require_relative '../spec_helper' Ironfan.cluster "simple" do cloud(:ec2) do availability_zones ('b'..'d').map { |z| "us-east-1#{z}" } flavor 't1.micro' backing 'ebs' image_name 'alestic-precise' chef_client_script 'client.rb' security_group :systemwide security_group :ssh do authorize_port_range(22..22) end mount_ephemerals end facet :web do instances 1 end facet :db do instances 1 end end launch_cluster 'simple' do |cluster, computers| describe "the simple cluster" do it "should have the correct number of running computers" do computers.size.should == cluster.facets.keys.inject(0) { |size, facet| size + cluster.facets[facet].instances } computers.values.reject { |c| c.running? }.should be_empty end describe "the web facet security groups" do subject { cluster.facets[:web].server(0).cloud(:ec2) } it { should == %w[ simple simple-web ssh systemwide ] } end describe "the db facet security groups" do subject { cluster.facets[:db].server(0).cloud(:ec2) } it { should == %w[ simple simple-db ssh systemwide ] } end describe "the cluster-wide security group" do before :each do @sg = Ironfan::Provider::Ec2::SecurityGroup.recall('simple') @ordered_ipp = Hash[ { |s| [ s['ipProtocol'], s ] } ] end it "has the right number of inbound security rules" do @ordered_ipp.keys.size == 3 end it "allows TCP connections on all ports between all servers in the security group" do @ordered_ipp['tcp']['groups'].size.should == 1 @ordered_ipp['tcp']['groups'][0]['groupId'].should == @sg.group_id @ordered_ipp['tcp']['groups'][0]['groupName'].should == 'simple' @ordered_ipp['tcp']['fromPort'].to_i.should == 1 @ordered_ipp['tcp']['toPort'].to_i.should == 65535 end it "allows UDP connections on all ports between all servers in the security group" do @ordered_ipp['udp']['groups'].size.should == 1 @ordered_ipp['udp']['groups'][0]['groupId'].should == @sg.group_id @ordered_ipp['udp']['groups'][0]['groupName'].should == 'simple' @ordered_ipp['udp']['fromPort'].to_i.should == 1 @ordered_ipp['udp']['toPort'].to_i.should == 65535 end it "allows ICMP connections between all servers in the security group" do @ordered_ipp['icmp']['groups'].size.should == 1 @ordered_ipp['icmp']['groups'][0]['groupId'].should == @sg.group_id @ordered_ipp['icmp']['groups'][0]['groupName'].should == 'simple' @ordered_ipp['icmp']['fromPort'].to_i.should == -1 @ordered_ipp['icmp']['toPort'].to_i.should == -1 end end end end