#QOOXVIEW_DIR=%x[ echo $PWD/#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}].chomp QOOXVIEW_DIR=File.dirname(__FILE__) require 'helper_classes/dputs' include HelperClasses::DPuts extend HelperClasses::DPuts if not defined?(DEBUG_LVL) # Unknown debug-level for recognition in ConfigBase DEBUG_LVL = 0.5 end require 'yaml' require 'json' require 'gettext' require 'qooxview/rpcqooxdoo' require 'qooxview/entity' require 'qooxview/view' require 'qooxview/additions' require 'qooxview/config_yaml' require 'getoptlong' require 'gettext' require 'gettext/tools/msgfmt' require 'gettext/tools/msgmerge' require 'gettext/tools/xgettext' Dir.glob(__dir__+'/helpers/*').each { |f| require f } $qooxview_cmds = [] module QooxView # Reads options from the command-line: # * -h[elp] shows the help screen # * -(t|i18n) scans for translation-variables and writes .po # * -p[o] converts .po to .mo # * -a[rchive] call Accounts.archive (should be moved to Africompta) def self.do_opts(dir_entities, dir_views) opts = GetoptLong.new( ['--help', '-h', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--i18n', '-t', GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT], ['--po', '-p', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--archive', '-a', GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT] ) opts.each { |o, a| case o when '--help' puts "Usage: #{$0} [-t] [--help]" puts "\t-t [lang]\tUpdate translations - takes an optional language-argument" puts "\t-p\tCreate .mo-files" puts "\t--help\tShow this help" raise 'PrintHelp' when '--i18n' potfile = "po/#{$name}.pot" %x[ mkdir -p po; rm -f #{potfile} ] paths = ["#{dir_entities}/*.rb", "#{dir_views}/*.rb", "#{dir_views}/*/*.rb"] dputs(2) { "potfile is #{potfile.inspect}, paths is #{paths.collect { |p| Dir[p] }}" } #GetText::Tools::XGetText.run( paths.collect{|p| Dir[p] }.flatten.concat( [ "-o", "#{potfile}" ] ) ) GetText::Tools::XGetText.run(*paths.collect { |p| Dir[p] }.concat( %W(-o #{potfile})).flatten) if a.length > 0 pofile = "po/#{$name}-#{a}.po" if File.exists? pofile %x[ mv #{pofile} #{pofile}.tmp ] #%x[ msgmerge #{pofile}.tmp #{potfile} -o #{pofile} ] # Should be possible with rmsgmerge, but it didn't work :( GetText::Tools::MsgMerge.run("#{pofile}.tmp", potfile, '-o', pofile) %x[ rm #{pofile}.tmp ] else %x[ cp #{potfile} #{pofile} ] end end raise 'UpdatePot' when '--po' dputs(2) { 'Making mo-files' } Dir.glob("po/#{$name}-*.po").each { |po| lang = po.match(/.*#{$name}-(.*).po/)[1] path = "po/#{lang}/LC_MESSAGES" dputs(2) { "Doing po-file #{po} for language #{lang} with path #{path}" } if not %x[ mkdir -p #{path}] or not GetText::Tools::MsgFmt.run(po, "-o#{path}/#{$name}.mo") dputs(0) { "Error: can't make mo-files, exiting" } exit end } raise 'MakeMo' when '--archive' dputs(2) { 'Going to archive AfriCompta' } $qooxview_cmds.push [:archive, a] end } end # require all files in the directories # _dirs_ - one or more arguments to scan for .rb-files def self.load_dirs( *dirs ) #dputs_func dirs.flatten.each{|dir| if dir dputs(2) { "Initializing directory #{dir}" } Dir[File.join(dir, '**', '*.rb')].each { |f| dputs(3) { "Requiring file #{f}" } require(f) } end } end # Read in all entities and vies, load data of entities, but don't start # web-server yet def self.init(dir_entities = nil, dir_views = nil) #dputs_func # If we're in test-mode, don't interpret arguments if !Module.constants.index(:Test) dputs(2) { 'Doing options' } self.do_opts(dir_entities, dir_views) end # Include all modules in the dir_entities and dir_views # directories dputs(2) { "Starting init with entities:views = #{[dir_entities, dir_views].join(':')}" } QooxView.load_dirs( dir_entities, dir_views ) if not Permission.list.index('default') Permission.add('default', '.*') end dputs(2) { 'Starting RPCQooxdooServices' } # We want to load an eventual ConfigBase first, so that other modules can # read the configuration rpcqooxdoo = RPCQooxdooService.new('Entities.ConfigBase') if true ConfigBases.init_load else Entities.ConfigBases.load ConfigBases.singleton Entities.ConfigBases.migrate end # Everything will be loaded just after, so make sure we have everything done # when there is a migration Entities.save_all GetText.bindtextdomain($name, :path => 'po') if ConfigBase.locale_force dputs(3) { "Forcing locale to #{ConfigBase.locale_force}" } GetText.locale = ConfigBase.locale_force end GetText::TextDomainManager.cached = false # Get an instance of all Qooxdoo-services rpcqooxdoo.get_services('^Entities.*') Entities.load_all rpcqooxdoo.get_services('^View.*') $qooxview_cmds.each { |qv| qv_cmd = qv.class == Array ? qv[0] : qv dputs(2) { "Doing #{qv.inspect}" } case qv_cmd when :archive month = qv[1] == '' ? 1 : qv[1] dputs(2) { "Archiving with starting month #{month}" } Accounts.archive(month) exit end } end # The main function, used to start it all def self.startWeb(port = 3302, duration = nil) dputs(2) { "Configuring port for #{port}" } # Suppose we've not being initialized when there are no permissions if Permission.list.size == 0 self.init end # And start the webrick-server # First check whether QooxDoo is running in source- or buid-mode dir_html = File.exist?(QOOXVIEW_DIR + '/frontend/build/script/frontend.js') ? 'build' : 'source' dputs(2) { "Directory for Frontend is: #{dir_html}" } log_msg('main', 'Starting up') if cmd = get_config(false, :startupCmd) %x[ #{cmd} ] end RPCQooxdooHandler.webrick(port, QOOXVIEW_DIR + "/frontend/#{dir_html}/", duration) end end