end def cancel_button_label target: self.class.cancel_button_label, resource: @resource, record: @record, view: @view, arguments: @arguments ).handle end def confirm_button_label target: self.class.confirm_button_label, resource: @resource, record: @record, view: @view, arguments: @arguments ).handle end def handle_action(**args) processed_fields = if args[:fields].present? # Fetching the field definitions and not the actual fields (get_fields) because they will break if the user uses a `visible` block and adds a condition using the `params` variable. The params are different in the show method and the handle method. action_fields = do |field| field.hydrate(resource: @resource) [, field] end.to_h # For some fields, like belongs_to, the id and database_id differ (user vs user_id). # That's why we need to fetch the database_id for when we process the action. action_fields_by_database_id = do |id, value| [value.database_id.to_sym, value] end.to_h args[:fields] do |name, value| field = action_fields_by_database_id[name.to_sym] next if field.blank? [name, field.resolve_attribute(value)] end.reject(&:blank?).to_h else {} end handle( fields: processed_fields.with_indifferent_access, current_user: args[:current_user], resource: args[:resource], records: args[:query], query: args[:query] ) self end def visible_in_view(parent_resource: nil) return false unless authorized? if visible.blank? # Hide on the :new view by default return false if # Show on all other views return true end # Run the visible block if available target: visible, params: params, parent_resource: parent_resource, resource: @resource, view: @view, arguments: arguments ).handle end def succeed(text) add_message text, :success self end def error(text) add_message text, :error self end def inform(text) add_message text, :info self end def warn(text) add_message text, :warning self end def keep_modal_open response[:type] = :keep_modal_open self end def close_modal response[:type] = :close_modal self end # def do_nothing alias_method :do_nothing, :close_modal # Add a placeholder silent message from when a user wants to do a redirect action or something similar def silent add_message nil, :silent self end def redirect_to(path = nil, **args, &block) response[:type] = :redirect response[:redirect_args] = args response[:path] = if block.present? block else path end self end def reload response[:type] = :reload self end def reload_record(records) # Force close modal to avoid default redirect to # Redirect is 100% not wanted when using reload_record close_modal @records_to_reload = Array(records) append_to_response -> { table_row_components = [] header_fields = [] @action.records_to_reload.each do |record| resource = @resource.dup resource.hydrate(record:, view: :index) resource.detect_fields row_fields = resource.get_fields(only_root: true) header_fields.concat row_fields table_row_components << resource.resolve_component(Avo::Index::TableRowComponent).new( resource: resource, header_fields:, fields: row_fields ) end header_fields.uniq!(&:table_header_label) header_fields_ids = do |table_row_component, index| table_row_component.header_fields = header_fields_ids turbo_stream.replace( "avo/index/table_row_component_#{@action.records_to_reload[index].to_param}", table_row_component ) end } end # def reload_records alias_method :reload_records, :reload_record def navigate_to_action(action, **kwargs) response[:type] = :navigate_to_action response[:action] = action response[:navigate_to_action_args] = kwargs self end def download(path, filename) response[:type] = :download response[:path] = path response[:filename] = filename self end def authorized? target: authorize, action: self, resource: @resource, view: @view, arguments: arguments ).handle end def append_to_response(turbo_stream) @appended_turbo_streams = turbo_stream end def enabled? self.class.standalone || @record&.persisted? end def disabled? !enabled? end private def add_message(body, type = :info) response[:messages] << { type: type, body: body&.truncate(320) } end end end