package poker import ( "fmt" "sort" "strings" "unicode/utf8" ) const testVersion = 5 const ( Jack = 11 Queen = 12 King = 13 Ace = 14 ) type kind int const ( highCard kind = iota onePair twoPair threeOfAKind straight flush fullHouse fourOfAKind straightFlush ) type ordering int const ( lessThan ordering = -1 equalTo ordering = 0 greaterThan ordering = 1 ) type card struct { rank int suit rune } type parsedHand struct { hand string cards []card } type rankCount struct { rank int count int } type rankCountSlice []rankCount func (s rankCountSlice) Len() int { return len(s) } func (s rankCountSlice) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] } func (s rankCountSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { if s[i].count != s[j].count { return s[i].count < s[j].count } return s[i].rank < s[j].rank } // The strength of a hand in a way that's easily comparable. // Each hand is considered to have a kind and a list of discriminators. // The discriminators are ranks, hands of equal kind are first compared by the // first discriminator of both hands and the one with the highest discriminator // is better. If there's a tie the second discriminator is considered, etc. type handValue struct { kind kind discrs []int } // Returns lessThan, equalTo or greaterThan func (hv handValue) Compare(other handValue) ordering { if hv.kind == other.kind { if len(hv.discrs) != len(other.discrs) { // Shouldn't happen, number of discriminators for a kind is fixed panic("Hands of same kind with different number of discriminators") } for i := 0; i < len(hv.discrs); i++ { if hv.discrs[i] != other.discrs[i] { if hv.discrs[i] < other.discrs[i] { return lessThan } return greaterThan } } return equalTo } else if hv.kind < other.kind { return lessThan } return greaterThan } func BestHand(hands []string) ([]string, error) { values := make([]handValue, len(hands)) for i, hand := range hands { cards, err := parseHand(hand) if err != nil { return nil, err } counts := countRanks(cards) values[i] = evalHand(counts, cards) } idxes := selectBest(values) best := make([]string, len(idxes)) for i, idx := range idxes { best[i] = hands[idx] } return best, nil } func selectBest(values []handValue) []int { var best []int for i, hv := range values { if len(best) == 0 { best = []int{i} } else { switch values[best[0]].Compare(hv) { case lessThan: best = []int{i} case equalTo: best = append(best, i) } } } return best } func evalHand(counts []rankCount, cards []card) handValue { isFlush := isFlush(cards) isStraight := isStraight(counts) var kind kind // This switch is why rank counts get ordered in a particular way. switch { case isStraight && isFlush: kind = straightFlush case counts[0].count == 4: kind = fourOfAKind case counts[0].count == 3 && counts[1].count == 2: kind = fullHouse case isFlush: kind = flush case isStraight: kind = straight case counts[0].count == 3: kind = threeOfAKind case counts[0].count == 2 && counts[1].count == 2: kind = twoPair case counts[0].count == 2: kind = onePair default: kind = highCard } discrs := make([]int, 0, len(cards)) // There's an annoying edge case here. We require the number of // discriminators to be equal, however with a flush this can get // messed up as flushes aren't based on ranks but on suits. The // best way to get around that is to special case non-straight // flushes. if kind == flush { for _, card := range cards { discrs = append(discrs, card.rank) } sort.Sort(sort.Reverse(sort.IntSlice(discrs))) } else if (kind == straight || kind == straightFlush) && counts[0].rank == Ace && counts[1].rank == 5 { // For a straight with an Ace through 5, // adjust down the discrs value of the Ace to be 1. for i := 1; i < len(cards); i++ { discrs = append(discrs, counts[i].rank) } // Ace becomes a 1 in a low straight with Ace. discrs = append(discrs, 1) } else { for _, rc := range counts { discrs = append(discrs, rc.rank) } } return handValue{kind, discrs} } func isFlush(cards []card) bool { first := cards[0].suit for i := 1; i < len(cards); i++ { if cards[i].suit != first { return false } } return true } func isStraight(counts []rankCount) bool { if len(counts) != 5 { return false } first := counts[0].rank if first == Ace { for i := 1; i < len(counts); i++ { if counts[i].rank != 6-i { goto normal } return true } } normal: for i := 1; i < len(counts); i++ { if counts[i].rank != first-i { return false } } return true } // Count the number of cards with equal rank and return them sorted by count // descending then rank descending. func countRanks(cards []card) []rankCount { var counts []rankCount loop: for _, card := range cards { for i, rc := range counts { if rc.rank == card.rank { counts[i] = rankCount{rc.rank, rc.count + 1} continue loop } } counts = append(counts, rankCount{card.rank, 1}) } sort.Sort(sort.Reverse(rankCountSlice(counts))) return counts } func parseHand(s string) ([]card, error) { parts := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(s), " ") if len(parts) != 5 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid number of hand parts: %d", len(parts)) } cards := make([]card, 5) for i, part := range parts { card, err := parseCard(part) if err != nil { return nil, err } cards[i] = card } return cards, nil } func parseCard(s string) (card, error) { if len(s) < 1 { return card{}, fmt.Errorf("too short card string: %q", s) } // The first character should be a number between 1 and 9, so it's safe to use // byte matching. var rank int suitStart := 1 if s[0] >= '2' && s[0] <= '9' { rank = int(s[0]) - '0' } else { switch s[0] { case '1': if len(s) < 2 || s[1] != '0' { return card{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid rank in card string: %q", s) } rank = 10 suitStart = 2 case 'J': rank = Jack case 'Q': rank = Queen case 'K': rank = King case 'A': rank = Ace default: return card{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid rank in card string: %q", s) } } suit, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s[suitStart:]) if suit == utf8.RuneError { return card{}, fmt.Errorf("Invalid UTF-8 character in card string: %q", s) } else if !(suit == '♡' || suit == '♢' || suit == '♤' || suit == '♧') { return card{}, fmt.Errorf("Invalid suit: %c", suit) } if suitStart+size != len(s) { return card{}, fmt.Errorf("Extraneous data after suit in card string: %q", s) } return card{rank, suit}, nil }