CREATE TABLE Aggregation ( -- Aggregation involves Aggregate and Aggregate has Aggregate Code, AggregateCode varchar(32) NOT NULL, -- Aggregation involves Variable and Variable has Ordinal position, AggregatedVariableOrdinal smallint NOT NULL, -- Aggregation involves Variable and Variable is in Query and Query is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, AggregatedVariableQueryConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- Aggregation involves Variable and Variable has Ordinal position, VariableOrdinal smallint NOT NULL, -- Aggregation involves Variable and Variable is in Query and Query is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, VariableQueryConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(AggregateCode, AggregatedVariableQueryConceptGuid, AggregatedVariableOrdinal) ) GO CREATE TABLE AllowedRange ( -- Allowed Range involves Value Constraint and Value Constraint is a kind of Constraint and Constraint is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, ValueConstraintConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- Allowed Range involves Value Range and maybe Value Range has maximum-Bound and Bound is inclusive, ValueRangeMaximumBoundIsInclusive bit NULL, -- Allowed Range involves Value Range and maybe Value Range has maximum-Bound and Bound has Value and Value is literal string, ValueRangeMaximumBoundValueIsLiteralString bit NULL, -- Allowed Range involves Value Range and maybe Value Range has maximum-Bound and Bound has Value and Value is represented by Literal, ValueRangeMaximumBoundValueLiteral varchar NULL, -- Allowed Range involves Value Range and maybe Value Range has maximum-Bound and Bound has Value and maybe Value is in Unit and Unit is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, ValueRangeMaximumBoundValueUnitConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, -- Allowed Range involves Value Range and maybe Value Range has minimum-Bound and Bound is inclusive, ValueRangeMinimumBoundIsInclusive bit NULL, -- Allowed Range involves Value Range and maybe Value Range has minimum-Bound and Bound has Value and Value is literal string, ValueRangeMinimumBoundValueIsLiteralString bit NULL, -- Allowed Range involves Value Range and maybe Value Range has minimum-Bound and Bound has Value and Value is represented by Literal, ValueRangeMinimumBoundValueLiteral varchar NULL, -- Allowed Range involves Value Range and maybe Value Range has minimum-Bound and Bound has Value and maybe Value is in Unit and Unit is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, ValueRangeMinimumBoundValueUnitConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, UNIQUE(ValueConstraintConceptGuid, ValueRangeMinimumBoundValueLiteral, ValueRangeMinimumBoundValueIsLiteralString, ValueRangeMinimumBoundValueUnitConceptGuid, ValueRangeMinimumBoundIsInclusive, ValueRangeMaximumBoundValueLiteral, ValueRangeMaximumBoundValueIsLiteralString, ValueRangeMaximumBoundValueUnitConceptGuid, ValueRangeMaximumBoundIsInclusive) ) GO CREATE TABLE AlternativeSet ( -- Alternative Set has Guid, Guid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- Alternative Set members are exclusive Boolean, MembersAreExclusive bit NULL, PRIMARY KEY(Guid) ) GO CREATE TABLE Component ( -- maybe Component is a Mapping and maybe Mapping is an Absorption and Absorption traverses to child-Role and Role belongs to Fact Type and Fact Type is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, AbsorptionChildRoleFactTypeConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, -- maybe Component is a Mapping and maybe Mapping is an Absorption and Absorption traverses to child-Role and Role fills Ordinal, AbsorptionChildRoleOrdinal smallint NULL, -- maybe Component is a Mapping and maybe Mapping is an Absorption and Absorption flattens Boolean, AbsorptionFlattens bit NULL, -- maybe Component is a Mapping and maybe Mapping is an Absorption and maybe Absorption is nested under index-Role and Role belongs to Fact Type and Fact Type is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, AbsorptionIndexRoleFactTypeConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, -- maybe Component is a Mapping and maybe Mapping is an Absorption and maybe Absorption is nested under index-Role and Role fills Ordinal, AbsorptionIndexRoleOrdinal smallint NULL, -- maybe Component is a Mapping and maybe Mapping is an Absorption and Absorption traverses from parent-Role and Role belongs to Fact Type and Fact Type is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, AbsorptionParentRoleFactTypeConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, -- maybe Component is a Mapping and maybe Mapping is an Absorption and Absorption traverses from parent-Role and Role fills Ordinal, AbsorptionParentRoleOrdinal smallint NULL, -- Component has Guid, Guid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- maybe Component is an Indicator and Indicator indicates Role played and Role belongs to Fact Type and Fact Type is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, IndicatorRoleFactTypeConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, -- maybe Component is an Indicator and Indicator indicates Role played and Role fills Ordinal, IndicatorRoleOrdinal smallint NULL, -- maybe Component is a Mapping and maybe Mapping projects Composite and Composite belongs to Composition and Composition has Guid, MappingCompositionGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, -- maybe Component belongs to parent-Mapping and Mapping is a kind of Component and Component has Guid, MappingGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, -- maybe Component is a Mapping and Mapping represents Object Type and Object Type is called Name, MappingObjectTypeName varchar(64) NULL, -- maybe Component is a Mapping and Mapping represents Object Type and Object Type belongs to Vocabulary and Vocabulary is called Name, MappingObjectTypeVocabularyName varchar(64) NULL, -- maybe Component projects Name, Name varchar(64) NULL, PRIMARY KEY(Guid), FOREIGN KEY (MappingGuid) REFERENCES Component (Guid) ) GO CREATE TABLE Composition ( -- Composition has Guid, Guid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- Composition is called Name, Name varchar(64) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(Guid), UNIQUE(Name) ) GO CREATE TABLE Concept ( -- maybe Context Note is an instance of Concept and maybe Context Note was added by Agreement and maybe Agreement was on Date, ContextNoteDate datetime NULL, -- maybe Context Note is an instance of Concept and Context Note has Discussion, ContextNoteDiscussion varchar NULL, -- maybe Context Note is an instance of Concept and Context Note has Context Note Kind, ContextNoteKind varchar NULL CHECK(ContextNoteKind = 'as_opposed_to' OR ContextNoteKind = 'because' OR ContextNoteKind = 'so_that' OR ContextNoteKind = 'to_avoid'), -- maybe Context Note is an instance of Concept and maybe Context Note applies to relevant-Concept and Concept has Guid, ContextNoteRelevantConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, -- maybe Fact is an instance of Concept and Fact belongs to Population and Population has Name, FactPopulationName varchar(64) NULL, -- maybe Fact is an instance of Concept and Fact belongs to Population and maybe Population belongs to Vocabulary and Vocabulary is called Name, FactPopulationVocabularyName varchar(64) NULL, -- maybe Fact is an instance of Concept and Fact is of Fact Type and Fact Type is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, FactTypeConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, -- Concept has Guid, Guid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- maybe Concept is implied by