module Beaker # This class provides answer file information for PE version 3.x # # @api private class Version30 < Answers # Return answer data for a host # # @param [Beaker::Host] host Host to return data for # @param [Beaker::Host] master Host object representing the master # @param [Beaker::Host] dashboard Host object representing the dashboard # @param [Hash] options options for answer files # @option options [Symbol] :type Should be one of :upgrade or :install. # @return [Hash] A hash (keyed from hosts) containing hashes of answer file # data. def host_answers(host, master, database, dashboard, options) # Windows hosts don't have normal answers... return nil if host['platform'] =~ /windows/ masterless = options[:masterless] # Everything's an agent agent_a = { :q_puppetagent_install => 'y', :q_puppet_cloud_install => 'y', :q_verify_packages => answer_for(options, :q_verify_packages, 'y'), :q_puppet_symlinks_install => 'y', :q_puppetagent_certname => host.to_s, # Disable database, console, and master by default # This will be overridden by other blocks being merged in. :q_puppetmaster_install => 'n', :q_all_in_one_install => 'n', :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_install => 'n', :q_puppetdb_install => 'n', :q_database_install => 'n', } agent_a[:q_puppetagent_server] = masterless ? host.to_s : master.to_s agent_a[:q_continue_or_reenter_master_hostname] = 'c' if masterless # These base answers are needed by all common_a = { :q_install => 'y', :q_vendor_packages_install => 'y', } unless masterless # master/database answers master_database_a = { :q_puppetmaster_certname => master.to_s } # Master/dashboard answers master_console_a = { :q_puppetdb_hostname => answer_for(options, :q_puppetdb_hostname, database.to_s), :q_puppetdb_port => answer_for(options, :q_puppetdb_port, 8081) } # Master only answers master_dns_altnames = [master.to_s, master['ip'], 'puppet'].compact.uniq.join(',') master_a = { :q_puppetmaster_install => 'y', :q_puppetmaster_dnsaltnames => master_dns_altnames, :q_puppetmaster_enterpriseconsole_hostname => dashboard.to_s, :q_puppetmaster_enterpriseconsole_port => answer_for(options, :q_puppetmaster_enterpriseconsole_port, 443), } # Common answers for console and database database_name = answer_for(options, :q_puppetdb_database_name, 'pe-puppetdb') database_user = answer_for(options, :q_puppetdb_database_user, 'mYpdBu3r') dashboard_password = "'#{answer_for(options, :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_auth_password)}'" puppetdb_password = "'#{answer_for(options, :q_puppetdb_password)}'" auth_database_name = answer_for(options, :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_auth_database_name, 'console_auth') auth_database_user = answer_for(options, :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_auth_database_user, 'mYu7hu3r') console_database_name = answer_for(options, :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_database_name, 'console') console_database_user = answer_for(options, :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_database_user, 'mYc0nS03u3r') database_port = answer_for(options, :q_database_port, 5432) console_database_a = { :q_puppetdb_database_name => database_name, :q_puppetdb_database_user => answer_for(options, :q_puppetdb_database_user, database_user), :q_puppetdb_database_password => answer_for(options, :q_puppetdb_database_password, puppetdb_password), :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_auth_database_name => auth_database_name, :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_auth_database_user => auth_database_user, :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_auth_database_password => answer_for(options, :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_auth_database_password, dashboard_password), :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_database_name => console_database_name, :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_database_user => answer_for(options, :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_database_user, console_database_user), :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_database_password => answer_for(options, :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_database_password, dashboard_password), :q_database_host => answer_for(options, :q_database_host, database.to_s), :q_database_port => database_port, } # Console only answers dashboard_user = "'#{answer_for(options, :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_auth_user_email)}'" smtp_host = "'#{answer_for(options, :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_smtp_host, dashboard.to_s)}'" smtp_port = "'#{answer_for(options, :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_smtp_port)}'" smtp_username = answer_for(options, :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_smtp_username) smtp_password = answer_for(options, :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_smtp_password) smtp_use_tls = "'#{answer_for(options, :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_smtp_use_tls)}'" console_inventory_port = answer_for(options, :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_inventory_port, 8140) console_httpd_port = answer_for(options, :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_httpd_port, 443) console_a = { :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_install => 'y', :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_inventory_hostname => host.to_s, :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_inventory_certname => host.to_s, :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_inventory_dnsaltnames => dashboard.to_s, :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_inventory_port => console_inventory_port, :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_master_hostname => master.to_s, :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_auth_user_email => dashboard_user, :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_auth_password => dashboard_password, :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_httpd_port => console_httpd_port, :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_smtp_host => smtp_host, :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_smtp_use_tls => smtp_use_tls, :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_smtp_port => smtp_port, } if smtp_password and smtp_username console_a.merge!({ :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_smtp_password => "'#{smtp_password}'", :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_smtp_username => "'#{smtp_username}'", :q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_smtp_user_auth => 'y' }) end # Database only answers database_a = { :q_puppetdb_install => 'y', :q_database_install => answer_for(options, :q_database_install, 'y'), :q_database_root_password => "'#{answer_for(options, :q_database_root_password, '=ZYdjiP3jCwV5eo9s1MBd')}'", :q_database_root_user => answer_for(options, :q_database_root_user, 'pe-postgres'), } end # Special answers for special hosts aix_a = { :q_run_updtvpkg => 'y', } answers = common_a.dup unless options[:type] == :upgrade answers.merge! agent_a end if host == master answers.merge! master_console_a unless options[:type] == :upgrade answers.merge! master_a answers.merge! master_database_a end end if host == dashboard answers.merge! master_console_a answers.merge! console_database_a answers[:q_pe_database] = answer_for(options, :q_pe_database, 'y') unless options[:type] == :upgrade answers.merge! console_a else answers[:q_database_export_dir] = answer_for(options, :q_database_export_dir, '/tmp') end end if host == database if database != master if options[:type] == :upgrade # This is kinda annoying - if we're upgrading to 3.0 and are # puppetdb, we're actually doing a clean install. We thus # need the core agent answers. answers.merge! agent_a end answers.merge! master_database_a end answers.merge! database_a answers.merge! console_database_a end if host == master and host == database and host == dashboard answers[:q_all_in_one_install] = 'y' end if host['platform'].include? 'aix' answers.merge! aix_a end return answers end # Return answer data for all hosts. # # @return [Hash] A hash (keyed from hosts) containing hashes of answer file # data. def generate_answers the_answers = {} masterless = @options[:masterless] database = masterless ? nil : only_host_with_role(@hosts, 'database') dashboard = masterless ? nil : only_host_with_role(@hosts, 'dashboard') master = masterless ? nil : only_host_with_role(@hosts, 'master') @hosts.each do |h| if @options[:type] == :upgrade and h[:pe_ver] =~ /\A3.0/ # 3.0.x to 3.0.x should require no answers the_answers[] = { :q_install => 'y', :q_install_vendor_packages => 'y', } else the_answers[] = host_answers(h, master, database, dashboard, @options) end if the_answers[] && h[:custom_answers] the_answers[] = the_answers[].merge(h[:custom_answers]) end h[:answers] = the_answers[] end return the_answers end end end