# Rhodes Application User Interface
## View Layouts
Rhodes supports a layout mechanism based on ERB templates. The default layout template is called "layout.erb" and is located in the application root folder. Unless overridden, this layout is rendered on all non-Ajax requests.
You may use layout.erb to load CSS and favorite [JavaScript frameworks](#javascript-frameworks) and libraries. Generated layout.erb loads rhomobile [CSS framework](#css-framework) and modified JQTouch library.
<% is_bb6 = System::get_property('platform') == 'Blackberry' &&
(System::get_property('os_version') =~ /^6\.0/) %>
<% if System::get_property('platform') == 'APPLE' ||
System::get_property('platform') == 'ANDROID' || is_bb6 %>
<% if System::get_property('platform') == 'APPLE' %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% if System::get_property('platform') == 'APPLE' %>
<% elsif System::get_property('platform') == 'ANDROID' %>
<% elsif is_bb6 %>
<% elsif System::get_property('platform') == 'Blackberry' %>
<% else %>
<% end %>
<%= @content %>
### Customizing Layouts
If you would like to override or customize layout behavior, you can call the render function with the following parameters:
render :action => 'index',
:layout => 'mycustomlayout', :use_layout_on_ajax => false
The first argument is the action you would like to render. Next is the (optional) layout name, which assumes the application root as a base directory. In the above example, Rhodes would look for a file called "mycustomlayout.erb" in the application root directory (you also may use :layout => false to disable the use of a layout template). The use_layout_on_ajax argument tells Rhodes whether or not to use the layout on Ajax calls (default is false).
You can call the layout method on the controller to overwrite the default layout name:
layout :mycustomlayout
This will force the render call to use mycustomlayout.erb in place of the default layout file for all actions of this controller.
## CSS Framework
Rhodes 2.0+ includes an improved [CSS Framework](css-framework) which takes advantage of powerful Webkit features on supporting platforms, while providing a clean, intuitive codebase across all platforms.
## JavaScript frameworks
To implement advanced UI for your Rhodes View you may consider using such JavaScript UI frameworks as [Sencha](http://www.sencha.com/), [Jquery Mobile](http://jquerymobile.com/), or [JQtouch](http://www.jqtouch.com/). Place one of these libraries in public/js folder of your application, load it in your [layout.erb](#layout), and you are ready to go.
### jQTouch modifications
By default, Rhodes framework uses a modified version of jQTouch version 1, beta 2. The following is a list of modifications to the jQTouch library:
* $.support.WebKitAnimationEvent is set to true if the device is Android 2.x. The default implementation sets this to false.
* A default timeout has been set for Ajax requests to 30 seconds.
* The default backSelector has been changed from ".back, .cancel, .goback" to ".backButton a".
* The default slideSelector has been changed from "body > * > ul li a" to "a". This makes every link animate with a slide transition by default.
* Every "a" invokes liveTap; every "[type=submit]" invokes submitParentForm.
* On document load, the Rhodes implementation of jQTouch wraps the children of the body with a DIV.
* Fixed slide animation for Android 2.x devices. Slide transitions are handled differently than other animated transitions.
* This implementation creates a global Rho object that contains two properties:
* Rho.insertAsyncPage(screenSnippet) - a function that inserts a page to the application. Screen snippet should be a string containing a DIV representing a page that in theory contains pageTitle, toolbar and content DIVs.
* Rho.jqt - a reference to the public jQTouch methods normally returned by instantiating jQTouch. For example, to programmatically go back a screen, you can invoke Rho.jqt.goBack().
* Ajax requests set a 'Transition-Enabled: true' request header. This informs the controller that the request was made by a jQTouch enabled application.
* Conversely, Ajax requests inspect for a 'Wait-Page' response header. This informs jQTouch that the page it received was returned after an asynchronous HTTP request was spawned by the controller. Wait pages are not added to the jQtouch history. The animation is then deferred until the expected page is returned to the user interface via the Rho.insertAsyncPage() call. This method is typically invoked after an async HTTP callback function has been triggered in the controller.
* You can override the slide animated transition for forms by setting an animation class on the form like '\'.
### Submit form
If you need to submit form programmatically, please use the expression **jQT.submitForm('.current form.yourFormClass');**. Here **jQT** is defined as it shown above. To specify the exact form on the page it is recommended to use **class** instead of **id**.
Be careful, using expressions like **$('#form_id').submit();** with jQTouch it lead to an incorrect result!