Implication Rule and Implication Rule has Implication Rule Name, ImplicationRuleName varchar NULL, -- maybe Instance is an instance of Concept and maybe Instance objectifies Fact and Fact is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, InstanceFactConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, -- maybe Instance is an instance of Concept and Instance is of Object Type and Object Type is called Name, InstanceObjectTypeName varchar(64) NULL, -- maybe Instance is an instance of Concept and Instance is of Object Type and Object Type belongs to Vocabulary and Vocabulary is called Name, InstanceObjectTypeVocabularyName varchar(64) NULL, -- maybe Instance is an instance of Concept and Instance belongs to Population and Population has Name, InstancePopulationName varchar(64) NULL, -- maybe Instance is an instance of Concept and Instance belongs to Population and maybe Population belongs to Vocabulary and Vocabulary is called Name, InstancePopulationVocabularyName varchar(64) NULL, -- maybe Instance is an instance of Concept and maybe Instance has Value and Value is literal string, InstanceValueIsLiteralString bit NULL, -- maybe Instance is an instance of Concept and maybe Instance has Value and Value is represented by Literal, InstanceValueLiteral varchar NULL, -- maybe Instance is an instance of Concept and maybe Instance has Value and maybe Value is in Unit and Unit is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, InstanceValueUnitConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, -- maybe Concept belongs to Topic and Topic has topic-Name, TopicName varchar(64) NULL, -- maybe Unit is an instance of Concept and maybe Unit has Coefficient and Coefficient has Denominator, UnitCoefficientDenominator int NULL, -- maybe Unit is an instance of Concept and maybe Unit has Coefficient and Coefficient is precise, UnitCoefficientIsPrecise bit NULL, -- maybe Unit is an instance of Concept and maybe Unit has Coefficient and Coefficient has Numerator, UnitCoefficientNumerator decimal NULL, -- maybe Unit is an instance of Concept and maybe Unit uses coefficient from Ephemera URL, UnitEphemeraURL varchar NULL, -- maybe Unit is an instance of Concept and Unit is fundamental Boolean, UnitIsFundamental bit NULL, -- maybe Unit is an instance of Concept and Unit is called Name, UnitName varchar(64) NULL, -- maybe Unit is an instance of Concept and maybe Unit has Offset, UnitOffset decimal NULL, -- maybe Unit is an instance of Concept and maybe Unit has plural-Name, UnitPluralName varchar(64) NULL, -- maybe Unit is an instance of Concept and Unit is in Vocabulary and Vocabulary is called Name, UnitVocabularyName varchar(64) NULL, PRIMARY KEY(Guid), FOREIGN KEY (ContextNoteRelevantConceptGuid) REFERENCES Concept (Guid), FOREIGN KEY (InstanceFactConceptGuid) REFERENCES Concept (Guid) ) GO CREATE VIEW dbo.InstanceInConcept_FactConceptGuid (InstanceFactConceptGuid) WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT InstanceFactConceptGuid FROM dbo.Concept WHERE InstanceFactConceptGuid IS NOT NULL GO CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_InstanceInConceptByInstanceFactConceptGuid ON dbo.InstanceInConcept_FactConceptGuid(InstanceFactConceptGuid) GO CREATE VIEW dbo.UnitInConcept_Name (UnitName) WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT UnitName FROM dbo.Concept WHERE UnitName IS NOT NULL GO CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_UnitInConceptByUnitName ON dbo.UnitInConcept_Name(UnitName) GO CREATE VIEW dbo.UnitInConcept_PluralName (UnitPluralName) WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT UnitPluralName FROM dbo.Concept WHERE UnitPluralName IS NOT NULL GO CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_UnitInConceptByUnitPluralName ON dbo.UnitInConcept_PluralName(UnitPluralName) GO CREATE VIEW dbo.UnitInConcept_VocabularyNameName (UnitVocabularyName, UnitName) WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT UnitVocabularyName, UnitName FROM dbo.Concept WHERE UnitVocabularyName IS NOT NULL AND UnitName IS NOT NULL GO CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_UnitInConceptByUnitVocabularyNameUnitName ON dbo.UnitInConcept_VocabularyNameName(UnitVocabularyName, UnitName) GO CREATE TABLE ConceptAnnotation ( -- Concept Annotation involves Concept and Concept has Guid, ConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- Concept Annotation involves Annotation, MappingAnnotation varchar NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(ConceptGuid, MappingAnnotation), FOREIGN KEY (ConceptGuid) REFERENCES Concept (Guid) ) GO CREATE TABLE [Constraint] ( -- Constraint is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, ConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- maybe Constraint requires Enforcement and maybe Enforcement notifies Agent and Agent has Agent Name, EnforcementAgentName varchar NULL, -- maybe Constraint requires Enforcement and Enforcement has Enforcement Code, EnforcementCode varchar(16) NULL, -- maybe Constraint is called Name, Name varchar(64) NULL, -- maybe Constraint is a Presence Constraint and Presence Constraint is mandatory Boolean, PresenceConstraintIsMandatory bit NULL, -- maybe Constraint is a Presence Constraint and Presence Constraint is preferred identifier Boolean, PresenceConstraintIsPreferredIdentifier bit NULL, -- maybe Constraint is a Presence Constraint and maybe Presence Constraint has max-Frequency, PresenceConstraintMaxFrequency int NULL CHECK(PresenceConstraintMaxFrequency >= 1), -- maybe Constraint is a Presence Constraint and maybe Presence Constraint has min-Frequency, PresenceConstraintMinFrequency int NULL CHECK(PresenceConstraintMinFrequency >= 2), -- maybe Constraint is a Presence Constraint and Presence Constraint covers Role Sequence and Role Sequence has Guid, PresenceConstraintRoleSequenceGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, -- maybe Constraint is a Ring Constraint and maybe Ring Constraint has other-Role and Role belongs to Fact Type and Fact Type is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, RingConstraintOtherRoleFactTypeConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, -- maybe Constraint is a Ring Constraint and maybe Ring Constraint has other-Role and Role fills Ordinal, RingConstraintOtherRoleOrdinal smallint NULL, -- maybe Constraint is a Ring Constraint and Ring Constraint is of Ring Type, RingConstraintRingType varchar NULL, -- maybe Constraint is a Ring Constraint and maybe Ring Constraint has Role and Role belongs to Fact Type and Fact Type is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, RingConstraintRoleFactTypeConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, -- maybe Constraint is a Ring Constraint and maybe Ring Constraint has Role and Role fills Ordinal, RingConstraintRoleOrdinal smallint NULL, -- maybe Constraint is a Set Constraint and maybe Set Constraint is a Set Comparison Constraint and maybe Set Comparison Constraint is a Set Exclusion Constraint and Set Exclusion Constraint is mandatory Boolean, SetExclusionConstraintIsMandatory bit NULL, -- maybe Constraint is a Set Constraint and maybe Set Constraint is a Subset Constraint and Subset Constraint covers subset-Role Sequence and Role Sequence has Guid, SubsetConstraintSubsetRoleSequenceGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, -- maybe Constraint is a Set Constraint and maybe Set Constraint is a Subset Constraint and Subset Constraint covers superset-Role Sequence and Role Sequence has Guid, SubsetConstraintSupersetRoleSequenceGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, -- maybe Constraint is a Value Constraint and maybe Value Constraint requires matching Regular Expression, ValueConstraintRegularExpression varchar NULL, -- maybe Constraint is a Value Constraint and maybe Value Constraint applies to Role and Role belongs to Fact Type and Fact Type is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, ValueConstraintRoleFactTypeConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, -- maybe Constraint is a Value Constraint and maybe Value Constraint applies to Role and Role fills Ordinal, ValueConstraintRoleOrdinal smallint NULL, -- maybe Constraint belongs to Vocabulary and Vocabulary is called Name, VocabularyName varchar(64) NULL, PRIMARY KEY(ConceptGuid), FOREIGN KEY (ConceptGuid) REFERENCES Concept (Guid) ) GO CREATE VIEW dbo.Constraint_EnforcementAgentNameEnforcementCode (EnforcementAgentName, EnforcementCode) WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT EnforcementAgentName, EnforcementCode FROM dbo.