class MakeBlastDb def initialize(dir) @db_folder = dir @status_folder = File.join(@db_folder,'status_info') @formatted_folder = File.join(@db_folder,'formatted') update_dbs end def catFasta(path_start,path_end) $LOG.debug("Cat of #{path_start}") # system("cat #{path_start} > #{path_end}") system("cat /dev/null > #{path_end}") system("for i in `find #{path_start} -type f ! -name '.*'`; do echo cat of $i; cat $i >> #{path_end}; echo \"\n\" >> #{path_end}; done") end def dirEmpty?(path_db)"#{path_db}") ignore = ['.','..','.DS_Store'] res = folder2.entries - ignore return res.empty? end def merge_db_files(path_db, db_name, formatted_folder) if !dirEmpty?(path_db) #hay que hacer el cat solo cuando cambian los ficheros que hay en subfolder1 formatted_file = File.join(formatted_folder, db_name+'.fasta') catFasta(File.join(path_db),formatted_file) end end def self.format_db(path_db, db_name, formatted_folder) #hay que hacer el cat solo cuando cambian los ficheros que hay en subfolder1 formatted_file = File.join(formatted_folder, db_name+'.fasta') cmd = "makeblastdb -in #{formatted_file} -parse_seqids -dbtype nucl >> logs/formatdb.log" system(cmd) $ end #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check if files for DataBase have been updated, and only when that has happened, makeblastdb will run # Consideres the next directories structure: # # @dir is the main directory # @dir/folder0 is the directoy where will be storaged the DB created/updated # @dir/folder0/subfolder1 is where are storaged all the fasta files of the type subfolder1 # @dir/update is where register the log for each subfolder1, to check if DB has been updated #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_dbs FileUtils.mkdir_p(@status_folder) FileUtils.mkdir_p(@formatted_folder) ignore_folders=['.','..','status_info','formatted'] $"Checking Blast databases at #{@db_folder} for updates") #if all file_update.entries is in folder1.entries then cat db/* > DB , make blast, guardar ls nuevo dbs_folder.entries.each do |db_name| db_folder=File.join(@db_folder,db_name) if (!ignore_folders.include?(db_name) and #puts "Checking #{db_name} in #{db_folder}" #path_db = File.join(@dir,db_folder) # set status files new_status_file = File.join(@status_folder,'new_'+db_name+'.txt') old_status_file = File.join(@status_folder,'old_'+db_name+'.txt') cmd = "ls -lR #{db_folder} > #{new_status_file}" $LOG.debug(cmd) # list new status tu new_status_file # system("ls -lR #{File.join(db_folder,'*')} > #{new_status_file}") system(cmd) # if new and old statuses files changed, then reformat if (!(File.exists?(old_status_file)) || !system("diff -q #{new_status_file} #{old_status_file} > /dev/null ") || !File.exists?(File.join(@formatted_folder,db_name+'.fasta'))) $"Database #{db_name} modified. Merging and formatting") merge_db_files(db_folder,db_name,@formatted_folder) MakeBlastDb.format_db(db_folder,db_name,@formatted_folder) # rename new_status_file to replace the old one system("mv #{new_status_file} #{old_status_file}") end end end #end folder1.entries end end