## Loading screen
Rhodes supports the display of a custom "Loading" screen while your application is launching. This screen's source is the file loading.html, located at /app/loading.html.
Alternatively, you can replace loading.html with an image named loading.png if you just want a simple image to be displayed.
You can control how image presented by modifying splash_screen options in [rhoconfig.txt](configuration):
* delay - how long splash screen should be displayed (in seconds)
* center,vcenter,hcenter - picture alignment
* zoom,vzoom,hzoom - scaling options
Place splash screen in the center and show it for 5 seconds:
Center splash screen horizontally, scale it vertically to file all available space, and show it for 5 seconds:
You can customize you loading image (showed on start of application) for each platform by platform suffix:
* Android `loading.android.png`
* iPhone `loading.iPhone.png`
* WM `loading.wm.png`
* BB `loading.bb.png`
If application doesn't have platform specific `loading.png`, then Rhodes'll try to load default `loading.png`.
For iPhone you may define a set of loading images. See Apple documentation about these images, [section Application Launch Images in Build-Time Configuration Details](http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/iPhone/Conceptual/iPhoneOSProgrammingGuide/BuildTimeConfiguration/BuildTimeConfiguration.html).
If you are building for iPhone using rake commands, place `loading.png` to your applications "app" folder. If you created an app called `testapp` then the folder would be `testapp/app`. Also you can add some additional images for so loading screen look better on different devices:
* loading.png; size 320x480 - for iPhone/iPod/iPhone4/iPad and other non iOS devices
* loading@2x.png; size 640x960 - for iPhone4/iPod4; if not defined then loading.png will be used
* loading-Portrait.png; size 768x1024 - for iPad in Portrait orientation on start; if not defined then loading@2x.png will be used
* loading-PortraitUpsideDown.png; size 768x1024 - for iPad in Portrait orientation on start, if not defined then loading-Portrait.png will be used
* loading-Landscape.png; size 1024x768 - for iPad in Landscape orientation on start, if not defined then use loading@2x.png
* loading-LandscapeLeft.png; size 1024x768 - for iPad in LandscapeLeft orientation on start; if not defined then loading-Landscape.png will be used
* loading-LandscapeRight.png; size 1024x768 - for iPad in LandscapeRight orientation on start; if not defined then loading-Landscape.png will be used
If you are using xCode to build for iPhone, you should add to your project Default.png image. You can also add some additional images for better work on different devices:
* Default.png; siz 320x480 - for iPhone/iPod/iPhone4/iPad
* Default@2x.png; size 640x960 - for iPhone4/iPod4, if not defined then use Default.png
* Default-Portrait.png; size 768x1024 - for iPad in Portrait orientation on start, if not defined then Default@2x.png will be used
* Default-PortraitUpsideDown.png; size 768x1024 - for iPad in Portrait orientation on start, if not defined then Default-Portrait.png will be used
* Default-Landscape.png; size 1024x768 - for iPad in Landscape orientation on start, if not defined then Default@2x.png will be used
* Default-LandscapeLeft.png; size 1024x768 - for iPad in LandscapeLeft orientation on start, if not defined then Default-Landscape.png will be used
* Default-LandscapeRight.png; size 1024x768 - for iPad in LandscapeRight orientation on start, if not defined then Default-Landscape.png will be used
**NOTE: Use rake command "rake build:iphone:setup_xcode_project" for setup XCode project for current application (include loading images, icons, etc.) **
You can see examples of all these images in [Rhodes-System-Api-Samples](http://github.com/rhomobile/rhodes-system-api-samples) application.
## Advanced Usage of Render
Render does not need to be called at the end of each controller action method. If render was not called, then it will default to rendering the action of the method you are in.
Rendering of views works with no method in controller. If the method does not exist for an action, but a view exists for that action, then the view will be rendered.
Rendering of files: render :file => "Settings/wait.erb" will render that file with the current controller's instance. By default, layout is false when rendering a file.
Rendering of partials, with collections or locals. Either collections or locals must be provided:
render :partial => "ad", :collection => ["foo1","foo2","foo3"]
render :partial =>"ad", :locals => { :ad => "foo_ad" }
Will render the partial "_ad.erb" and the local variable "ad" will be available. With a collection, the partial will be rendered once per element.
Load from 'partials' folder:
render :partial =>"partials/ad", :locals => { :ad => "foo_ad" }
## Control WebView from controller actions
It is possible to call on the WebView (browser) directly from your controllers. This API is recommended for use from callbacks, such as sync callback or camera callbacks.
