require 'dyndoc/init/home' require 'pathname' require 'yaml' require 'filewatcher' #if RUBY_VERSION >= "2.4" class FileWatcher < Filewatcher end #end module Dyndoc module Browser @@browser_cfg_file= File.join(Dyndoc.home,"etc","browser.yml") @@cfg=nil @@default_browser=(RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ ? "safari" : (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /linux/ ? "midori" : "firefox")) def Browser.set(browser) Browser.cfg["browser"]=browser Browser.save_cfg FileUtils.rm(@@browser_load_osa) if File.exists? @@browser_load_osa FileUtils.rm(@@browser_reload_osa) if File.exists? @@browser_reload_osa Browser.set_browser_reload puts "Current browser is set to "+Browser.get+"!" end def Browser.get Browser.cfg["browser"] || @@default_browser end def Browser.cfg unless @@cfg @@cfg=(File.exist? @@browser_cfg_file) ? ::YAML::load_file(@@browser_cfg_file) : {} end @@cfg end def Browser.save_cfg,"w") do |f| f << Browser.cfg.to_yaml end end def mode=Browser.get.to_sym if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ case mode when :chrome "Google Chrome" when :canary "Google Chrome Canary" when :firefox "Firefox" when :firefox_nightly "FirefoxNightly" when :firefox_developer "FirefoxDeveloperEdition" when :safari "Safari" end elsif RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /linux/ mode.to_s end end @@browser_reload_osa= File.join(Dyndoc.home,"etc","browser_reload.osa") def Browser.set_browser_reload activate=Browser.cfg["activate"] || false mode=Browser.get.to_sym code=case mode when :chrome %Q{ tell application "Google Chrome" #{activate ? 'activate' : ''} "chrome" set winref to a reference to (first window whose title does not start with "Developer Tools - ") set winref's index to 1 reload active tab of winref end tell } when :canary %Q{ tell application "Google Chrome Canary" #{activate ? 'activate' : ''} "chrome canary" set winref to a reference to (first window whose title does not start with "Developer Tools - ") set winref's index to 1 reload active tab of winref end tell } when :firefox %Q{ tell application "Firefox" activate tell application "System Events" to keystroke "r" using command down end tell } when :firefox_nightly %Q{ set a to path to frontmost application as text tell application "FirefoxNightly" activate tell application "System Events" to keystroke "r" using command down end tell #{activate ? '' : 'delay 0.2\nactivate application a'} } when :firefox_developer %Q{ set a to path to frontmost application as text tell application "FirefoxDeveloperEdition" activate tell application "System Events" to keystroke "r" using command down end tell #{activate ? '' : 'delay 0.2\nactivate application a'} } when :safari %Q{ tell application "Safari" #{activate ? 'activate' : ''} tell its first document set its URL to (get its URL) end tell end tell } end,"w") do |f| f << code.strip end end def Browser.reload if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ Browser.set_browser_reload unless File.exists? @@browser_reload_osa `osascript #{@@browser_reload_osa}` elsif RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /linux/ and File.exists? "/usr/bin/xdotool" `export DISPLAY=':0.0';/usr/bin/xdotool search --sync --onlyvisible #{} key F5 windowactivate` end end @@browser_load_osa= File.join(Dyndoc.home,"etc","browser_load.osa") def Browser.load(url) if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ mode=Browser.get.to_sym if mode==:safari code='tell application "''" to set URL of current tab of front window to "'+url+'"' elsif mode == :firefox code='tell application "Firefox" to open location "'+url+'"' elsif mode == :chrome code=%Q{ tell application "Google Chrome" set frontIndex to active tab index of front window set URL of tab frontIndex of front window to "#{url}" end tell } end,"w") do |f| f << code end `osascript #{@@browser_load_osa}` elsif RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /linux/ system("xdg-open #{url} &") end end end end module Dyndoc module HtmlServers ## Deal with unwatched files! @@unwatch=[] @@unwatch_yml = File.join(Dyndoc.home,"etc","unwatch.yml") def HtmlServers.unwatch_cfg if @@unwatch.empty? @@unwatch=(File.exist? @@unwatch_yml) ? ::YAML::load_file(@@unwatch_yml) : [] end @@unwatch end def HtmlServers.unwatch_ls res=HtmlServers.unwatch_cfg.empty? ? "Empty folders list" : ( {|e,i| (i+1).to_s+") "+e}.join("\n") + "\n") puts res end def HtmlServers.unwatch_save,"w") do |f| f << @@unwatch.to_yaml end end def HtmlServers.unwatch_add(path) return unless path HtmlServers.unwatch_cfg.unshift path HtmlServers.unwatch_save end def HtmlServers.unwatch_rm(path) return unless path HtmlServers.unwatch_cfg @@unwatch -= [path] HtmlServers.unwatch_save end def HtmlServers.unwatched?