module ActiveScaffold
module Helpers
# All extra helpers that should be included in the View.
# Also a dumping ground for uncategorized helpers.
module ViewHelpers
include ActiveScaffold::Helpers::IdHelpers
include ActiveScaffold::Helpers::AssociationHelpers
include ActiveScaffold::Helpers::PaginationHelpers
include ActiveScaffold::Helpers::ListColumnHelpers
include ActiveScaffold::Helpers::ShowColumnHelpers
include ActiveScaffold::Helpers::FormColumnHelpers
include ActiveScaffold::Helpers::CountryHelpers
include ActiveScaffold::Helpers::SearchColumnHelpers
include ActiveScaffold::Helpers::NumberHelpers
## Delegates
# access to the configuration variable
def active_scaffold_config
def active_scaffold_config_for(*args)
def active_scaffold_controller_for(*args)
## Uncategorized
def generate_temporary_id
# Turns [[label, value]] into " : ""
# Should this column be displayed in the subform?
def in_subform?(column, parent_record)
return true unless column.association
# Polymorphic associations can't appear because they *might* be the reverse association, and because you generally don't assign an association from the polymorphic side ... I think.
return false if column.polymorphic_association?
# We don't have the UI to currently handle habtm in subforms
return false if column.association.macro == :has_and_belongs_to_many
# A column shouldn't be in the subform if it's the reverse association to the parent
return false if column.association.reverse_for?(parent_record.class)
#return false if column.association.klass == parent_record.class
return true
def form_remote_upload_tag(url_for_options = {}, options = {})
onsubmits = options[:onsubmit] ? [ options[:onsubmit] ] : [ ]
# simulate a "loading". the setTimeout prevents the Form.disable from being called before the submit, so that data actually posts.
onsubmits << "setTimeout(function() { #{options[:loading]} }, 10); "
onsubmits << "return true" # make sure the form still submits
options[:onsubmit] = onsubmits * ';'
options[:target] = action_iframe_id(url_for_options)
options[:multipart] = true
output << ""
output << form_tag(url_for_options, options)
# Provides list of javascripts to include with +javascript_include_tag+
# You can use this with your javascripts like
# <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults, 'your_own_cool_script', active_scaffold_javascripts, :cache => true %>
def active_scaffold_javascripts(frontend = :default)
ActiveScaffold::Config::Core.javascripts(frontend).collect do |name|
ActiveScaffold::Config::Core.asset_path(name, frontend)
# Provides stylesheets to include with +stylesheet_link_tag+
def active_scaffold_stylesheets(frontend = :default)
# AST Begin
css = [ActiveScaffold::Config::Core.asset_path("stylesheet.css", frontend)]
css << ActiveScaffold::Config::Core.asset_path('tools-left-handed-stylesheet.css', frontend) if ActiveScaffold::Config::Core.left_handed
# AST End
# Provides stylesheets for IE to include with +stylesheet_link_tag+
def active_scaffold_ie_stylesheets(frontend = :default)
# AST Begin
css = [ActiveScaffold::Config::Core.asset_path("stylesheet-ie.css", frontend)]
css << ActiveScaffold::Config::Core.asset_path('tools-left-handed-stylesheet-ie.css', frontend) if ActiveScaffold::Config::Core.left_handed
# AST End
# easy way to include ActiveScaffold assets
def active_scaffold_includes(*args)
frontend = args.first.is_a?(Symbol) ? args.shift : :default
options = args.first.is_a?(Hash) ? args.shift : {}
js = javascript_include_tag(*active_scaffold_javascripts(frontend).push(options))
css = stylesheet_link_tag(*active_scaffold_stylesheets(frontend).push(options))
options[:cache] += '_ie' if options[:cache].is_a? String
options[:concat] += '_ie' if options[:concat].is_a? String
ie_css = stylesheet_link_tag(*active_scaffold_ie_stylesheets(frontend).push(options))
js + "\n" + css + "\n\n"
# a general-use loading indicator (the "stuff is happening, please wait" feedback)
def loading_indicator_tag(options)
image_tag "/images/active_scaffold/default/indicator.gif", :style => "visibility:hidden;", :id => loading_indicator_id(options), :alt => "loading indicator", :class => "loading-indicator"
# Creates a javascript-based link that toggles the visibility of some element on the page.
# By default, it toggles the visibility of the sibling after the one it's nested in. You may pass custom javascript logic in options[:of] to change that, though. For example, you could say :of => '$("my_div_id")'.
