require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' # We only have this spec because setting up an isolated view spec would be too # complicated. Instead we have a quasi-integration test. describe Admin::PagesController do integrate_views dataset :users_and_pages, :templates before :each do @page = pages(:home) @page.template = templates(:sample) @page.stub!(:children).and_return([]) login_as :designer end describe "index view controlled by templates" do def do_get get :index end it "should display the page index" do do_get response.should be_success end end describe "edit view controlled by templates" do def do_get get :edit, :id => end it "should include a hidden field containing the body/structure" do do_get response.should have_tag('input', :attributes => {'type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'part[0][name]', 'value' => 'body'}) response.should have_tag('input', :attributes => {'type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'part[0][content]'}) end it "should display a template part with style and class attributes" do do_get response.should have_tag('input', :attributes => {'type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'part[1][name]', 'value' => 'Part 1'}) response.should have_tag('textarea', :attributes => {'name' => 'part[0][content]', 'class' => 'wysiwyg', 'style' => 'width: 100%'}) end it "should display a textarea template part" do do_get response.should have_tag('input', :attributes => {'type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'part[1][name]', 'value' => 'extended'}) response.should have_tag('textarea', :attributes => {'name' => 'part[1][content]', 'class' => 'plaintext'}) end it "should display a radio_button template part" do do_get response.should have_tag('input', :attributes => {'type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'part[2][name]', 'value' => 'featured?'}) response.should have_tag('input', :attributes => {'type' => 'radio_button', 'name' => 'part[2][content]', 'value' => 'true'}) response.should have_tag('input', :attributes => {'type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'part[2][content]', 'value' => 'false'}) end it "should display a hidden template part" do do_get response.should have_tag('input', :attributes => {'type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'part[3][name]', 'value' => 'Feature image'}) response.should have_tag('input', :attributes => {'type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'part[3][content]'}) end it "should display a text field template part" do do_get response.should have_tag('input', :attributes => {'type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'part[4][name]', 'value' => 'Tagline'}) response.should have_tag('input', :attributes => {'type' => 'text', 'name' => 'part[4][content]'}) end it "should override the class name field when the template has one specified" do @page.template = templates(:another) do_get response.should have_tag('input', :attributes => {'name' => 'page[class_name]', 'value' => 'FileNotFoundPage'}) end end end