#!/usr/bin/env bash unset GREP_OPTIONS source "$rvm_path/scripts/base" usage() { printf " Usage: rvm upgrade prefix [ruby-string] Description: Upgrades the latest installed ruby with a given ruby string (e.g. ree) to the latest known version. " >&2 exit 1 } confirm() { local confirmation_response printf "$1 (Y/n): " read -r confirmation_response [[ -z "$confirmation_response" ]] || echo $confirmation_response | \grep -qi '^y\|^Y' } die_with_error() { "$rvm_path/scripts/log" "fail" "$1" exit "${2:-1}" } expand_ruby_name() { "$rvm_path/scripts/tools" strings "$1" | awk -F"${rvm_gemset_separator:-"@"}" '{print $1}' } expand_existing_ruby() { local prefix ruby_name prefix="$(expand_ruby_name "$1" | awk -F'-' '{print $1"-"$2}')" while read -r ruby_name; do if [[ "$ruby_name" != "$expanded_destination"* ]]; then echo "$ruby_name" ; return 0 fi done < <("$rvm_path/scripts/list" strings | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -ur | \grep "^$prefix" | \grep -v '-head$' | head -n1) return 1 } upgrade_ruby() { [[ -z "$source_ruby" ]] && die_with_error "Unable to find a source ruby. Please manually provide one." expanded_source="$(expand_ruby_name "$source_ruby")" [[ -z "$expanded_source" ]] && die_with_error "The source ruby was not a valid ruby string." confirm "Are you sure you wish to upgrade from $expanded_source to $expanded_destination?" || die_with_error "Cancelling upgrade." if [[ ! -d "$rvm_path/rubies/$expanded_destination" ]]; then "$rvm_path/scripts/log" "info" \ "Installing new ruby $expanded_destination" "${rvm_bin_path:-"$rvm_path/bin"}/rvm" install "$expanded_destination" result="$?" [[ "$result" -gt 0 ]] && die_with_error "Unable to install ruby $expanded_destination. Please install it manually to continue." "$result" fi "$rvm_path/scripts/log" "info" \ "Migrating gems from $expanded_source to $expanded_destination" "$rvm_path/scripts/migrate" "$expanded_source" "$expanded_destination" result="$?" [[ "$result" -gt 0 ]] && die_with_error "Error migrating gems." "$result" "$rvm_path/scripts/log" "info" "Upgrade complete!" } args=($*) destination_ruby="${args[0]}" source_ruby="${args[1]:-"$(expand_existing_ruby "$destination_ruby")"}" args="$(echo ${args[@]:2}) " # Strip trailing / leading / extra spacing. [[ -z "$source_ruby" ]] && usage expanded_destination="$(expand_ruby_name "$destination_ruby")" [[ -z "$source_ruby" ]] && die_with_error "The Source ruby was not specified, a valid ruby string, or not found." [[ -z "$expanded_destination" ]] && die_with_error "The destination ruby was not a valid ruby string, or not found." upgrade_ruby