ENV["SHOPIFY_CLI_TEST"] = "1" require_relative "bin/load_shopify" require_relative "utilities/utilities" require_relative "lib/shopify_cli/constants" require_relative "lib/shopify_cli/version" require "rake/testtask" require "rubocop/rake_task" require "bundler/gem_tasks" require "shellwords" require "digest" require "open3" Rake::TestTask.new do |t| t.libs += %w(test) t.test_files = FileList["test/**/*_test.rb"] t.verbose = false t.warning = false end desc "A set of tasks that run in Linux environments" namespace :linux do desc "Runs the test suite in a Linux Docker environment" task :test do Utilities::Docker.run_and_rm_container("bundle", "exec", "rake", "test") end end RuboCop::RakeTask.new task(default: [:test, :rubocop]) desc("Start up irb with cli loaded") task :console do exec("irb", "-r", "./bin/load_shopify.rb", "-r", "byebug") end desc("Notifies a new version to Bugsnag") task :notify_version_to_bugsnag do # This task runs at deployment time to notify # Bugsnag about new versions. Because the deployment # environment has Node, we can run the Bugsnag CLI # through npx. system( { "npm_config_yes" => "true" }, "npx", "-q", "bugsnag-build-reporter", "-k", ShopifyCLI::Constants::Bugsnag::API_KEY, "-v", ShopifyCLI::VERSION ) || abort end namespace :rdoc do repo = "https://github.com/Shopify/shopify-cli.wiki.git" intermediate = "markdown_intermediate" file_to_doc = [ "lib/shopify_cli/admin_api.rb", "lib/shopify_cli/context.rb", "lib/shopify_cli/db.rb", "lib/shopify_cli/git.rb", "lib/shopify_cli/heroku.rb", "lib/shopify_cli/js_deps.rb", "lib/shopify_cli/lazy_delegator.rb", "lib/shopify_cli/method_object.rb", "lib/shopify_cli/partners_api.rb", "lib/shopify_cli/process_supervision.rb", "lib/shopify_cli/project.rb", "lib/shopify_cli/result.rb", "lib/shopify_cli/transform_data_structure.rb", "lib/shopify_cli/tunnel.rb", ] task all: [:markdown, :wiki, :cleanup] desc("Generate markdown files from rdoc comments") task :markdown do require "rdoc/rdoc" require "docgen/markdown" options = RDoc::Options.new options.setup_generator("markdown") options.op_dir = intermediate options.files = file_to_doc RDoc::RDoc.new.document(options) end desc("Copy markdown documentation to the wiki and commit them") task :wiki do require "tmpdir" Dir.mktmpdir do |temp_dir| system("git clone --depth=1 #{repo} #{temp_dir}") FileUtils.cp(Dir[File.join(intermediate, "*.md")], temp_dir) Dir.chdir(temp_dir) do system("git add --all") system('git commit -am "auto doc update"') system("git push") end end end desc("Clean up any documentation related files") task :cleanup do FileUtils.rm_r(intermediate) end end desc("Generate markdown documentation and update the wiki") task(rdoc: "rdoc:all") namespace :package do require "shopify_cli/packager" task all: [:debian, :rpm, :homebrew] desc("Builds a Debian package of the CLI") task :debian do ShopifyCLI::Packager.new.build_debian end desc("Builds an RPM package of the CLI") task :rpm do ShopifyCLI::Packager.new.build_rpm end desc("Builds a Homebrew package of the CLI") task :homebrew do ShopifyCLI::Packager.new.build_homebrew end end desc("Builds all distribution packages of the CLI") task(package: "package:all") namespace :extensions do task :update do version = ENV.fetch("VERSION").strip error("Invalid version") unless /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+/.match(version) File.write(Paths.extension("version"), version) end task :symlink do source = Paths.root("..", "shopify-cli-extensions", "shopify-extensions") error("Unable to find shopify-extensions executable: #{executable}") unless File.executable?(source) target = Paths.extension("shopify-extensions") File.delete(target) if File.exist?(target) File.symlink(source, target) end task :install do target = Paths.extension("shopify-extensions") require_relative Paths.extension("shopify_extensions.rb") File.delete(target) if File.exist?(target) ShopifyExtensions.install(target: target) end module Paths def self.extension(*args) root("ext", "shopify-extensions", *args) end def self.root(*args) Pathname(File.dirname(__FILE__)).join(*args).to_s end end end namespace :scripts do namespace :javy do task :symlink do source = Paths.root("..", "javy", "target", "release", "javy") error("Unable to find javy executable: #{executable}") unless File.executable?(source) target = Paths.javy("javy") File.delete(target) if File.exist?(target) File.symlink(source, target) end task :install do require_relative Paths.javy("javy.rb") Javy.install end module Paths def self.javy(*args) root("ext", "javy", *args) end def self.root(*args) Pathname(File.dirname(__FILE__)).join(*args).to_s end end end end def error(message, output: STDERR, code: 1) output.puts(message) exit(code) end