# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rom/attribute' require 'rom/sql/attribute_wrapping' module ROM module SQL # Specialized attribute type for defining SQL functions # # @api public class Function < ROM::Attribute include AttributeWrapping class << self # @api private def frame_limit(value) case value when :current then 'CURRENT ROW' when :start then 'UNBOUNDED PRECEDING' when :end then 'UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING' else if value.positive? "#{value} FOLLOWING" else "#{value.abs} PRECEDING" end end end private :frame_limit end # @api private WINDOW_FRAMES = Hash.new do |cache, frame| type = frame.key?(:rows) ? 'ROWS' : 'RANGE' bounds = frame[:rows] || frame[:range] cache[frame] = "#{type} BETWEEN #{frame_limit(bounds[0])} AND #{frame_limit(bounds[1])}" end WINDOW_FRAMES[nil] = nil WINDOW_FRAMES[:all] = WINDOW_FRAMES[rows: %i[start end]] WINDOW_FRAMES[:rows] = WINDOW_FRAMES[rows: %i[start current]] WINDOW_FRAMES[{ range: :current }] = WINDOW_FRAMES[range: %i[current current]] # Return a new attribute with an alias # # @example # string::coalesce(users[:name], users[:id]).aliased(:display_name) # # @return [SQL::Function] # # @api public def aliased(alias_name) super.with(name: name || alias_name) end alias_method :as, :aliased # @api private def sql_literal(ds) if name ds.literal(func.as(name)) else ds.literal(func) end end # @api private def name self.alias || super end # @see Attribute#qualified # # @api private def qualified(table_alias = nil) new { |arg| arg.respond_to?(:qualified) ? arg.qualified(table_alias) : arg } end # @see Attribute#qualified_projection # # @api private def qualified_projection(table_alias = nil) new { |arg| arg.respond_to?(:qualified_projection) ? arg.qualified_projection(table_alias) : arg } end # @api private def new(&) case func when ::Sequel::SQL::Function meta(func: ::Sequel::SQL::Function.new!(func.name, func.args.map(&), func.opts)) else meta(func: func) end end # @see Attribute#qualified? # # @api private def qualified?(_table_alias = nil) meta[:func].args.all?(&:qualified?) end # @see ROM::SQL::Attribute#is # # @api public def is(other) ::ROM::SQL::Attribute[::ROM::SQL::Types::Bool].meta( sql_expr: ::Sequel::SQL::BooleanExpression.new(:'=', func, other) ) end # @see ROM::SQL::Attribute#not # # @api public def not(other) !is(other) end # Add an OVER clause making a window function call # @see https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/tutorial-window.html # # @example # users.select { [id, integer::row_number().over(partition: name, order: id).as(:row_no)] } # users.select { # [ # id, # integer::row_number().over( # partition: [first_name, last_name], # order: id # ).as(:row_no) # ] # } # # @example frame variants # # ROWS BETWEEN 3 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW # row_number.over(frame: { rows: [-3, :current] }) # # # ROWS BETWEEN 3 PRECEDING AND 3 FOLLOWING # row_number.over(frame: { rows: [-3, 3] }) # # # ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW # row_number.over(frame: { rows: [:start, :current] }) # # # ROWS BETWEEN CURRENT ROW AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING # row_number.over(frame: { rows: [:current, :end] }) # # @example frame shortcuts # # ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING # row_number.over(frame: :all) # # # ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING # row_number.over(frame: :rows) # # # RANGE BETWEEN CURRENT ROW AND CURRENT ROW # row_number.over(frame: { range: :current} ) # # @option :partition [Array,SQL::Attribute] A PARTITION BY part # @option :order [Array,SQL::Attribute] An ORDER BY part # @option :frame [Hash,Symbol] A frame part (RANGE or ROWS, see examples) # @return [SQL::Function] # # @api public def over(partition: nil, order: nil, frame: nil) super(partition: partition, order: order, frame: WINDOW_FRAMES[frame]) end # Convert an expression result to another data type # # @example # users.select { bool::cast(json_data.get_text('activated'), :boolean).as(:activated) } # users.select { bool::cast(json_data.get_text('activated')).as(:activated) } # # @param [ROM::SQL::Attribute] expr Expression to be cast # @param [String] db_type # Target database type (usually can be inferred from the target data type) # # @return [ROM::SQL::Attribute] # # @api public def cast(expr, db_type = TypeSerializer[:default].call(type)) Attribute[type].meta(sql_expr: ::Sequel.cast(expr, db_type)) end # Add a CASE clause for handling if/then logic. This version of CASE search for the first # branch which evaluates to `true`. See SQL::Attriubte#case if you're looking for the # version that matches an expression result # # @example # users.select { bool::case(status.is("active") => true, else: false).as(:activated) } # # @param [Hash] mapping mapping between boolean SQL expressions to arbitrary SQL expressions # @return [ROM::SQL::Attribute] # # @api public def case(mapping) mapping = mapping.dup otherwise = mapping.delete(:else) do raise ArgumentError, 'provide the default case using the :else keyword' end Attribute[type].meta(sql_expr: ::Sequel.case(mapping, otherwise)) end # Add a FILTER clause to aggregate function (supported by PostgreSQL 9.4+) # @see https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-expressions.html # # Filter aggregate using the specified conditions # # @example # users.project { integer::count(:id).filter(name.is("Jack")).as(:jacks) }.unordered # users.project { integer::count(:id).filter { name.is("John") }).as(:johns) }.ordered # # @param condition [Hash,SQL::Attribute] Conditions # @yield [block] A block with restrictions # # @return [SQL::Function] # # @api public def filter(condition = Undefined, &) if block_given? conditions = schema.restriction(&) conditions &= condition unless condition.equal?(Undefined) else conditions = condition end super(conditions) end # Add a WITHIN GROUP clause to aggregate function (supported by PostgreSQL) # @see https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-expressions.html#SYNTAX-AGGREGATES # # Establishes an order for an ordered-set aggregate, see the docs for more details # # @example # households.project { fload::percentile_cont(0.5).within_group(income).as(:percentile) } # # @param args [Array] A list of expressions for sorting within a group # @yield [block] A block for getting the expressions using the Order DSL # # @return [SQL::Function] # # @api public def within_group(*args, &) if block_given? group = args + ::ROM::SQL::OrderDSL.new(schema).(&) else group = args end super(*group) end private # @api private def schema meta[:schema] end # @api private def func meta[:func] end # @api private def respond_to_missing?(meth, _include_private = false) if func func.respond_to?(meth) || super else true end end # @api private def method_missing(meth, *args) if func if func.respond_to?(meth) meta(func: func.__send__(meth, *args)) else super end else meta(func: Sequel::SQL::Function.new(meth.to_s.upcase, *args)) end end end end end