require 'test_helper' class PasswordTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase VALID_PASSWORD = '123456789abc' SIXTY_FOUR_CHARS = '1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234' test 'validations' do pw = pw.valid? refute_empty pw.errors[:password] pw.password = nil pw.valid? refute_empty pw.errors[:password] pw.password = '' pw.valid? refute_empty pw.errors[:password] pw.password = 'x' pw.valid? refute_empty pw.errors[:password] pw.password = VALID_PASSWORD pw.valid? assert_empty pw.errors[:password] end test 'confirmation' do pw = password: VALID_PASSWORD, password_confirmation: nil pw.valid? assert_empty pw.errors[:password_confirmation] pw = password: VALID_PASSWORD, password_confirmation: '' pw.valid? refute_empty pw.errors[:password_confirmation] pw.password_confirmation = VALID_PASSWORD pw.valid? assert_empty pw.errors[:password_confirmation] assert_empty pw.errors[:password] end test 'model passes through password to quo_vadis' do user = name: 'bob', email: '' refute user.valid? refute_empty user.errors[:password] user.password = 'x' refute user.valid? refute_empty user.errors[:password] user.password = VALID_PASSWORD assert _user = User.last assert _user.valid? _pw = _user.qv_account.password assert _pw.valid? end test 'model passes through password confirmation to quo_vadis' do user = name: 'bob', email: '', password: VALID_PASSWORD, password_confirmation: 'x' refute user.valid? refute_empty user.errors[:password_confirmation] user.password_confirmation = VALID_PASSWORD assert user.valid? end test 'change' do user = User.create! name: 'bob', email: '', password: VALID_PASSWORD pw = user.qv_account.password refute pw.change('wrong', '', '') assert_equal ['is incorrect'], pw.errors[:password] pw = QuoVadis::Password.find refute pw.change(VALID_PASSWORD, '', '') assert_equal ["can't be blank"], pw.errors[:new_password] pw = QuoVadis::Password.find refute pw.change(VALID_PASSWORD, 'x', 'x') assert_equal ["is too short (minimum is #{QuoVadis.password_minimum_length} characters)"], pw.errors[:new_password] pw = QuoVadis::Password.find refute pw.change(VALID_PASSWORD, 'xxxxxxxxxxxx', 'yyyyyyyyyyyy') assert_equal ["doesn't match Password"], pw.errors[:new_password_confirmation] pw = QuoVadis::Password.find assert pw.change(VALID_PASSWORD, 'xxxxxxxxxxxx', 'xxxxxxxxxxxx') assert pw.authenticate 'xxxxxxxxxxxx' end test 'reset' do user = User.create! name: 'bob', email: '', password: VALID_PASSWORD pw = user.qv_account.password refute pw.reset('', '') assert_equal ["can't be blank"], pw.errors[:password] refute pw.reset('x', 'x') assert_equal ["is too short (minimum is #{QuoVadis.password_minimum_length} characters)"], pw.errors[:password] refute pw.reset('xxxxxxxxxxxx', 'yyyyyyyyyyyy') assert_equal ["doesn't match Password"], pw.errors[:password_confirmation] assert pw.reset('xxxxxxxxxxxx', 'xxxxxxxxxxxx') assert pw.authenticate 'xxxxxxxxxxxx' end test 'cascade destroy' do user = User.create! name: 'bob', email: '', password: VALID_PASSWORD assert user.qv_account.persisted? assert user.qv_account.password.persisted? user.destroy assert user.qv_account.destroyed? assert user.qv_account.password.destroyed? end test 'cannot override existing password' do user = User.create! name: 'bob', email: '', password: VALID_PASSWORD assert_raises QuoVadis::PasswordExistsError do user.password = 'cba987654321' end end test 'passwords may be 64 characters or longer' do pw = password: SIXTY_FOUR_CHARS pw.valid? assert_empty pw.errors[:password] pw.password = "#{SIXTY_FOUR_CHARS}abc" pw.valid? assert_empty pw.errors[:password] end test 'passwords may contain spaces, no truncation' do pw = password: ' ' pw.valid? assert_empty pw.errors[:password] end test 'passwords may contain unicode characters' do pw = password: '★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ' pw.valid? assert_empty pw.errors[:password] end end