[Constraint] WHERE EnforcementAgentName IS NOT NULL AND EnforcementCode IS NOT NULL GO CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_ConstraintByEnforcementAgentNameEnforcementCode ON dbo.Constraint_EnforcementAgentNameEnforcementCode(EnforcementAgentName, EnforcementCode) GO CREATE VIEW dbo.SubsetConstraintInConstraint_SubsetConstraintSubsetRoleSequenceGuidSubsetConstraintSupersetRoleSequenceGuid (SubsetConstraintSubsetRoleSequenceGuid, SubsetConstraintSupersetRoleSequenceGuid) WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT SubsetConstraintSubsetRoleSequenceGuid, SubsetConstraintSupersetRoleSequenceGuid FROM dbo.[Constraint] WHERE SubsetConstraintSubsetRoleSequenceGuid IS NOT NULL AND SubsetConstraintSupersetRoleSequenceGuid IS NOT NULL GO CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX SetConstraintMustHaveSupertypeConstraint ON dbo.SubsetConstraintInConstraint_SubsetConstraintSubsetRoleSequenceGuidSubsetConstraintSupersetRoleSequenceGuid(SubsetConstraintSubsetRoleSequenceGuid, SubsetConstraintSupersetRoleSequenceGuid) GO CREATE VIEW dbo.ValueConstraintInConstraint_ValueConstraintRoleFactTypeConceptGuidValueConstraintRoleOrdinal (ValueConstraintRoleFactTypeConceptGuid, ValueConstraintRoleOrdinal) WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT ValueConstraintRoleFactTypeConceptGuid, ValueConstraintRoleOrdinal FROM dbo.[Constraint] WHERE ValueConstraintRoleFactTypeConceptGuid IS NOT NULL AND ValueConstraintRoleOrdinal IS NOT NULL GO CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_ValueConstraintInConstraintByValueConstraintRoleFactTypeConceptGuidValueConstraintRoleOrdinal ON dbo.ValueConstraintInConstraint_ValueConstraintRoleFactTypeConceptGuidValueConstraintRoleOrdinal(ValueConstraintRoleFactTypeConceptGuid, ValueConstraintRoleOrdinal) GO CREATE VIEW dbo.Constraint_VocabularyNameName (VocabularyName, Name) WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT VocabularyName, Name FROM dbo.[Constraint] WHERE VocabularyName IS NOT NULL AND Name IS NOT NULL GO CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_ConstraintByVocabularyNameName ON dbo.Constraint_VocabularyNameName(VocabularyName, Name) GO CREATE TABLE ContextAccordingTo ( -- Context According To involves Agent and Agent has Agent Name, AgentName varchar NOT NULL, -- Context According To involves Context Note and Context Note is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, ContextNoteConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- maybe Context According To was lodged on Date, Date datetime NULL, PRIMARY KEY(ContextNoteConceptGuid, AgentName), FOREIGN KEY (ContextNoteConceptGuid) REFERENCES Concept (Guid) ) GO CREATE TABLE ContextAgreedBy ( -- Context Agreed By involves Agent and Agent has Agent Name, AgentName varchar NOT NULL, -- Context Agreed By involves Agreement and Agreement covers Context Note and Context Note is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, AgreementContextNoteConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(AgreementContextNoteConceptGuid, AgentName), FOREIGN KEY (AgreementContextNoteConceptGuid) REFERENCES Concept (Guid) ) GO CREATE TABLE Derivation ( -- Derivation involves Unit and Unit is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, BaseUnitConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- Derivation involves Unit and Unit is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, DerivedUnitConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- maybe Derivation has Exponent, Exponent smallint NULL, PRIMARY KEY(DerivedUnitConceptGuid, BaseUnitConceptGuid), FOREIGN KEY (BaseUnitConceptGuid) REFERENCES Concept (Guid), FOREIGN KEY (DerivedUnitConceptGuid) REFERENCES Concept (Guid) ) GO CREATE TABLE Diagram ( -- Diagram is called Name, Name varchar(64) NOT NULL, -- Diagram is for Vocabulary and Vocabulary is called Name, VocabularyName varchar(64) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(VocabularyName, Name) ) GO CREATE TABLE DiscriminatedRole ( -- Discriminated Role involves Discriminator and Discriminator is a kind of Component and Component has Guid, DiscriminatorGuid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- Discriminated Role involves Role and Role belongs to Fact Type and Fact Type is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, RoleFactTypeConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- Discriminated Role involves Role and Role fills Ordinal, RoleOrdinal smallint NOT NULL, -- Discriminated Role involves Value and Value is literal string, ValueIsLiteralString bit NULL, -- Discriminated Role involves Value and Value is represented by Literal, ValueLiteral varchar NOT NULL, -- Discriminated Role involves Value and maybe Value is in Unit and Unit is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, ValueUnitConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, PRIMARY KEY(DiscriminatorGuid, RoleFactTypeConceptGuid, RoleOrdinal), FOREIGN KEY (DiscriminatorGuid) REFERENCES Component (Guid) ) GO CREATE VIEW dbo.DiscriminatedRole_DiscriminatorGuidValueLiteralValueIsLiteralStringValueUnitConceptGuid (DiscriminatorGuid, ValueLiteral, ValueIsLiteralString, ValueUnitConceptGuid) WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT DiscriminatorGuid, ValueLiteral, ValueIsLiteralString, ValueUnitConceptGuid FROM dbo.DiscriminatedRole WHERE ValueIsLiteralString IS NOT NULL AND ValueUnitConceptGuid IS NOT NULL GO CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_DiscriminatedRoleByDiscriminatorGuidValueLiteralValueIsLiteralStringValueUnitConceptGuid ON dbo.DiscriminatedRole_DiscriminatorGuidValueLiteralValueIsLiteralStringValueUnitConceptGuid(DiscriminatorGuid, ValueLiteral, ValueIsLiteralString, ValueUnitConceptGuid) GO CREATE TABLE FactType ( -- Fact Type is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, ConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- maybe Fact Type is nested as Entity Type and Entity Type is a kind of Domain Object Type and Domain Object Type is a kind of Object Type and Object Type is called Name, EntityTypeName varchar(64) NULL, -- maybe Fact Type is nested as Entity Type and Entity Type is a kind of Domain Object Type and Domain Object Type is a kind of Object Type and Object Type belongs to Vocabulary and Vocabulary is called Name, EntityTypeVocabularyName varchar(64) NULL, -- maybe Fact Type is a Type Inheritance and maybe Type Inheritance uses Assimilation, TypeInheritanceAssimilation varchar NULL CHECK(TypeInheritanceAssimilation = 'absorbed' OR TypeInheritanceAssimilation = 'partitioned' OR TypeInheritanceAssimilation = 'separate'), -- maybe Fact Type is a Type Inheritance and Type Inheritance provides identification Boolean, TypeInheritanceProvidesIdentification bit NULL, -- maybe Fact Type is a Type Inheritance and Type Inheritance involves Entity Type and Entity