var Renalware = typeof Renalware === 'undefined' ? {} : Renalware; Renalware.Contacts = { Form: function(el, onContactAddedCallback) { this.el = el, this.errorsContainer = this.el.find(".errors-container"), this.errorsList = this.errorsContainer.find("ul.error-messages"), this.callback = onContactAddedCallback, this.init = function() { var self = this; this.el.on("submit", function(event) { self._onSubmit(event) }); }, this.reset = function() { this._clearForm(); this._clearErrors(); }, this._clearForm = function() { this.el.trigger("reset"); this.el.find(".hidden").val(""); }, this._clearErrors = function() { this.errorsList.html(""); this.errorsContainer.hide(); }, this._addErrors = function(errors) { var list = this.errorsList;; $.each(errors, function(i) { list.append("
  • " + errors[i] + "
  • "); }); }, // event handlers this._onSubmit = function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var valuesToSubmit = this.el.serialize(); var self = this; self._clearErrors(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: self.el.attr("action"), //submits it to the given url of the form data: valuesToSubmit, dataType: "JSON", statusCode: { 201: function(contact) { self._onSuccess(contact); }, 400: function(jqXHR) { var errors = jqXHR.responseJSON; self._onErrors(errors); } } }); }, this._onSuccess = function(contact) { this.callback(contact); }, this._onErrors = function(errors) { this._clearErrors(); this._addErrors(errors); } }, Modal: function(el, callback) { this.el = el, this.forms = [], this.callback = callback, this.pickPersonSection = null, this.createPersonSection = null, this.init = function() { this._initForms(); this._initSections(); }, = function() {"reveal", "open"); this._resetForms(); this._showPersonDirectory(); }, this._initForms = function() { var self = this; this.forms = this.el.find("form").map(function() { var form = new Renalware.Contacts.Form($(this), function(contact) { self._onContactAdded(contact); }); form.init(); return(form); }); }, this._initSections = function() { this.pickPersonSection = this.el.find("section.person-from-directory"); this.createPersonSection = this.el.find(""); var self = this; this.pickPersonSection.find("a[data-behaviour='toggle-section']").on("click", function(event) { event.preventDefault(); self._revealCreatePersonSection(); }); this.createPersonSection.find("a[data-behaviour='toggle-section']").on("click", function(event) { event.preventDefault(); self._revealPickPersonSection(); }); this.createPersonSection.hide(); }, this._revealCreatePersonSection = function() { this.pickPersonSection.slideUp(); // hide this.createPersonSection.slideDown(); // show }, this._revealPickPersonSection = function() { this.pickPersonSection.slideDown(); // show this.createPersonSection.slideUp(); // hide }, this._resetForms = function() { this.forms.each(function() { this.reset(); }) }, this._showPersonDirectory = function() {; this.createPersonSection.hide(); }, // event handlers this._onSubmit = function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var valuesToSubmit = this.form.serialize(); // console.log(valuesToSubmit); var self = this; self._clearErrors(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: self.form.attr("action"), //submits it to the given url of the form data: valuesToSubmit, dataType: "JSON", statusCode: { 201: function(contact) { self._onContactAdded(contact); }, 400: function(jqXHR) { var errors = jqXHR.responseJSON; self._onErrors(errors); } } }); }, this._onContactAdded = function(contact) {'reveal', 'close'); this.callback(contact); } } }; $(document).ready(function() { var trigger = $("a[data-behaviour='add-new-contact']"); if (trigger.length > 0) { var modal = new Renalware.Contacts.Modal($("#add-patient-contact-modal"), function(contact) { $.getScript(document.URL); }); modal.init(); trigger.on("click", function(event) { event.preventDefault();; }) } });