# You may also flag whether the other element is visible by default or not, and the initial text will adjust accordingly.
def link_to_visibility_toggle(options = {})
options[:of] ||= '$(this.parentNode).next()'
options[:default_visible] = true if options[:default_visible].nil?
link_text = options[:default_visible] ? as_(:hide) : as_(:show)
link_to_function link_text, "e = #{options[:of]}; e.toggle(); this.innerHTML = ( == 'none') ? '#{as_(:show)}' : '#{as_(:hide)}'", :class => 'visibility-toggle'
def skip_action_link(link)
(link.security_method_set? or controller.respond_to? link.security_method) and !controller.send(link.security_method)
# AST link_html_options = {}
def render_action_link(link, url_options, link_html_options = {})
url_options = url_options.clone
url_options[:action] = link.action
url_options[:controller] = link.controller if link.controller
url_options.delete(:search) if link.controller and link.controller.to_s != params[:controller]
url_options.merge! link.parameters if link.parameters
# AST link_html_options
html_options = link.html_options.merge({:class => link.action}).merge(link_html_options)
if link.inline?
# NOTE this is in url_options instead of html_options on purpose. the reason is that the client-side
# action link javascript needs to submit the proper method, but the normal html_options[:method]
# argument leaves no way to extract the proper method from the rendered tag.
url_options[:_method] = link.method
if link.method != :get and respond_to?(:protect_against_forgery?) and protect_against_forgery?
url_options[:authenticity_token] = form_authenticity_token
# robd: protect against submitting get links as forms, since this causes annoying
# 'Do you wish to resubmit your form?' messages whenever you go back and forwards.
elsif link.method != :get
# Needs to be in html_options to as the adding _method to the url is no longer supported by Rails
html_options[:method] = link.method
html_options[:confirm] = as_(link.confirm) if link.confirm?
html_options[:position] = link.position if link.position and link.inline?
html_options[:class] += ' action' if link.inline?
html_options[:popup] = true if link.popup?
html_options[:id] = action_link_id("#{id_from_controller(url_options[:controller]) + '-' if url_options[:parent_controller]}" + "#{url_options[:associations].to_s + '-' if url_options[:associations]}" + url_options[:action],url_options[:id] || url_options[:parent_id])
if link.dhtml_confirm?
html_options[:class] += ' action' if !link.inline?
html_options[:page_link] = 'true' if !link.inline?
html_options[:dhtml_confirm] = link.dhtml_confirm.value
html_options[:onclick] = link.dhtml_confirm.onclick_function(controller,action_link_id(url_options[:action],url_options[:id] || url_options[:parent_id]))
html_options[:class] += " #{link.html_options[:class]}" unless link.html_options[:class].blank?
# issue 260, use url_options[:link] if it exists. This prevents DB data from being localized.
label = url_options.delete(:link) || link.label
link_to label, url_options, html_options
def column_class(column, column_value)
classes = []
classes << "#{}-column"
classes << column.css_class unless column.css_class.nil?
classes << 'empty' if column_empty? column_value
classes << 'sorted' if active_scaffold_config.list.user.sorting.sorts_on?(column)
# AST - allow format of column to be specified via Column#list_ui
classes << 'numeric' if [:number].include?(column.list_ui) or (column.column and [:decimal, :float, :integer].include?(column.column.type))
classes.join(' ')
def column_empty?(column_value)
empty = column_value.nil?
empty ||= column_value.empty? if column_value.respond_to? :empty?
empty ||= [' ', active_scaffold_config.list.empty_field_text].include? column_value if String === column_value
return empty
def column_calculation(column)
calculation = active_scaffold_config.model.calculate(column.calculate,, :conditions => controller.send(:all_conditions),
:joins => controller.send(:joins_for_collection), :include => controller.send(:active_scaffold_joins))
# AST Begin
def column_show_add_existing(column)
(column.allow_add_existing and !column.through_association? and options_for_association_count(column.association) > 0)
def column_show_add_new(column, associated, action)
value = !column.through_association? and (column.plural_association? or (column.singular_association? and not associated.empty?))
value = false unless @record.class.authorized_for?(:action => action)
# AST End