// Demo Panels // ----------------------------------- (function(window, document, $, undefined){ $(function(){ /** * This functions show a demonstration of how to use * the panel tools system via custom event. */ $('.panel.panel-demo') .on('panel.refresh', function(e, panel){ // perform any action when a .panel triggers a the refresh event setTimeout(function(){ // when the action is done, just remove the spinner class panel.removeSpinner(); }, 3000); }) .on('hide.bs.collapse', function(event){ console.log('Panel Collapse Hide'); }) .on('show.bs.collapse', function(event){ console.log('Panel Collapse Show'); }) .on('panel.remove', function(event, panel, deferred){ console.log('Removing panel'); // Call resolve() to continue removing the panel // perform checks to avoid removing panel if some user action is required deferred.resolve(); }) .on('panel.removed', function(event, panel){ console.log('Removed panel'); }) ; }); })(window, document, window.jQuery);