Type is a kind of Domain Object Type and Domain Object Type is a kind of Object Type and Object Type is called Name, TypeInheritanceSubtypeName varchar(64) NULL, -- maybe Fact Type is a Type Inheritance and Type Inheritance involves Entity Type and Entity Type is a kind of Domain Object Type and Domain Object Type is a kind of Object Type and Object Type belongs to Vocabulary and Vocabulary is called Name, TypeInheritanceSubtypeVocabularyName varchar(64) NULL, -- maybe Fact Type is a Type Inheritance and Type Inheritance involves Entity Type and Entity Type is a kind of Domain Object Type and Domain Object Type is a kind of Object Type and Object Type is called Name, TypeInheritanceSupertypeName varchar(64) NULL, -- maybe Fact Type is a Type Inheritance and Type Inheritance involves Entity Type and Entity Type is a kind of Domain Object Type and Domain Object Type is a kind of Object Type and Object Type belongs to Vocabulary and Vocabulary is called Name, TypeInheritanceSupertypeVocabularyName varchar(64) NULL, PRIMARY KEY(ConceptGuid), FOREIGN KEY (ConceptGuid) REFERENCES Concept (Guid) ) GO CREATE VIEW dbo.FactType_EntityTypeVocabularyNameEntityTypeName (EntityTypeVocabularyName, EntityTypeName) WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT EntityTypeVocabularyName, EntityTypeName FROM dbo.FactType WHERE EntityTypeVocabularyName IS NOT NULL AND EntityTypeName IS NOT NULL GO CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_FactTypeByEntityTypeVocabularyNameEntityTypeName ON dbo.FactType_EntityTypeVocabularyNameEntityTypeName(EntityTypeVocabularyName, EntityTypeName) GO CREATE VIEW dbo.TypeInheritanceInFactType_TypeInheritanceSubtypeVocabularyNameTypeInheritanceSubtypeNameTypeInheritanceProvidesIdentific (TypeInheritanceSubtypeVocabularyName, TypeInheritanceSubtypeName, TypeInheritanceProvidesIdentification) WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT TypeInheritanceSubtypeVocabularyName, TypeInheritanceSubtypeName, TypeInheritanceProvidesIdentification FROM dbo.FactType WHERE TypeInheritanceSubtypeVocabularyName IS NOT NULL AND TypeInheritanceSubtypeName IS NOT NULL AND TypeInheritanceProvidesIdentification IS NOT NULL GO CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_TypeInheritanceInFactTypeByTypeInheritanceSubtypeVocabularyNameTypeInheritanceSubtypeNameTypeInheritanceProvidesIdent ON dbo.TypeInheritanceInFactType_TypeInheritanceSubtypeVocabularyNameTypeInheritanceSubtypeNameTypeInheritanceProvidesIdentific(TypeInheritanceSubtypeVocabularyName, TypeInheritanceSubtypeName, TypeInheritanceProvidesIdentification) GO CREATE VIEW dbo.TypeInheritanceInFactType_TypeInheritanceSubtypeVocabularyNameTypeInheritanceSubtypeNameTypeInheritanceSupertypeVocabula (TypeInheritanceSubtypeVocabularyName, TypeInheritanceSubtypeName, TypeInheritanceSupertypeVocabularyName, TypeInheritanceSupertypeName) WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT TypeInheritanceSubtypeVocabularyName, TypeInheritanceSubtypeName, TypeInheritanceSupertypeVocabularyName, TypeInheritanceSupertypeName FROM dbo.FactType WHERE TypeInheritanceSubtypeVocabularyName IS NOT NULL AND TypeInheritanceSubtypeName IS NOT NULL AND TypeInheritanceSupertypeVocabularyName IS NOT NULL AND TypeInheritanceSupertypeName IS NOT NULL GO CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX TypeInheritanceUQ ON dbo.TypeInheritanceInFactType_TypeInheritanceSubtypeVocabularyNameTypeInheritanceSubtypeNameTypeInheritanceSupertypeVocabula(TypeInheritanceSubtypeVocabularyName, TypeInheritanceSubtypeName, TypeInheritanceSupertypeVocabularyName, TypeInheritanceSupertypeName) GO CREATE TABLE ObjectType ( -- Object Type is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, ConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- Object Type is independent Boolean, IsIndependent bit NULL, -- Object Type is called Name, Name varchar(64) NOT NULL, -- maybe Object Type uses Pronoun, Pronoun varchar(20) NULL CHECK(Pronoun = 'feminine' OR Pronoun = 'masculine' OR Pronoun = 'neuter' OR Pronoun = 'personal'), -- maybe Object Type is a Domain Object Type and maybe Domain Object Type is a Value Type and maybe Value Type has Length, ValueTypeLength int NULL, -- maybe Object Type is a Domain Object Type and maybe Domain Object Type is a Value Type and maybe Value Type has Scale, ValueTypeScale int NULL, -- maybe Object Type is a Domain Object Type and maybe Domain Object Type is a Value Type and maybe Value Type is subtype of super-Value Type and Value Type is a kind of Domain Object Type and Domain Object Type is a kind of Object Type and Object Type is called Name, ValueTypeSupertypeName varchar(64) NULL, -- maybe Object Type is a Domain Object Type and maybe Domain Object Type is a Value Type and maybe Value Type is subtype of super-Value Type and Value Type is a kind of Domain Object Type and Domain Object Type is a kind of Object Type and Object Type belongs to Vocabulary and Vocabulary is called Name, ValueTypeSupertypeVocabularyName varchar(64) NULL, -- maybe Object Type is a Domain Object Type and maybe Domain Object Type is a Value Type and maybe Value Type is auto-assigned at Transaction Phase, ValueTypeTransactionPhase varchar NULL CHECK(ValueTypeTransactionPhase = 'assert' OR ValueTypeTransactionPhase = 'commit'), -- maybe Object Type is a Domain Object Type and maybe Domain Object Type is a Value Type and maybe Value Type is of Unit and Unit is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, ValueTypeUnitConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, -- maybe Object Type is a Domain Object Type and maybe Domain Object Type is a Value Type and maybe Value Type has Value Constraint and Value Constraint is a kind of Constraint and Constraint is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, ValueTypeValueConstraintConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, -- Object Type belongs to Vocabulary and Vocabulary is called Name, VocabularyName varchar(64) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(VocabularyName, Name), UNIQUE(ConceptGuid), FOREIGN KEY (ConceptGuid) REFERENCES Concept (Guid), FOREIGN KEY (ValueTypeUnitConceptGuid) REFERENCES Concept (Guid), FOREIGN KEY (ValueTypeValueConstraintConceptGuid) REFERENCES [Constraint] (ConceptGuid), FOREIGN KEY (ValueTypeSupertypeVocabularyName, ValueTypeSupertypeName) REFERENCES ObjectType (VocabularyName, Name) ) GO CREATE VIEW dbo.ValueTypeInObjectType_ValueTypeLengthValueTypeScaleValueTypeSupertypeVocabularyNameValueTypeTransactionPhaseValueTypeUni (ValueTypeLength, ValueTypeScale, ValueTypeSupertypeVocabularyName, ValueTypeTransactionPhase, ValueTypeUnitConceptGuid, ValueTypeValueConstraintConceptGuid, ValueTypeSupertypeName) WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT ValueTypeLength, ValueTypeScale, ValueTypeSupertypeVocabularyName, ValueTypeTransactionPhase, ValueTypeUnitConceptGuid, ValueTypeValueConstraintConceptGuid, ValueTypeSupertypeName FROM dbo.ObjectType WHERE ValueTypeLength IS NOT NULL AND ValueTypeScale IS NOT NULL AND ValueTypeSupertypeVocabularyName IS NOT NULL AND ValueTypeTransactionPhase IS NOT NULL AND ValueTypeUnitConceptGuid IS NOT NULL AND ValueTypeValueConstraintConceptGuid IS NOT NULL AND ValueTypeSupertypeName IS NOT NULL GO CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX DomainObjectTypeMustHaveSupertypeObjectType ON dbo.ValueTypeInObjectType_ValueTypeLengthValueTypeScaleValueTypeSupertypeVocabularyNameValueTypeTransactionPhaseValueTypeUni(ValueTypeLength, ValueTypeScale, ValueTypeSupertypeVocabularyName, ValueTypeTransactionPhase, ValueTypeUnitConceptGuid, ValueTypeValueConstraintConceptGuid, ValueTypeSupertypeName) GO CREATE VIEW dbo.ValueTypeInObjectType_ValueTypeValueConstraintConceptGuid (ValueTypeValueConstraintConceptGuid) WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT ValueTypeValueConstraintConceptGuid FROM dbo.ObjectType WHERE ValueTypeValueConstraintConceptGuid IS NOT NULL GO CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_ValueTypeInObjectTypeByValueTypeValueConstraintConceptGuid ON dbo.ValueTypeInObjectType_ValueTypeValueConstraintConceptGuid(ValueTypeValueConstraintConceptGuid) GO CREATE TABLE Play ( -- Play is input Boolean, IsInput bit NULL, -- Play involves Role and Role belongs to Fact Type and Fact Type is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, RoleFactTypeConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- Play involves Role and Role fills Ordinal, RoleOrdinal smallint NOT NULL, -- Play involves Step and Step has Guid, StepGuid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- Play involves Variable and Variable has Ordinal position, VariableOrdinal smallint NOT NULL, -- Play involves Variable and Variable is in Query and Query is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, VariableQueryConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(StepGuid, RoleFactTypeConceptGuid, RoleOrdinal) ) GO CREATE TABLE Population ( -- Population is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, ConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- Population has Name, Name varchar(64) NOT NULL, -- maybe Population belongs to Vocabulary and Vocabulary is called Name, VocabularyName varchar(64) NULL, UNIQUE(VocabularyName, Name), UNIQUE(ConceptGuid), FOREIGN KEY (ConceptGuid) REFERENCES Concept (Guid) ) GO CREATE TABLE Reading ( -- Reading is for Fact Type and Fact Type is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, FactTypeConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- Reading is negative Boolean, IsNegative bit NULL, -- Reading is in Ordinal position, Ordinal smallint NOT NULL, -- Reading is in Role Sequence and Role Sequence has Guid, RoleSequenceGuid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- Reading has Text, Text varchar(256) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(FactTypeConceptGuid, Ordinal), FOREIGN KEY (FactTypeConceptGuid) REFERENCES FactType (ConceptGuid) ) GO CREATE TABLE Role ( -- Role is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, ConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- Role belongs to Fact Type and Fact Type is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, FactTypeConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- maybe implying-Role implies Link Fact Type and Link Fact Type is a kind of Fact Type and Fact Type is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, LinkFactTypeConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, -- Role is played by Object Type and Object Type is called Name, ObjectTypeName varchar(64) NOT NULL, -- Role is played by Object Type and Object Type belongs to Vocabulary and Vocabulary is called Name, ObjectTypeVocabularyName varchar(64) NOT NULL, -- Role fills Ordinal, Ordinal smallint NOT NULL, -- maybe Role has role-Name, RoleName varchar(64) NULL, PRIMARY KEY(FactTypeConceptGuid, Ordinal), UNIQUE(ConceptGuid), FOREIGN KEY (ConceptGuid) REFERENCES Concept (Guid), FOREIGN KEY (LinkFactTypeConceptGuid) REFERENCES FactType (ConceptGuid), FOREIGN KEY (FactTypeConceptGuid) REFERENCES FactType (ConceptGuid), FOREIGN KEY (ObjectTypeVocabularyName, ObjectTypeName) REFERENCES ObjectType (VocabularyName, Name) ) GO CREATE VIEW dbo.Role_LinkFactTypeConceptGuid (LinkFactTypeConceptGuid) WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT LinkFactTypeConceptGuid FROM dbo.Role WHERE LinkFactTypeConceptGuid IS NOT NULL GO CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_RoleByLinkFactTypeConceptGuid ON dbo.Role_LinkFactTypeConceptGuid(LinkFactTypeConceptGuid) GO CREATE TABLE RoleDisplay ( -- Role Display involves Fact Type Shape and Fact Type Shape is a kind of Shape and Shape has Guid, FactTypeShapeGuid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- Role Display involves Ordinal, Ordinal smallint NOT NULL, -- Role Display involves Role and Role belongs to Fact Type and Fact Type is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, RoleFactTypeConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- Role Display involves Role and Role fills Ordinal, RoleOrdinal smallint NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(FactTypeShapeGuid, Ordinal), FOREIGN KEY (RoleFactTypeConceptGuid, RoleOrdinal) REFERENCES Role (FactTypeConceptGuid, Ordinal) ) GO CREATE TABLE RoleRef ( -- maybe Role Ref has leading-Adjective, LeadingAdjective varchar(64) NULL, -- Role Ref involves Ordinal, Ordinal smallint NOT NULL, -- maybe Role Ref is projected from Play and Play involves Role and Role belongs to Fact Type and Fact Type is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, PlayRoleFactTypeConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, -- maybe Role Ref is projected from Play and Play involves Role and Role fills Ordinal, PlayRoleOrdinal smallint NULL, -- maybe Role Ref is projected from Play and Play involves Step and Step has Guid, PlayStepGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, -- Role Ref involves Role and Role belongs to Fact Type and Fact Type is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, RoleFactTypeConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- Role Ref involves Role and Role fills Ordinal, RoleOrdinal smallint NOT NULL, -- Role Ref involves Role Sequence and Role Sequence has Guid, RoleSequenceGuid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- maybe Role Ref has trailing-Adjective, TrailingAdjective varchar(64) NULL, PRIMARY KEY(RoleSequenceGuid, Ordinal), UNIQUE(RoleFactTypeConceptGuid, RoleOrdinal, RoleSequenceGuid), FOREIGN KEY (PlayStepGuid, PlayRoleFactTypeConceptGuid, PlayRoleOrdinal) REFERENCES Play (StepGuid, RoleFactTypeConceptGuid, RoleOrdinal), FOREIGN KEY (RoleFactTypeConceptGuid, RoleOrdinal) REFERENCES Role (FactTypeConceptGuid, Ordinal) ) GO CREATE VIEW dbo.RoleRef_PlayStepGuidPlayRoleFactTypeConceptGuidPlayRoleOrdinal (PlayStepGuid, PlayRoleFactTypeConceptGuid, PlayRoleOrdinal) WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT PlayStepGuid, PlayRoleFactTypeConceptGuid, PlayRoleOrdinal FROM dbo.RoleRef WHERE PlayStepGuid IS NOT NULL AND PlayRoleFactTypeConceptGuid IS NOT NULL AND PlayRoleOrdinal IS NOT NULL GO CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_RoleRefByPlayStepGuidPlayRoleFactTypeConceptGuidPlayRoleOrdinal ON dbo.RoleRef_PlayStepGuidPlayRoleFactTypeConceptGuidPlayRoleOrdinal(PlayStepGuid, PlayRoleFactTypeConceptGuid, PlayRoleOrdinal) GO CREATE TABLE RoleSequence ( -- Role Sequence has Guid, Guid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- Role Sequence has unused dependency to force table in norma Boolean, HasUnusedDependencyToForceTableInNorma bit NULL, PRIMARY KEY(Guid) ) GO CREATE TABLE RoleValue ( -- Role Value fulfils Fact and Fact is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, FactConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- Role Value is of Instance and Instance is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, InstanceConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- Role Value belongs to Population and Population has Name, PopulationName varchar(64) NOT NULL, -- Role Value belongs to Population and maybe Population belongs to Vocabulary and Vocabulary is called Name, PopulationVocabularyName varchar(64) NULL, -- Role Value is of Role and Role belongs to Fact Type and Fact Type is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, RoleFactTypeConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- Role