# frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" describe Commonmeta::Metadata, vcr: true do let(:subject) do described_class.new end context "is_personal_name?" do it "has id" do author = { "id" => "http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1419-2405", "givenName" => "Martin", "familyName" => "Fenner", "name" => "Martin Fenner" } expect(subject.is_personal_name?(name: author["name"])).to be true end it "has orcid id" do author = { "creatorName" => "Fenner, Martin", "givenName" => "Martin", "familyName" => "Fenner", "nameIdentifier" => { "schemeURI" => "http://orcid.org/", "nameIdentifierScheme" => "ORCID", "__content__" => "0000-0003-1419-2405" } } expect(subject.is_personal_name?(name: author["creatorName"])).to be true end it "has family name" do author = { "givenName" => "Martin", "familyName" => "Fenner", "name" => "Martin Fenner" } expect(subject.is_personal_name?(name: author["name"])).to be true end it "has comma" do author = { "name" => "Fenner, Martin" } expect(subject.is_personal_name?(name: author["name"])).to be true end it "has known given name" do author = { "name" => "Martin Fenner" } expect(subject.is_personal_name?(name: author["name"])).to be true end it "has unknown given name" do author = { "name" => "Rintze Zelle" } expect(subject.is_personal_name?(name: author["name"])).to be true end it "has middle initial" do author = { "name" => "Martin H. Fenner" } expect(subject.is_personal_name?(name: author["name"])).to be true end it "has unknown given name and middle initial" do author = { "name" => "Tejas S. Sathe" } expect(subject.is_personal_name?(name: author["name"])).to be true end it "has no info" do author = { "name" => "M Fenner" } expect(subject.is_personal_name?(name: author["name"])).to be true end it "name with title" do author = { "name" => "Tejas S. Sathe, MD" } expect(subject.is_personal_name?(name: author["name"])).to be true end it "name with organization string" do author = { "name" => "University of California, Santa Barbara" } expect(subject.is_personal_name?(name: author["name"])).to be false end it "name with another organization string" do author = { "name" => "Research Graph" } expect(subject.is_personal_name?(name: author["name"])).to be false end it "name with ye another organization string" do author = { "name" => "Team OA Brandenburg" } expect(subject.is_personal_name?(name: author["name"])).to be false end end context "cleanup_author" do it "Smith J." do author = "Smith J." expect(subject.cleanup_author(author)).to eq("Smith, J.") end it "Smith, John" do author = "Smith, John" expect(subject.cleanup_author(author)).to eq("Smith, John") end it "John Smith" do author = "John Smith" expect(subject.cleanup_author(author)).to eq("John Smith") end it "with email" do author = "noreply@blogger.com (Roderic Page)" expect(subject.cleanup_author(author)).to eq("Roderic Page") end end context "get_one_author" do it "has type organization" do author = { "email" => "info@ucop.edu", "name" => "University of California, Santa Barbara", "role" => { "namespace" => "http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema/resources/Codelist/gmxCodelists.xml#CI_RoleCode", "roleCode" => "copyrightHolder" }, "type" => "Organization" } response = subject.get_one_author(author) expect(response).to eq("name" => "University of California, Santa Barbara", "type" => "Organization", "contributorRoles" => ["Author"]) end it "has familyName" do input = "https://doi.org/10.5438/4K3M-NYVG" subject = described_class.new(input: input) meta = JSON.parse(subject.raw).dig("data", "attributes") response = subject.get_one_author(meta.dig("creators").first) expect(response).to eq( "id" => "https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1419-2405", "givenName" => "Martin", "familyName" => "Fenner", "type" => "Person", "contributorRoles" => ["Author"], ) end it "has name with title" do author = { "name" => "Tejas S. Sathe, MD" } response = subject.get_one_author(author) expect(response).to eq("givenName" => "Tejas S.", "familyName" => "Sathe", "type" => "Person", "contributorRoles" => ["Author"]) end it "has name in display-order with ORCID" do input = "https://doi.org/10.6084/M9.FIGSHARE.4700788" subject = described_class.new(input: input) meta = JSON.parse(subject.raw).dig("data", "attributes") response = subject.get_one_author(meta.dig("creators").first) expect(response).to eq("type" => "Person", "contributorRoles" => ["Author"], "id" => "https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4881-1606", "givenName" => "Andrea", "familyName" => "Bedini") end it "is organization" do author = { "email" => "info@ucop.edu", "name" => { "__content__" => "University of California, Santa Barbara" }, "type" => "Organization", "role" => { "namespace" => "http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/metadata/published/xsd/schema/resources/Codelist/gmxCodelists.xml#CI_RoleCode", "roleCode" => "copyrightHolder" } } response = subject.get_one_author(author) expect(response).to eq("name" => "University of California, Santa Barbara", "type" => "Organization", "contributorRoles" => ["Author"]) end it "is another organization" do author = { "name" => "University of California, Santa Barbara", "id" => "https://ror.org/02t274463" } response = subject.get_one_author(author) expect(response).to eq("id" => "https://ror.org/02t274463", "name" => "University of California, Santa Barbara", "type" => "Organization", "contributorRoles" => ["Author"]) end it "is anonymous" do author = { "id" => "https://ror.org/05745n787" } response = subject.get_one_author(author) expect(response).to eq("type" => "Person", "contributorRoles" => ["Author"], "affiliation" => [{ "id" => "https://ror.org/05745n787" }]) end it "name with affiliation crossref" do input = "10.7554/elife.01567" subject = described_class.new(input: input, from: "crossref") response = subject.get_one_author(subject.contributors.first) expect(response).to eq("affiliation" => [{ "name" => "Department of Plant Molecular Biology, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland" }], "familyName" => "Sankar", "givenName" => "Martial", "type" => "Person", "contributorRoles" => ["Author"]) end it "only familyName and givenName" do input = "https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.836178" subject = described_class.new(input: input, from: "schema_org") response = subject.get_one_author(subject.contributors.first) expect(response).to eq("type" => "Person", "contributorRoles" => ["Author"], "givenName" => "Emma", "familyName" => "Johansson") end it "affiliation is space" do input = "10.1177/0042098011428175" subject = described_class.new(input: input) response = subject.get_one_author(subject.contributors.first) expect(response).to eq("familyName" => "Petrovici", "givenName" => "Norbert", "type" => "Person", "contributorRoles" => ["Author"]) end end context "authors_as_string" do let(:authors) do [{ "type" => "Person", "id" => "https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0077-4738", "givenName" => "Matt", "familyName" => "Jones" }, { "type" => "Person", "id" => "https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2192-403X", "givenName" => "Peter", "familyName" => "Slaughter" }, { "type" => "Organization", "id" => "https://ror.org/02t274463", "name" => "University of California, Santa Barbara" }] end it "authors" do response = subject.authors_as_string(authors[0..1]) expect(response).to eq("Jones, Matt and Slaughter, Peter") end it "single author" do response = subject.authors_as_string(authors.first) expect(response).to eq("Jones, Matt") end it "no author" do response = subject.authors_as_string(nil) expect(response.nil?).to be(true) end it "with organization" do response = subject.authors_as_string(authors) expect(response).to eq("Jones, Matt and Slaughter, Peter and {University of California, Santa Barbara}") end end context "get_affiliations" do it "name" do affiliation = [{ "name" => "University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland" }] response = subject.get_affiliations(affiliation) expect(response).to eq([{ "name" => "University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland" }]) end it "name and ROR ID" do affiliation = { "id" => "https://ror.org/02t274463", "name" => "University of California, Santa Barbara" } response = subject.get_affiliations(affiliation) expect(response).to eq([{ "name" => "University of California, Santa Barbara" }]) end it "only ROR ID" do affiliation = { "affiliationIdentifier" => "https://ror.org/02t274463" } response = subject.get_affiliations(affiliation) expect(response).to eq([{ "id" => "https://ror.org/02t274463" }]) end end end