require 'set' module MiniTest module Chef module Assertions def self.resource_exists(name, options) options[:description] = name unless options[:description] define_method("assert_#{name}_exists") do |resource| refute resource.send(options[:field]).nil?, "Expected #{options[:description]} '#{}' to exist" resource end define_method("refute_#{name}_exists") do |resource| assert resource.send(options[:field]).nil?, "Expected #{options[:description]} '#{}' to not exist" resource end end resource_exists :cron, :field => :command, :description => 'cron entry' resource_exists :group, :field => :gid resource_exists :ifconfig, :field => :device, :description => 'network interface' resource_exists :link, :field => :to resource_exists :user, :field => :uid def assert_enabled(service) assert service.enabled, "Expected service '#{}' to be enabled" service end def refute_enabled(service) refute service.enabled, "Expected service '#{}' to not be enabled" service end def assert_group_includes(members, group) members = assert & members == members, "Expected group '#{}' to include members: #{members.to_a.join(', ')}" group end def refute_group_includes(members, group) members = refute & members == members, "Expected group '#{}' not to include members: #{members.to_a.join(', ')}" group end def assert_includes_content(file, content) assert, "Expected file '#{file.path}' to include the specified content" file end def refute_includes_content(file, content) refute, "Expected file '#{file.path}' not to include the specified content" file end def assert_installed(package) refute package.version.nil?, "Expected package '#{}' to be installed" package end def refute_installed(package) assert package.version.nil?, "Expected package '#{}' to not be installed" package end def assert_matches_content(file, regexp) assert, "Expected the contents of file '#{file.path}' to match the regular expression '#{regexp}'" file end def refute_matches_content(file, regexp) refute, "Expected the contents of file '#{file.path}' not to match the regular expression '#{regexp}'" file end def assert_modified_after(file_or_dir, time) assert File.mtime(file_or_dir.path).to_i >= time.to_i, "Expected the file '#{file_or_dir.path}' to have been modified after '#{time}'" file_or_dir end def refute_modified_after(file_or_dir, time) refute File.mtime(file_or_dir.path) >= time, "Expected the file '#{file_or_dir.path}' not to have been modified after '#{time}'" file_or_dir end def assert_mounted(mount) assert mount.mounted, "Expected mount point '#{}' to be mounted" mount end def refute_mounted(mount) refute mount.mounted, "Expected mount point '#{}' to not be mounted" mount end def assert_mount_enabled(mount) assert mount.enabled, "Expected mount point '#{}' to be enabled" mount end def refute_mount_enabled(mount) refute mount.enabled, "Expected mount point '#{}' to not be enabled" mount end def assert_path_exists(file_or_dir) assert File.exists?(file_or_dir.path), "Expected path '#{file_or_dir.path}' to exist" file_or_dir end def refute_path_exists(file_or_dir) refute File.exists?(file_or_dir.path), "Expected path '#{file_or_dir.path}' not to exist" file_or_dir end def assert_running(service) assert service.running, "Expected service '#{}' to be running" service end def refute_running(service) refute service.running, "Expected service '#{}' not to be running" service end def assert_directory(dir, *args) assert, "Expected #{dir} to be a directory" assert_acl(dir, *args) end def assert_file(file, *args) assert File.file?(file), "Expected #{file} to be a file" assert_acl(file, *args) end def assert_acl(file, owner, group, mode) unless file(file). must_have(:owner, owner). must_have(:group, group). must_have(:mode, mode) else directory(file). must_have(:owner, owner). must_have(:group, group). must_have(:mode, mode) end end def assert_symlinked_file(file, *args) assert File.symlink?(file), "Expected #{file} to be a symlink" assert, 1), "Expected #{file} to be linked to an existing file" assert_acl file, *args end def assert_symlinked_directory(directory, *args) assert File.symlink?(directory), "Expected #{directory} to be a symlink" assert_sh "ls #{directory}/", "Expected #{directory} to link to an existing directory" assert_acl directory, *args end def assert_logrotate(file) assert_file file, "root", "root", 0644 assert_sh "logrotate -d #{file}", "Expected #{file} to pass logrotate validation" end def assert_sh(command, text=nil) text ||= "Expected #{command} to succeed" out = `#{command} 2>&1` assert $?.success?, "#{text}, but failed with: #{out}" out end def refute_sh(command, text=nil) text ||= "Expected #{command} not to succeed" out = `#{command} 2>&1` assert !$?.success?, "#{text}, but succeeded with: #{out}" out end end end end