Force WebView refresh current page
Force WebView refresh current page on tab with specified index. If no tab bar present, index ignored
Force WebView navigate to provided location (url)
Since 1.2.2 WebView.navigate supports an optional index parameter (defaults to 0, useful for tabbed applications)
WebView.navigate(url, index)
Get location (url) of the currently displayed page
The same as above but for specified tab (if tab bar present)
Execute javascript string in the context of the currently displayed page. Supported on iPhone, Android, Windows Mobile and Blackberry 5.0 in full browser mode.
Suppose that current page has js method:
function test() {
Then to call test() function from controller, do this:
#call method test on the current page
The same as above but for specified tab (if tab bar present)
#call method test on the tab page
WebView.execute_js("test();", index)
Returns index of @tabs array for currently selected tab
Switch to/from full screen mode
Set cookie to be used by WebView for specified url. Each time when WebView load specified url (either by selecting link or in result of calling WebView.navigate), it will add this cookie to the HTTP request. Cookie should be in format "NAME=VALUE". Multiple name/value pairs allowed. In this case they need to be split by semicolon: "NAME1=VALUE1; NAME2=VALUE2".
WebView.set_cookie(url, cookie)
### Sample
See controller and view in the /app/Image folder of the [system API sample application](http://github.com/rhomobile/rhodes-system-api-samples/tree/master/app/Image/controller.rb#L30) for some of the examples of how to use WebView in the callbacks.
## Application Menu
For platforms which support menus Rhodes framework provides ability to change the native application menu items through the following simple API:
@default_menu = {
"Item Label 1" => "/item1path",
"Item Label 2" => "/item2path",
} #=> overrides the rhodes default menu
@menu = {
"Item Label 1" => "/item1path",
"Item Label 2" => "/item2path",
} #=> overrides the default menu in a specific action
### Default Menu
To change the default menu (in application.rb):
class AppApplication < Rho::RhoApplication
def initialize
@default_menu = {
"Go Home" => :home,
"View Accounts" => "/app/Account",
"Do Refresh" => :refresh,
"Perform Sync" => :sync,
"App Options" => :options,
"View Log" => :log
This will create a default menu with the following items (in top-down order):
* Go Home
* View Accounts
* Do Refresh
* Perform Sync
* App Options
* View Log
All of these menu items with the exception of "View Accounts" call a reserved menu item. The "View Accounts" item will navigate to the path specified by the hash value, in this case /app/Account.
### Controller Action Menu
To change the menu for a specific action (in controller.rb):
def index
@accounts = Account.find(:all)
@menu = {
"Go Home" => :home,
"Refresh" => :refresh,
"Options" => :options,
:separator => nil,
"Log" => :log,
"New Account" => "/app/Account/new"
**NOTE: The menu will reset to the application default menu as soon as the user navigates to a different action. **
### Reserved Menu Items
The following is the default Rhodes menu if none is provided in application.rb:
@default_menu = {
"Home" => :home,
"Refresh" => :refresh,
"Sync" => :sync,
"Options" => :options,
"Log" => :log,
:separator => nil,
"Close" => :close
## User defined menu/toolbar/tabbar actions
Here is list of allowed values for actions for user defined menus, toolbars and tabbars:
* :back - do back navigation using web view history or application's back url
* :forward - do forward navigation
* :home - navigate to configured start_path
* :options - navigate to configured options_path
* :refresh - refresh current page
* :sync - trigger SyncEngine.dosync
* :log - load the native logging UI
* :separator - draw a separator line (if supported)
* :close - close or put Rhodes to background (depending on platform)
* :fullscreen - go to full screen mode
Action can be also URL of user-defined controller method. URL can be prefixed with 'callback:' meaning it should be loaded by rhodes core, not WebView. This will effectively load specified url but in background, not touching UI.
Some examples:
Calling of this action will be done by UI WebView component so result of the do_that method will be rendered in UI
:action => url_for(:action => :do_that)
The same as above but for another controller
:action => '/app/AnotherController/do_that'
Here url of :callback action will be loaded in background by the rhodes core. UI will not be touched
:action => 'callback:' + url_for(:action => :callback)
The same as above but for another controller
:action => 'callback:/app/AnotherController/callback'
## Redefine back action
Use :back parameter in render:
render :action => :index, :back =>
url_for( :controller => :Settings, :action => :main_page )
render :back => '/app'
Use back with callback:
render :action => :page_alert, :back =>
'callback:' + url_for(:action => :callback_alert)
You can also define back action in menu
@menu = { "Back" => :back,
"Main Menu" => :home
render :action => :page_back
Redefine back with close:
render :action => :page_close, :back => :close
### Sample
Please find sample code of ["Dynamic Menu"](http://github.com/rhomobile/rhodes-system-api-samples/tree/master/app/DynamicMenu/) in Rhodes System Api Samples
## Native Toolbar Control
Rhodes supports displaying a native looking 'toolbar'.
