# This module groups all functions related to HTML export. module MaRuKu class MDDocument # Render as an HTML fragment (no head, just the content of BODY). (returns a string) def to_s5(context={}) indent = context[:indent] || -1 ie_hack = !context[:ie_hack].kind_of?(FalseClass) content_only = !context[:content_only].kind_of?(FalseClass) doc = Document.new(nil,{:respect_whitespace =>:all}) if content_only body = Element.new('div', doc) else html = Element.new('html', doc) html.add_namespace('http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml') html.add_namespace('svg', "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" ) head = Element.new('head', html) me = Element.new 'meta', head me.attributes['http-equiv'] = 'Content-type' me.attributes['content'] = 'text/html;charset=utf-8' # Create title element doc_title = self.attributes[:title] || self.attributes[:subject] || "" title = Element.new 'title', head title << Text.new(doc_title) body = Element.new('body', html) end slide_header = self.attributes[:slide_header] slide_footer = self.attributes[:slide_footer] slide_subfooter = self.attributes[:slide_subfooter] slide_topleft = self.attributes[:slide_topleft] slide_topright = self.attributes[:slide_topright] slide_bottomleft = self.attributes[:slide_bottomleft] slide_bottomright = self.attributes[:slide_bottomright] dummy_layout_slide = "
" body.add_element Document.new(dummy_layout_slide, {:respect_whitespace =>:all}).root presentation = Element.new 'div', body presentation.attributes['class'] = 'presentation' first_slide="

#{self.attributes[:title] ||context[:title]}

#{self.attributes[:subtitle] ||context[:subtitle]}

#{self.attributes[:author] ||context[:author]}

#{self.attributes[:company] ||context[:company]}

" presentation.add_element Document.new(first_slide).root slide_num = 0 self.toc.section_children.each do |slide| slide_num += 1 @doc.attributes[:doc_prefix] = "s#{slide_num}" puts "Slide #{slide_num}: " + slide.header_element.to_s div = Element.new('div', presentation) div.attributes['class'] = 'slide' h1 = Element.new 'h1', div slide.header_element.children_to_html.each do |e| h1 << e; end array_to_html(slide.immediate_children).each do |e| div << e end # render footnotes if @doc.footnotes_order.size > 0 div << render_footnotes @doc.footnotes_order = [] end end xml = "" if (content_only) body.write(xml,indent,transitive=true,ie_hack); else doc2 = Document.new("
",{:respect_whitespace =>:all}) doc2.root.children.each{ |child| head << child } add_css_to(head) # REXML Bug? if indent!=-1 whitespace is not respected for 'pre' elements # containing code. html.write(xml,indent,transitive=true,ie_hack); Xhtml11_mathml2_svg11 + xml end end end end