Value is of Role and Role fills Ordinal, RoleOrdinal smallint NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(FactConceptGuid, RoleFactTypeConceptGuid, RoleOrdinal), FOREIGN KEY (FactConceptGuid) REFERENCES Concept (Guid), FOREIGN KEY (InstanceConceptGuid) REFERENCES Concept (Guid), FOREIGN KEY (PopulationVocabularyName, PopulationName) REFERENCES Population (VocabularyName, Name), FOREIGN KEY (RoleFactTypeConceptGuid, RoleOrdinal) REFERENCES Role (FactTypeConceptGuid, Ordinal) ) GO CREATE TABLE SetComparisonRoles ( -- Set Comparison Roles involves Ordinal, Ordinal smallint NOT NULL, -- Set Comparison Roles involves Role Sequence and Role Sequence has Guid, RoleSequenceGuid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- Set Comparison Roles involves Set Comparison Constraint and Set Comparison Constraint is a kind of Set Constraint and Set Constraint is a kind of Constraint and Constraint is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, SetComparisonConstraintConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(SetComparisonConstraintConceptGuid, Ordinal), UNIQUE(SetComparisonConstraintConceptGuid, RoleSequenceGuid), FOREIGN KEY (SetComparisonConstraintConceptGuid) REFERENCES [Constraint] (ConceptGuid), FOREIGN KEY (RoleSequenceGuid) REFERENCES RoleSequence (Guid) ) GO CREATE TABLE Shape ( -- maybe Shape is a Constraint Shape and Constraint Shape is for Constraint and Constraint is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, ConstraintShapeConstraintConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, -- maybe Shape is a Fact Type Shape and maybe Fact Type Shape has Display Role Names Setting, FactTypeShapeDisplayRoleNamesSetting varchar NULL CHECK(FactTypeShapeDisplayRoleNamesSetting = 'false' OR FactTypeShapeDisplayRoleNamesSetting = 'true'), -- maybe Shape is a Fact Type Shape and Fact Type Shape is for Fact Type and Fact Type is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, FactTypeShapeFactTypeConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, -- maybe Shape is a Fact Type Shape and maybe Fact Type Shape has Rotation Setting, FactTypeShapeRotationSetting varchar NULL CHECK(FactTypeShapeRotationSetting = 'left' OR FactTypeShapeRotationSetting = 'right'), -- Shape has Guid, Guid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- Shape is expanded Boolean, IsExpanded bit NULL, -- maybe Shape is at Location and Location is at X, LocationX int NULL, -- maybe Shape is at Location and Location is at Y, LocationY int NULL, -- maybe Shape is a Model Note Shape and Model Note Shape is for Context Note and Context Note is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, ModelNoteShapeContextNoteConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, -- Shape is in ORM Diagram and ORM Diagram is a kind of Diagram and Diagram is called Name, ORMDiagramName varchar(64) NOT NULL, -- Shape is in ORM Diagram and ORM Diagram is a kind of Diagram and Diagram is for Vocabulary and Vocabulary is called Name, ORMDiagramVocabularyName varchar(64) NOT NULL, -- maybe Shape is an Object Type Shape and Object Type Shape has expanded reference mode Boolean, ObjectTypeShapeHasExpandedReferenceMode bit NULL, -- maybe Shape is an Object Type Shape and Object Type Shape is for Object Type and Object Type is called Name, ObjectTypeShapeObjectTypeName varchar(64) NULL, -- maybe Shape is an Object Type Shape and Object Type Shape is for Object Type and Object Type belongs to Vocabulary and Vocabulary is called Name, ObjectTypeShapeObjectTypeVocabularyName varchar(64) NULL, -- maybe Shape is an Objectified Fact Type Name Shape and Objectified Fact Type Name Shape is for Fact Type Shape and Fact Type Shape is a kind of Shape and Shape has Guid, ObjectifiedFactTypeNameShapeFactTypeShapeGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, -- maybe Shape is a Reading Shape and Reading Shape is for Fact Type Shape and Fact Type Shape is a kind of Shape and Shape has Guid, ReadingShapeFactTypeShapeGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, -- maybe Shape is a Reading Shape and Reading Shape is for Reading and Reading is for Fact Type and Fact Type is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, ReadingShapeReadingFactTypeConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, -- maybe Shape is a Reading Shape and Reading Shape is for Reading and Reading is in Ordinal position, ReadingShapeReadingOrdinal smallint NULL, -- maybe Shape is a Constraint Shape and maybe Constraint Shape is a Ring Constraint Shape and Ring Constraint Shape is attached to Fact Type Shape and Fact Type Shape is a kind of Shape and Shape has Guid, RingConstraintShapeFactTypeShapeGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, -- maybe Shape is a Role Name Shape and Role Name Shape is for Role Display and Role Display involves Fact Type Shape and Fact Type Shape is a kind of Shape and Shape has Guid, RoleNameShapeRoleDisplayFactTypeShapeGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, -- maybe Shape is a Role Name Shape and Role Name Shape is for Role Display and Role Display involves Ordinal, RoleNameShapeRoleDisplayOrdinal smallint NULL, -- maybe Shape is a Constraint Shape and maybe Constraint Shape is a Value Constraint Shape and maybe Value Constraint Shape is for Object Type Shape and Object Type Shape is a kind of Shape and Shape has Guid, ValueConstraintShapeObjectTypeShapeGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, -- maybe Shape is a Constraint Shape and maybe Constraint Shape is a Value Constraint Shape and maybe Value Constraint Shape is for Role Display and Role Display involves Fact Type Shape and Fact Type Shape is a kind of Shape and Shape has Guid, ValueConstraintShapeRoleDisplayFactTypeShapeGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, -- maybe Shape is a Constraint Shape and maybe Constraint Shape is a Value Constraint Shape and maybe Value Constraint Shape is for Role Display and Role Display involves Ordinal, ValueConstraintShapeRoleDisplayOrdinal smallint NULL, PRIMARY KEY(Guid), FOREIGN KEY (ModelNoteShapeContextNoteConceptGuid) REFERENCES Concept (Guid), FOREIGN KEY (ConstraintShapeConstraintConceptGuid) REFERENCES [Constraint] (ConceptGuid), FOREIGN KEY (ORMDiagramVocabularyName, ORMDiagramName) REFERENCES Diagram (VocabularyName, Name), FOREIGN KEY (FactTypeShapeFactTypeConceptGuid) REFERENCES FactType (ConceptGuid), FOREIGN KEY (ObjectTypeShapeObjectTypeVocabularyName, ObjectTypeShapeObjectTypeName) REFERENCES ObjectType (VocabularyName, Name), FOREIGN KEY (ReadingShapeReadingFactTypeConceptGuid, ReadingShapeReadingOrdinal) REFERENCES Reading (FactTypeConceptGuid, Ordinal), FOREIGN KEY (ValueConstraintShapeRoleDisplayFactTypeShapeGuid, ValueConstraintShapeRoleDisplayOrdinal) REFERENCES RoleDisplay (FactTypeShapeGuid, Ordinal), FOREIGN KEY (RoleNameShapeRoleDisplayFactTypeShapeGuid, RoleNameShapeRoleDisplayOrdinal) REFERENCES RoleDisplay (FactTypeShapeGuid, Ordinal), FOREIGN KEY (RingConstraintShapeFactTypeShapeGuid) REFERENCES Shape (Guid), FOREIGN KEY (ValueConstraintShapeObjectTypeShapeGuid) REFERENCES Shape (Guid), FOREIGN KEY (ObjectifiedFactTypeNameShapeFactTypeShapeGuid) REFERENCES Shape (Guid), FOREIGN KEY (ReadingShapeFactTypeShapeGuid) REFERENCES Shape (Guid) ) GO CREATE VIEW dbo.Shape_ORMDiagramVocabularyNameORMDiagramNameLocationXLocationY (ORMDiagramVocabularyName, ORMDiagramName, LocationX, LocationY) WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT ORMDiagramVocabularyName, ORMDiagramName, LocationX, LocationY FROM dbo.Shape WHERE LocationX IS NOT NULL AND LocationY IS NOT NULL GO CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_ShapeByORMDiagramVocabularyNameORMDiagramNameLocationXLocationY