The toolbar is a small space at the bottom of the screen, where the user can add buttons with associated actions. In Rhodes, these actions should be loading URLs. There are different methods for loading these URLs - you can either specify the 'callback:' prefix at the beginning of the URL (which will perform 'background' loading of the URL by the Rhodes core), or you can use url itself, without prefix (which will use the UI WebView element to load the URL - in this case pressing the toolbar button will cause the current page to reload and redraw).
The toolbar supported on iPhone, Android and Windows Mobile.
You can customize toolbar during runtime.
To use the toolbar, all you have to do is define the toolbar items in your application.rb:
class AppApplication < Rho::RhoApplication
def initialize
@@toolbar = [
{:action => :back,
:icon => '/public/images/back_btn.png'},
{:action => :forward,
:icon => '/public/images/forward_btn.png'},
{:action => :separator},
{:action => :home},
{:action => :refresh},
{:action => :options}
# Important to call super _after_ you define @@toolbar!
Refer to the [User defined menu/toolbar/tabbar actions](#user-defined-menutoolbartabbar-actions) to see how :action can be defined.
Each toolbar item can define next elements :
* :label - Visible label to display instead of icon
* :action - Path to your rhodes action (i.e. '/app/Account' would load the Account index action)
* :icon - Relative path to toolbar item icon in your rhodes app (typically located in /public/images/)
* :colored_icon => false - Optional argument which tells rhodes to use color icon in toolbar on iPhone instead of standard monochrome white icon (prepared from image alpha).
Windows Mobile:
* :width - optional, define width in pixels for separator element
Predefined actions are drawn using predefined icons, but that icons can be overridden by the user by specifying an :icon as shown in the example above. Icons that are defined must be black with a transparent background.
iPhone and Android: Icons must be no more than 30x30 pixels and must be in .png format.
Windows Mobile: Icons can be any size, but all icons should have same size. By default - 48x48
In case of a user-defined action, either :icon or :label must be specified. If both are omitted, Rhodes will not add the button to the toolbar. If both are specified, the :icon will be drawn and the :label will be discarded.
Behind the scenes, Rho::RhoApplication will detect the @@toolbar array in its initialize method and build the native toolbar through the following function:
require 'rho/rhotoolbar'
To disable the toolbar entirely:
class AppApplication < Rho::RhoApplication
def initialize
@@toolbar = nil
### Native Toolbar runtime API
As mentioned above, with recent versions of Rhodes you can create/remove toolbars/tabbars in runtime.
Toolbar elements :
* :background_color=>system_color - define custom background color
Windows Mobile:
* :mask_color=>0xFFFFFF - image mask color(transparent color)
* :view_height - optional, toolbar height. Must be bigger than image height
Examples of creating toolbar:
require 'rho/rhotoolbar'
The same as above
Rho::NativeToolbar.create(:buttons => toolbar)
Create toolbar the same as above but with custom background color
Rho::NativeToolbar.create( :buttons => toolbar,
:background_color => 0x0000FF)
Examples of removing toolbar:
require 'rho/rhotoolbar'
Windows Mobile: Create toolbar with image mask color and toolbar height
Rho::NativeToolbar.create( :buttons => toolbar,
:background_color => 0x0000FF, :mask_color => 0xFFFFFF, :view_height => 80)
### Sample
Please find sample code in "NativeToolbarTest" in [Rhodes-System-Api-Samples](http://github.com/rhomobile/rhodes-system-api-samples/tree/master/app/NativeToolbarTest/)
## Native Tabbar Control
Rhodes supports displaying a native looking 'tabbar'.
The tabbar is set of different UI views associated with each tab, so that selecting any tab will display the associated view. There is no ability to define custom actions for the tabbar like you can for the toolbar. The only action when a tab is selected is to switch to another UI view.
The tabbar are supported on iPhone and Android.
You can use VerticalTabBar control on iPad (specifically control for iPad). It like Tabbar, but tabs located on left side and each item have horizontal orientation. Like Tabs items can have Icon image and text. Functionality very similar Tabbar.
