#!/usr/bin/env ruby =begin =Command gdir_server A stand-alone server program to provide a directory service of GPHys objects by using GDir. ==Usage At the command line, % gdir_server top_dir [[host:]port] [-a allowed_address].. where * top_dir: can be ".", "/", or whatever directory in your files system. * host: host address (name or ip) -- use it if you want to specify explicitly, such as "localhost", which is useful for ssh port forwarding. * port: the port number you want to assign (internally determined if not specified). A complete URI is printed if the server is started. * -a: limits accesses from remote hosts only to the ones specified. Can be repeated multiple times. (Need the space between '-a' and the rest) ==Examples % gdir_server . 12345 % gdir_server . localhost:12345 -a all % gdir_server . -a hoge.hero.org -a localhost % gdir_server . 12345 -a '192.168.1.*' -a localhost =end require "drb/drb" require "drb/timeridconv" require "drb/acl" require "numru/gdir" DRb.install_id_conv(DRb::TimerIdConv.new(1200)) module NumRu class GDir include DRbUndumped end end class NArray def self._load(o) to_na(*Marshal::load(o)).ntoh end def _dump(limit) Marshal::dump([hton.to_s, typecode, *shape]) end end include NumRu usage = < if ARGV.include?('-a') # Access control list = ['deny', 'all'] while(idx=ARGV.index('-a')) ARGV.delete_at(idx) begin list.push( 'allow', ARGV.delete_at(idx) ) rescue raise usage end end acl = ACL.new(list) DRb.install_acl(acl) else list = %W!deny all allow localhost allow allow #{Socket.gethostname}! acl = ACL.new(list) DRb.install_acl(acl) end top = ARGV.shift || raise(usage) host_port = ARGV.shift # begin GDir.top = top rootdir = GDir.new('/') rescue print "\n",usage,"\n" raise end # if !host_port uri_seed = nil elsif /:/ =~ host_port uri_seed = 'druby://'+host_port else port = host_port # port number only print usage if port && port.to_i.to_s != port # make sure it is an integer uri_seed = 'druby://:'+port end DRb.start_service(uri_seed, rootdir) puts 'URI: '+DRb.uri puts '[return] to exit' gets