ON dbo.Shape_ORMDiagramVocabularyNameORMDiagramNameLocationXLocationY(ORMDiagramVocabularyName, ORMDiagramName, LocationX, LocationY) GO CREATE VIEW dbo.ObjectifiedFactTypeNameShapeInShape_ObjectifiedFactTypeNameShapeFactTypeShapeGuid (ObjectifiedFactTypeNameShapeFactTypeShapeGuid) WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT ObjectifiedFactTypeNameShapeFactTypeShapeGuid FROM dbo.Shape WHERE ObjectifiedFactTypeNameShapeFactTypeShapeGuid IS NOT NULL GO CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_ObjectifiedFactTypeNameShapeInShapeByObjectifiedFactTypeNameShapeFactTypeShapeGuid ON dbo.ObjectifiedFactTypeNameShapeInShape_ObjectifiedFactTypeNameShapeFactTypeShapeGuid(ObjectifiedFactTypeNameShapeFactTypeShapeGuid) GO CREATE VIEW dbo.ReadingShapeInShape_ReadingShapeFactTypeShapeGuid (ReadingShapeFactTypeShapeGuid) WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT ReadingShapeFactTypeShapeGuid FROM dbo.Shape WHERE ReadingShapeFactTypeShapeGuid IS NOT NULL GO CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_ReadingShapeInShapeByReadingShapeFactTypeShapeGuid ON dbo.ReadingShapeInShape_ReadingShapeFactTypeShapeGuid(ReadingShapeFactTypeShapeGuid) GO CREATE VIEW dbo.RoleNameShapeInShape_RoleNameShapeRoleDisplayFactTypeShapeGuidRoleNameShapeRoleDisplayOrdinal (RoleNameShapeRoleDisplayFactTypeShapeGuid, RoleNameShapeRoleDisplayOrdinal) WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT RoleNameShapeRoleDisplayFactTypeShapeGuid, RoleNameShapeRoleDisplayOrdinal FROM dbo.Shape WHERE RoleNameShapeRoleDisplayFactTypeShapeGuid IS NOT NULL AND RoleNameShapeRoleDisplayOrdinal IS NOT NULL GO CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_RoleNameShapeInShapeByRoleNameShapeRoleDisplayFactTypeShapeGuidRoleNameShapeRoleDisplayOrdinal ON dbo.RoleNameShapeInShape_RoleNameShapeRoleDisplayFactTypeShapeGuidRoleNameShapeRoleDisplayOrdinal(RoleNameShapeRoleDisplayFactTypeShapeGuid, RoleNameShapeRoleDisplayOrdinal) GO CREATE VIEW dbo.ValueConstraintShapeInShape_ValueConstraintShapeRoleDisplayFactTypeShapeGuidValueConstraintShapeRoleDisplayOrdinal (ValueConstraintShapeRoleDisplayFactTypeShapeGuid, ValueConstraintShapeRoleDisplayOrdinal) WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT ValueConstraintShapeRoleDisplayFactTypeShapeGuid, ValueConstraintShapeRoleDisplayOrdinal FROM dbo.Shape WHERE ValueConstraintShapeRoleDisplayFactTypeShapeGuid IS NOT NULL AND ValueConstraintShapeRoleDisplayOrdinal IS NOT NULL GO CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_ValueConstraintShapeInShapeByValueConstraintShapeRoleDisplayFactTypeShapeGuidValueConstraintShapeRoleDisplayOrdinal ON dbo.ValueConstraintShapeInShape_ValueConstraintShapeRoleDisplayFactTypeShapeGuidValueConstraintShapeRoleDisplayOrdinal(ValueConstraintShapeRoleDisplayFactTypeShapeGuid, ValueConstraintShapeRoleDisplayOrdinal) GO CREATE TABLE Step ( -- maybe Step falls under Alternative Set and Alternative Set has Guid, AlternativeSetGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, -- Step specifies Fact Type and Fact Type is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, FactTypeConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- Step has Guid, Guid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- Step is disallowed Boolean, IsDisallowed bit NULL, -- Step is optional Boolean, IsOptional bit NULL, PRIMARY KEY(Guid), FOREIGN KEY (AlternativeSetGuid) REFERENCES AlternativeSet (Guid), FOREIGN KEY (FactTypeConceptGuid) REFERENCES FactType (ConceptGuid) ) GO CREATE TABLE Value ( -- Value is literal string, IsLiteralString bit NULL, -- Value is represented by Literal, Literal varchar NOT NULL, -- maybe Value is in Unit and Unit is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, UnitConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, -- Value is of Value Type and Value Type is a kind of Domain Object Type and Domain Object Type is a kind of Object Type and Object Type is called Name, ValueTypeName varchar(64) NOT NULL, -- Value is of Value Type and Value Type is a kind of Domain Object Type and Domain Object Type is a kind of Object Type and Object Type belongs to Vocabulary and Vocabulary is called Name, ValueTypeVocabularyName varchar(64) NOT NULL, UNIQUE(Literal, IsLiteralString, UnitConceptGuid), FOREIGN KEY (UnitConceptGuid) REFERENCES Concept (Guid), FOREIGN KEY (ValueTypeVocabularyName, ValueTypeName) REFERENCES ObjectType (VocabularyName, Name) ) GO CREATE TABLE ValueTypeParameter ( -- Value Type Parameter requires value of facet-Value Type and Value Type is a kind of Domain Object Type and Domain Object Type is a kind of Object Type and Object Type is called Name, FacetValueTypeName varchar(64) NOT NULL, -- Value Type Parameter requires value of facet-Value Type and Value Type is a kind of Domain Object Type and Domain Object Type is a kind of Object Type and Object Type belongs to Vocabulary and Vocabulary is called Name, FacetValueTypeVocabularyName varchar(64) NOT NULL, -- Value Type Parameter involves Name, Name varchar(64) NOT NULL, -- Value Type Parameter involves Value Type and Value Type is a kind of Domain Object Type and Domain Object Type is a kind of Object Type and Object Type is called Name, ValueTypeName varchar(64) NOT NULL, -- Value Type Parameter involves Value Type and Value Type is a kind of Domain Object Type and Domain Object Type is a kind of Object Type and Object Type belongs to Vocabulary and Vocabulary is called Name, ValueTypeVocabularyName varchar(64) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(ValueTypeVocabularyName, ValueTypeName, Name), FOREIGN KEY (FacetValueTypeVocabularyName, FacetValueTypeName) REFERENCES ObjectType (VocabularyName, Name), FOREIGN KEY (ValueTypeVocabularyName, ValueTypeName) REFERENCES ObjectType (VocabularyName, Name) ) GO CREATE TABLE ValueTypeParameterRestriction ( -- Value Type Parameter Restriction has Value and Value is literal string, ValueIsLiteralString bit NULL, -- Value Type Parameter Restriction has Value and Value is represented by Literal, ValueLiteral varchar NOT NULL, -- Value Type Parameter Restriction involves Value Type and Value Type is a kind of Domain Object Type and Domain Object Type is a kind of Object Type and Object Type is called Name, ValueTypeName varchar(64) NOT NULL, -- Value Type Parameter Restriction involves Value Type Parameter and Value Type Parameter involves Name, ValueTypeParameterName varchar(64) NOT NULL, -- Value Type Parameter Restriction involves Value Type Parameter and Value Type Parameter involves Value Type and Value Type is a kind of Domain Object Type and Domain Object Type is a kind of Object Type and Object Type is called Name, ValueTypeParameterValueTypeName varchar(64) NOT NULL, -- Value Type Parameter Restriction involves Value Type Parameter and Value Type Parameter involves Value Type and Value Type is a kind of Domain Object Type and Domain Object Type is a kind of Object Type and Object Type belongs to Vocabulary and Vocabulary is called Name, ValueTypeParameterValueTypeVocabularyName varchar(64) NOT NULL, -- Value Type Parameter Restriction involves Value Type and Value Type is a kind of Domain Object Type and Domain Object Type is a kind of Object Type and Object Type belongs to Vocabulary and Vocabulary is called Name, ValueTypeVocabularyName varchar(64) NOT NULL, -- Value Type Parameter Restriction has Value and maybe Value is in Unit and Unit is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, ValueUnitConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, PRIMARY KEY(ValueTypeVocabularyName, ValueTypeName, ValueTypeParameterValueTypeVocabularyName, ValueTypeParameterValueTypeName, ValueTypeParameterName), FOREIGN