You can customize toolbars/tabbars during runtime.
For the tabbar:
class AppApplication < Rho::RhoApplication
def initialize
# Tab items are loaded left->right, @tabs[0] is leftmost tab in the tab-bar
@tabs = [
{ :label => "Dashboard", :action => '/app',
:icon => "/public/images/tabs/dashboard.png", :reload => true, :web_bkg_color => 0x7F7F7F },
{ :label => "Accounts", :action => '/app/Account',
:icon => "/public/images/tabs/accounts.png" },
{ :label => "Contacts", :action => '/app/Contact',
:icon => "/public/images/tabs/contacts.png" },
{ :label => "Options", :action => '/app/Settings',
:icon => "/public/images/tabs/options.png" }
# Important to call super _after_ you define @tabs!
Each tabbar item defined in the above sample defines following tab elements:
* :label - Visible label to display on the tabbar (required)
* :action - Path to your rhodes action; i.e. '/app/Account' would load the Account index action (required)
* :icon - Relative path to tabbar item icon in your rhodes app; typically located in /public/images/ (required)
* :reload => true - Optional argument which tells rhodes to reload the tab's :action, defaults to false
* :selected_color => 0xFFFF00 - Optional parameter for change selected color of this tabs (if you use it on Android - you should defined it for all tabs! and also define :background_color for TabBar!)
* :disabled => true - Optional parameter for disable this tab
* :web_bkg_color = > int hex value (0x7F7F7F for example) - background color for tab (use when your app bkg is not white for remove blink during switch tabs)
* :use_current_view_for_tab => true - Optional argument which tells rhodes to smooth transfer WebView from current view into this Tab and make this Tab active. Defaults to false. Only one Tab can have this parameter!
Behind the scenes, Rho::RhoApplication will detect the @tabs array in its initialize method and build the native bar through the following function:
require 'rho/rhotabbar'
To disable the tabbar entirely:
class AppApplication < Rho::RhoApplication
def initialize
@tab = nil
### Native Tabbar runtime API
Require rhotabbar in your controller to use it
require 'rho/rhotabbar'
Remove existing tabbar (if exists) and create new one
Same as above
Rho::NativeTabbar.create( :tabs => tabs)
Means the same as above and setup background color for tabbar.
Rho::NativeTabbar.create( :tabs => tabs,
:background_color => 0x0000FF)
Means the same as above and place TabBar in bottom of screen (actual only on Android, where TabBar placed in top of screen by default).
Rho::NativeTabbar.create( :tabs => tabs,
:background_color => 0x0000FF, :place_tabs_bottom => true)
**NOTE: If you setup :background_color on Android you should also setup :selected_color for each tab **
Create TabBar and set callback for change tab event. In callback see @params['tab_index'] for string value with new tab index.
Rho::NativeTabbar.create(:tabs => tabs, :on_change_tab_callback => url_for(:action => :tabbar_on_tab_change_callback))
Remove current tabbar. Does nothing if there is no active bar
Switch active tab to second (numeration is zero based i.e. 0 means first tab, 1 - second etc)
Get current tab index
Set iPhone badge to Tab (worked only on iOS devices!)
# set badge '12' to tab 1
Rho::NativeTabbar.set_tab_badge( 1, '12')
Rho::NativeTabbar.create() create native tab bar UI element and activate its first tab. If you want to see another tab, call Rho::NativeTabbar.switch_tab explicitly just after NativeBar.create:
require 'rho/rhotabbar'
# Create tab bar
# Switch to 3-rd tab (index is zero-based!)
# Show 'app/Settings' on the 3-rd tab
WebView.navigate('app/Settings', 3)
For VerticalTabBar on iPad (if you run this code not on iPad, then regular tabbar will be created):
require 'rho/rhotabbar'
WebView.navigate('app/Settings', 3)
### Sample
Please find sample code in "NativeTabbarTest" in [Rhodes-System-Api-Samples](http://github.com/rhomobile/rhodes-system-api-samples/tree/master/app/NativeTabbarTest/)
## Navigation bar
Rhodes supports a native navigation bar for iPhone. This is a native UI element with a title, 'back' button and optional 'right' button.