(file) return "" if HtmlServers.unwatch_cfg.empty? return{|e| file[0...e.length] == e ? e : ""}[0] || "" end @@cfg=nil def HtmlServers.cfg unless @@cfg dyndoc_home = Dyndoc.home cfg_yml = File.join(dyndoc_home,"etc","dyn-html.yml") @@cfg=(File.exist? cfg_yml) ? ::YAML::load_file(cfg_yml) : {} @@cfg["dyndoc_home"]=dyndoc_home end @@cfg end def HtmlServers.dyn_http_server(host=nil,port=nil) require 'thin' dyn_html_srv_ru=File.expand_path("../../share/html-srv/",__FILE__) arg=["-R",dyn_html_srv_ru] if HtmlServers.cfg["html-srv-port"] arg += ["-p",HtmlServers.cfg["html-srv-port"].to_s] else arg += ["-p",port || "9294"] end if host arg += ["-a",host] elsif HtmlServers.cfg["html-srv-host"] arg += ["-a",HtmlServers.cfg["html-srv-host"].to_s] end arg << "start" ##p [:arg,arg]! end def HtmlServers.dyn_html_filewatcher(cfg={}) #cfg require 'dyndoc-convert' require 'dyndoc-edit' require 'filewatcher' require 'dyndoc-linter' $VERBOSE = nil options={first: true} ## To put inside yaml config file! root ||= cfg["root"] || HtmlServers.cfg["root"] || File.join(ENV["HOME"],"RCqls","RodaServer") dyn_root = cfg["dyn_root"] || HtmlServers.cfg["dyn_root"] || File.join(root ,"edit") public_root = cfg["public_root"] || HtmlServers.cfg["public_root"] || File.join(root ,"public") pages_root = File.join(public_root ,"pages") current_email = cfg["email"] || HtmlServers.cfg["email"] || "" #default email user can be overriden by -u option host=(cfg["html-srv-host"] || HtmlServers.cfg["html-srv-host"] || "http://localhost").to_s port=(cfg["html-srv-port"] || HtmlServers.cfg["html-srv-port"] || "9294").to_s base_url= host+":"+port opts = { dyn_root: dyn_root, html_root: pages_root, user: nil #current_email } puts "watching "+ dyn_root old_html_file="" do |filename, event| ##p [:filename,filename,event] if [:changed,:updated,:new].include? event and File.extname(filename) == ".dyn" ##p [:filename_event,event,filename] if (lint_error=Dyndoc::Linter.check_file(filename)).empty? ## do not process preload, postload, lib and layout files unless filename =~ /(?:_pre|_post|_lib|_layout)\.dyn$/ ## find dyn_file (relative path from root) dyn_file="/"+Pathname(filename).relative_path_from(Pathname(dyn_root)).to_s unless HtmlServers.unwatched?(dyn_file[1..-1]).empty? if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ `osascript -e 'display notification "Warning: #{dyn_file} unwatched by #{HtmlServers.unwatched?(dyn_file[1..-1])}!" with title "dyn-ctl unwatch"'` end else opts_doc=Dyndoc::FileWatcher.get_dyn_html_info(filename,dyn_file,opts[:user]) opts.merge! opts_doc ##p [:html_files,html_files] html_file=opts[:html_files][opts[:current_doc_tag]] # No more default # || html_files[""] ##p [:opts,opts,:current_doc_tag,opts[:current_doc_tag]] Dyndoc.cli_convert_from_file(dyn_file[1..-1],html_file, opts) ## fix html_file for _rmd, _adoc and _ttm if html_file =~ /^(.*)_(rmd|adoc|ttm)\.html$/ html_file = $1+".html" end if html_file =~ /^(.*)_erb\.html$/ erb_page=File.join(pages_root,$1) if File.exists? erb_page+"_erb.html" erb_page+"_erb.html",erb_page+".erb" end html_file = "erb"+$1 end puts dyn_file[1..-1]+" processed => "+html_file+" created!" options[:first] = html_file != old_html_file if html_file != old_html_file old_html_file = html_file url=File.join(base_url,html_file) ## p [:url,url] Dyndoc::Browser.load(url) else Dyndoc::Browser.reload end end end else if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ ##p lint_error cmd_to_display='display notification "'{|e| e[0].to_s+") "+e[1].to_s}.join('" & "')+ '" with title "Lint Error:'+filename+'"' p [:cmd_display,cmd_to_display] `osascript -e '#{cmd_to_display}'` else puts "Lint Error: "+filename+" with "+lint_error.inspect end end end end end end end