module FriendlyId::NonSluggableInstanceMethods attr :found_using_friendly_id # Was the record found using one of its friendly ids? def found_using_friendly_id? @found_using_friendly_id end # Was the record found using its numeric id? def found_using_numeric_id? !@found_using_friendly_id end alias has_better_id? found_using_numeric_id? # Returns the friendly_id. def friendly_id send friendly_id_options[:column] end alias best_id friendly_id # Returns the friendly id, or if none is available, the numeric id. def to_param friendly_id.to_s || id.to_s end private def validate_friendly_id if self.class.friendly_id_options[:reserved].include? friendly_id self.errors.add(self.class.friendly_id_options[:column], self.class.friendly_id_options[:reserved_message] % friendly_id) return false end end def found_using_friendly_id=(value) #:nodoc# @found_using_friendly_id = value end end