NavBar.create :title => "Navigation bar",
:left => {
:action => :back,
:label => "Back"},
:right => {
:action => url_for(:action => :help),
:label => "Help"}
__:right__ can be omitted. __:left__ and __:right__ described in [user defined menu/toolbar/tabbar actions](#user-defined-menutoolbartabbar-actions)
## Date/Time picker
The Date/Time picker API allows the user to choose date or time:
* DateTimePicker.choose(callback, title, initial_time, fmt)
* DateTimePicker.choose(callback, title, initial_time, fmt, opaque)
* DateTimePicker.choose_with_range(callback, title, initial_time, fmt, user_data, mindatetime, maxdatetime)
* DateTimePicker.set_change_value_callback(callback) - set callback for listen "on change" event. If you want set this callback, you should do it before each call of "choose" methods.
The "fmt" parameter can have the following values (any other value throws an exception):
* 0 - full date and time input field
* 1 - date only input field
* 2 - time only input field
The "user_data" parameter is an optional string. It is non-interpreted and will be returned in the callback, unmodified.
Once user chooses a date/time and presses OK or Cancel, the callback URL you specified will be called. The callback is a POST message; the body of the message contains 'status', 'result' and, 'user_data' if provided.
* 'status' can be 'ok' or 'cancel' or 'change' (for change value callback only)
* 'result' is a string representation of the selected date, as the number of seconds since Epoch. Ruby time can be created from it using the Time::at method.
* There is no 'result' if status is 'cancel'
* 'user_data' - if it exists, 'user_data' will be the same string that was passed into the choose method.
* mindatetime - minimum datetime for setup range. Setup to Time.at(0) for no limit.
* maxdatetime - maximum datetime for setup range. Setup to Time.at(0) for no limit.
Data/Time Picker also can executed via AJAX call for set date/time without leaving the page.
**NOTE: Currently implemented for Android, iPhone and Blackberry **
### Sample
See controller.rb and index.erb view in the /app/DateTime folder of the [System API Samples application](http://github.com/rhomobile/rhodes-system-api-samples/tree/master/app/DateTime) for more information. This example demonstrates each of the three date/time picker types.
See controller.rb and index.erb view in the /app/DateTimeAJ folder of the [System API Samples application](http://github.com/rhomobile/rhodes-system-api-samples/tree/master/app/DateTimeAJ) for more information about execute Date/Time Picker via AJAX call. This example demonstrates set date/time without leave the page.
## Animated transitions for Webkit platforms
Animated transitions are supported on the iPhone and Android. Rhodes uses a customized version of jQTouch to deliver transitions between screens. To enable animated transitions in your application, you must include this in your layout's head element:
<% if System::get_property('platform') == 'APPLE' ||
System::get_property('platform') == 'ANDROID' %>
<% end %>
Also make sure to add jqtouch_mode=1 to your application's [rhoconfig.txt](configuration#run-time-configuration). Setting this property enables animation for the back button in the bottom toolbar and hides the forward button.
Once these lines are included, links in the application will run animated transitions between screens. Each link must be a full path; relative paths won't work with transitions. If you use [helper functions](application#application-helpers) like __url_for__ and __link_to__, you should be safe.
## Adding transitions to older applications
If you have an older application that you'd like to add animated transitions to, all you should have to do is follow these steps:
* Follow the instructions as described in the previous section.
* Go through each view template and change all the id attributes to classes. For example:
** <div ''id="toolbar"''> should be <div ''class="toolbar"''>
** <div ''id="leftItem"'' class="regularButton"> should be <div ''class="leftItem regularButton"''>
* Copy the ''public/jqtouch'' directory from Rhodes latest to your application's ''public'' directory.
* Copy the ''public/css/*.css'' files from Rhodes latest to your application's ''public/css'' directory.
** Alternatively, you can change all the id selectors to class selectors. You may want to go down this route if you have custom changes in your CSS file. For instance, a ''#toolbar'' selector should now be ''.toolbar''.
### Transition styles
Transitions between screens are '''slide''' by default. You can override the animation on a link by setting a specific animation class. Valid animation classes are:
* slide (default)
* fade
* dissolve
* flip
* slideup
* swap
* cube
* pop
Note that animations other than slide may not work as well on Android devices as they do on the iPhone.
### Back button
Links marked with a ''backButton'' class reverse the navigation of the previous animated transition. Note that the href assigned to these links are ignored.
### Navigating to another page
Setting a target="_webapp" will disable animation and navigate to the specified href on a link. Note that any animation classes (like slide, flip, etc) are ignored.
### Sample application
Check out the [store app](http://github.com/rhomobile/store) in github for a reference sample application that uses animated transitions.