KEY (ValueTypeVocabularyName, ValueTypeName) REFERENCES ObjectType (VocabularyName, Name), FOREIGN KEY (ValueLiteral, ValueIsLiteralString, ValueUnitConceptGuid) REFERENCES Value (Literal, IsLiteralString, UnitConceptGuid), FOREIGN KEY (ValueTypeParameterValueTypeVocabularyName, ValueTypeParameterValueTypeName, ValueTypeParameterName) REFERENCES ValueTypeParameter (ValueTypeVocabularyName, ValueTypeName, Name) ) GO CREATE TABLE Variable ( -- Variable is for Object Type and Object Type is called Name, ObjectTypeName varchar(64) NOT NULL, -- Variable is for Object Type and Object Type belongs to Vocabulary and Vocabulary is called Name, ObjectTypeVocabularyName varchar(64) NOT NULL, -- Variable has Ordinal position, Ordinal smallint NOT NULL, -- maybe Variable projects Role and Role belongs to Fact Type and Fact Type is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, ProjectionFactTypeConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, -- maybe Variable projects Role and Role fills Ordinal, ProjectionOrdinal smallint NULL, -- Variable is in Query and Query is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, QueryConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, -- maybe Variable has role-Name, RoleName varchar(64) NULL, -- maybe Variable matches nesting over Step and Step has Guid, StepGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, -- maybe Variable has Subscript, Subscript smallint NULL, -- maybe Variable is bound to Value and Value is literal string, ValueIsLiteralString bit NULL, -- maybe Variable is bound to Value and Value is represented by Literal, ValueLiteral varchar NULL, -- maybe Variable is bound to Value and maybe Value is in Unit and Unit is an instance of Concept and Concept has Guid, ValueUnitConceptGuid uniqueidentifier NULL, PRIMARY KEY(QueryConceptGuid, Ordinal), FOREIGN KEY (QueryConceptGuid) REFERENCES Concept (Guid), FOREIGN KEY (ObjectTypeVocabularyName, ObjectTypeName) REFERENCES ObjectType (VocabularyName, Name), FOREIGN KEY (ProjectionFactTypeConceptGuid, ProjectionOrdinal) REFERENCES Role (FactTypeConceptGuid, Ordinal), FOREIGN KEY (StepGuid) REFERENCES Step (Guid), FOREIGN KEY (ValueLiteral, ValueIsLiteralString, ValueUnitConceptGuid) REFERENCES Value (Literal, IsLiteralString, UnitConceptGuid) ) GO CREATE VIEW dbo.Variable_ProjectionFactTypeConceptGuidProjectionOrdinal (ProjectionFactTypeConceptGuid, ProjectionOrdinal) WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT ProjectionFactTypeConceptGuid, ProjectionOrdinal FROM dbo.Variable WHERE ProjectionFactTypeConceptGuid IS NOT NULL AND ProjectionOrdinal IS NOT NULL GO CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_VariableByProjectionFactTypeConceptGuidProjectionOrdinal ON dbo.Variable_ProjectionFactTypeConceptGuidProjectionOrdinal(ProjectionFactTypeConceptGuid, ProjectionOrdinal) GO CREATE VIEW dbo.Variable_StepGuid (StepGuid) WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT StepGuid FROM dbo.Variable WHERE StepGuid IS NOT NULL GO CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_VariableByStepGuid ON dbo.Variable_StepGuid(StepGuid) GO ALTER TABLE Aggregation ADD FOREIGN KEY (AggregatedVariableQueryConceptGuid, AggregatedVariableOrdinal) REFERENCES Variable (QueryConceptGuid, Ordinal) GO ALTER TABLE Aggregation ADD FOREIGN KEY (VariableQueryConceptGuid, VariableOrdinal) REFERENCES Variable (QueryConceptGuid, Ordinal) GO ALTER TABLE AllowedRange ADD FOREIGN KEY (ValueConstraintConceptGuid) REFERENCES [Constraint] (ConceptGuid) GO ALTER TABLE AllowedRange ADD FOREIGN KEY (ValueRangeMaximumBoundValueLiteral, ValueRangeMaximumBoundValueIsLiteralString, ValueRangeMaximumBoundValueUnitConceptGuid) REFERENCES Value (Literal, IsLiteralString, UnitConceptGuid) GO ALTER TABLE AllowedRange ADD FOREIGN KEY (ValueRangeMinimumBoundValueLiteral, ValueRangeMinimumBoundValueIsLiteralString, ValueRangeMinimumBoundValueUnitConceptGuid) REFERENCES Value (Literal, IsLiteralString, UnitConceptGuid) GO ALTER TABLE Component ADD FOREIGN KEY (MappingCompositionGuid) REFERENCES Composition (Guid) GO ALTER TABLE Component ADD FOREIGN KEY (MappingObjectTypeVocabularyName, MappingObjectTypeName) REFERENCES ObjectType (VocabularyName, Name) GO ALTER TABLE Component ADD FOREIGN KEY (AbsorptionChildRoleFactTypeConceptGuid, AbsorptionChildRoleOrdinal) REFERENCES Role (FactTypeConceptGuid, Ordinal) GO ALTER TABLE Component ADD FOREIGN KEY (AbsorptionIndexRoleFactTypeConceptGuid, AbsorptionIndexRoleOrdinal) REFERENCES Role (FactTypeConceptGuid, Ordinal) GO ALTER TABLE Component ADD FOREIGN KEY (AbsorptionParentRoleFactTypeConceptGuid, AbsorptionParentRoleOrdinal) REFERENCES Role (FactTypeConceptGuid, Ordinal) GO ALTER TABLE Component ADD FOREIGN KEY (IndicatorRoleFactTypeConceptGuid, IndicatorRoleOrdinal) REFERENCES Role (FactTypeConceptGuid, Ordinal) GO ALTER TABLE Concept ADD FOREIGN KEY (FactTypeConceptGuid) REFERENCES FactType (ConceptGuid) GO ALTER TABLE Concept ADD FOREIGN KEY (InstanceObjectTypeVocabularyName, InstanceObjectTypeName) REFERENCES ObjectType (VocabularyName, Name) GO ALTER TABLE Concept ADD FOREIGN KEY (FactPopulationVocabularyName, FactPopulationName) REFERENCES Population (VocabularyName, Name) GO ALTER TABLE Concept ADD FOREIGN KEY (InstancePopulationVocabularyName, InstancePopulationName) REFERENCES Population (VocabularyName, Name) GO ALTER TABLE Concept ADD FOREIGN KEY (InstanceValueLiteral, InstanceValueIsLiteralString, InstanceValueUnitConceptGuid) REFERENCES Value (Literal, IsLiteralString, UnitConceptGuid) GO ALTER TABLE [Constraint] ADD FOREIGN KEY (RingConstraintOtherRoleFactTypeConceptGuid, RingConstraintOtherRoleOrdinal) REFERENCES Role (FactTypeConceptGuid, Ordinal) GO ALTER TABLE [Constraint] ADD FOREIGN KEY (RingConstraintRoleFactTypeConceptGuid, RingConstraintRoleOrdinal) REFERENCES Role (FactTypeConceptGuid, Ordinal) GO ALTER TABLE [Constraint] ADD FOREIGN KEY (ValueConstraintRoleFactTypeConceptGuid, ValueConstraintRoleOrdinal) REFERENCES Role (FactTypeConceptGuid, Ordinal) GO ALTER TABLE [Constraint] ADD FOREIGN KEY (PresenceConstraintRoleSequenceGuid) REFERENCES RoleSequence (Guid) GO ALTER TABLE [Constraint] ADD FOREIGN KEY (SubsetConstraintSubsetRoleSequenceGuid) REFERENCES RoleSequence (Guid) GO ALTER TABLE [Constraint] ADD FOREIGN KEY (SubsetConstraintSupersetRoleSequenceGuid) REFERENCES RoleSequence (Guid) GO ALTER TABLE DiscriminatedRole ADD FOREIGN KEY (RoleFactTypeConceptGuid, RoleOrdinal) REFERENCES Role (FactTypeConceptGuid, Ordinal) GO ALTER TABLE DiscriminatedRole ADD FOREIGN KEY (ValueLiteral, ValueIsLiteralString, ValueUnitConceptGuid) REFERENCES Value (Literal, IsLiteralString, UnitConceptGuid) GO ALTER TABLE FactType ADD FOREIGN KEY (EntityTypeVocabularyName, EntityTypeName) REFERENCES ObjectType (VocabularyName, Name) GO ALTER TABLE FactType ADD FOREIGN KEY (TypeInheritanceSubtypeVocabularyName, TypeInheritanceSubtypeName) REFERENCES ObjectType (VocabularyName, Name) GO ALTER TABLE FactType ADD FOREIGN KEY (TypeInheritanceSupertypeVocabularyName, TypeInheritanceSupertypeName) REFERENCES ObjectType (VocabularyName, Name) GO ALTER TABLE Play ADD FOREIGN KEY (RoleFactTypeConceptGuid, RoleOrdinal) REFERENCES Role (FactTypeConceptGuid, Ordinal) GO ALTER TABLE Play ADD FOREIGN KEY (StepGuid) REFERENCES Step (Guid) GO ALTER TABLE Play ADD FOREIGN KEY (VariableQueryConceptGuid, VariableOrdinal) REFERENCES Variable (QueryConceptGuid, Ordinal) GO ALTER TABLE Reading ADD FOREIGN KEY (RoleSequenceGuid) REFERENCES RoleSequence (Guid) GO ALTER TABLE RoleDisplay ADD FOREIGN KEY (FactTypeShapeGuid) REFERENCES Shape (Guid) GO ALTER TABLE RoleRef ADD FOREIGN KEY (RoleSequenceGuid) REFERENCES RoleSequence (Guid) GO