# CMIS ruby [![Gem Version](https://img.shields.io/gem/v/cmis-ruby.svg)](https://rubygems.org/gems/cmis-ruby) [![Dependency Status](http://img.shields.io/gemnasium/UP-nxt/cmis-ruby.svg)](https://gemnasium.com/UP-nxt/cmis-ruby) [![Code Climate](http://img.shields.io/codeclimate/github/UP-nxt/cmis-ruby.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/UP-nxt/cmis-ruby) **CMIS ruby** is a [CMIS](http://chemistry.apache.org/project/cmis.html) client library, using the the _CMIS Browser Binding_ ([CMIS 1.1](http://docs.oasis-open.org/cmis/CMIS/v1.1/CMIS-v1.1.html)). ## Example usage ```ruby require 'cmis' # get the repository object server = CMIS::Server.new(service_url: '', username: 'foo', password: 'bar') repository = server.repository('my_repository') # get object by object id document = repository.object('f3y5wbb6slhkeq3ciu3uazbpxeu') # or by unique property document = repository.find_object('cmis:document', 'cmis:name' => 'some_unique_name') # set document content document.content = { stream: 'Apple is a fruit', mime_type: 'text/plain', filename: 'apple.txt' } # create a new document document = repository.new_document document.name = 'new_document' document.object_type_id = 'cmis:document' document = document.create_in_folder(repository.root) # query for first 50 documents where the property 'cmis:name' is 'bar' query = repository.query("select * from cmis:document where cmis:name='bar'") query.each_result(limit: 50) { |document| puts document.cmis_object_id } ``` ## Running specs The default rake task runs the specs. This requires a separate CMIS server. The environment variable `TEST_ENV` selects the test environment from `spec/config.yml`. ## Contributing Write some code. Run the specs. Open a pull request.