require 'symath/operator' module SyMath class Sum < Operator def self.compose_with_simplify(a, b) a = a.to_m b = b.to_m # Adding a value to an equation adds it to both sides, preserving # the balance of the equation if b.is_a?(SyMath::Equation) return eq(a + b.args[0], a + b.args[1]) end if a.is_finite?() == false or b.is_finite?() == false return self.simplify_inf(a, b) end return a if b == 0 return b if a == 0 sc = 1 sf = [] oc = 1 of = [] a.factors.each do |f| if f == -1 sc *= -1 elsif f.is_number? sc *= f.value else sf.push f end end b.factors.each do |f| if f == -1 oc *= -1 elsif f.is_number? oc *= f.value else of.push f end end sc += oc if sf == of if sc == 0 return 0.to_m end if sc != 1 sf.unshift sc.to_m end return sf.empty? ? 1.to_m : sf.inject(:*) end return, b) end def self.simplify_inf(a, b) # Indefinite terms if a.is_finite?.nil? or b.is_finite?.nil? return a.add(b) end # NaN add to NaN if a.is_nan? or b.is_nan? return :nan.to_m end if SyMath.setting(:complex_arithmetic) # +- oo +- oo = NaN if (a.is_finite? == false and b.is_finite? == false) return :nan.to_m end # oo + n = n + oo = NaN if (a.is_finite? == false or b.is_finite? == false) return :oo.to_m end else # oo - oo = -oo + oo = NaN if (a.is_finite? == false and b.is_finite? == false) if (a.is_positive? and b.is_negative?) or (a.is_negative? and b.is_positive?) return :nan.to_m end end # oo + n = n + oo = oo + oo = oo if a.is_finite? == false return a end # n - oo = - oo + n = -oo - oo = -oo if b.is_finite? == false return b end end # :nocov: raise 'Internal error' # :nocov: end def initialize(arg1, arg2) super('+', [arg1, arg2]) end def term1() return @args[0] end def term2() return @args[1] end def is_commutative?() return true end def is_associative?() return true end def is_sum_exp?() return true end # Return all terms in the sum def terms() return do |s| term1.terms.each { |s1| s << s1 } term2.terms.each { |s2| s << s2 } end end def evaluate if term1.type.is_matrix? return term1.matrix_add(term2) end return super end def type() return term1.type.sum(term2.type) end def to_s() if SyMath.setting(:expl_parentheses) return '('.to_s + term1.to_s + ' + ' + term2.to_s + ')'.to_s else if term2.is_a?(SyMath::Minus) return term1.to_s + " " + term2.to_s else return term1.to_s + " + " + term2.to_s end end end def to_latex() if term2.is_a?(SyMath::Minus) return term1.to_latex + ' ' + term2.to_latex else return term1.to_latex + ' + ' + term2.to_latex end end end end