require 'ai4r' module Cabalist module ModelAdditions def acts_as_cabalist(options = {}) # Make sure that all required options are set raise 'No features specified' \ unless options.has_key?(:features) raise 'Expecting an Array of features' \ unless options[:features].instance_of?(Array) raise 'No class variable specified' \ unless options.has_key?(:class_variable) # Set some sensible defaults for other options, if required collection = options[:collection] || :manually_classified algorithm = options[:algorithm] || :id3 # Select an algorithm for the classifier classifier = case algorithm when :hyperpipes then ::Ai4r::Classifiers::Hyperpipes when :ib1 then ::Ai4r::Classifiers::IB1 when :id3 then ::Ai4r::Classifiers::ID3 when :one_r then ::Ai4r::Classifiers::OneR when :prism then ::Ai4r::Classifiers::Prism when :zero_r then ::Ai4r::Classifiers::ZeroR else raise 'Unknown algorithm provided' end # Create scopes scope :manually_classified, where("autoclassified_at IS NULL AND %s IS NOT NULL" % options[:class_variable]) scope :auto_classified, where("autoclassified_at IS NOT NULL AND %s IS NOT NULL" % options[:class_variable]) scope :not_classified, where("autoclassified_at IS NULL AND %s IS NULL" % options[:class_variable]) # Return object as an Array of features send(:define_method, :get_features, lambda { options[:features].map { |f| self.send(f) } }) # Return the value of a class variable send(:define_method, :get_class_variable, lambda { self.send(options[:class_variable]) }) # Set the value of the class variable send(:define_method, :set_class_variable, lambda { |c| self.send("#{options[:class_variable]}=".to_sym, c) or self }) # Return an Array of feature names (attributes/methods) send(:define_singleton_method, :get_feature_names, lambda { options[:features] }) # Return the name of a class variable send(:define_singleton_method, :get_class_variable_name, lambda { options[:class_variable] }) # Build a prediction model from scratch send(:define_singleton_method, :build_model, lambda { Ai4r::Data::DataSet::new({ :data_items => send(collection).map do |el| el.get_features.push(el.get_class_variable) end, :data_labels => get_feature_names + [get_class_variable_name] }) ) }) # Build a prediction model and store it in the LevelDB send(:define_singleton_method, :train_model, lambda { _model = build_model Cabalist::Configuration.instance.database.put(name, Marshal::dump(_model)) return _model }) # Return prediction model for the class send(:define_singleton_method, :classifier, lambda { _stored = Cabalist::Configuration.instance.database.get( return _stored ? Marshal.load(_stored) : train_model }) # Show possible values for the classification. define_singleton_method( :class_variable_domain, lambda { self.classifier.data_set.build_domain(-1).to_a } ) # Create a 'classify' method which will provide a classification # for any new object. send(:define_method, :classify, lambda { begin self.class::classifier.eval(get_features) rescue nil end }) # Create a 'classify!' method which will get a classification # for any new object and apply it to the current instance. send(:define_method, :classify!, lambda { set_class_variable(classify) self.autoclassified_at = DateTime::now }) # Create a 'teach' method which will manually set the classificaiton # and set the autoclassification timestamp to nil so that the new entry # can be treated as basis for learning. send(:define_method, :teach, lambda { |new_class| set_class_variable(new_class) self.autoclassified_at = nil }) end end end