#!/usr/bin/env bash fetch_command=$(which curl 2>/dev/null) if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then $rvm_scripts_path/log "fail" "rvm requires curl, which does not seem to exist in your path :(" exit 1 else fetch_command="$fetch_command -O -L --create-dirs -C - " # -s for silent fi pushd "$rvm_archives_path" > /dev/null 2>&1 if [[ -z "$1" ]] ; then $rvm_scripts_path/log "fail" "BUG: $0 called without an argument :/" ; exit 1 ; fi archive=$(basename "$1") ; downlaod=1 (( $rvm_debug_flag )) && $rvm_scripts_path/log "debug" "Fetching $archive" # Check first if we have the correct archive if [[ -e "$archive" ]] && [[ -e "$archive.md5" ]] ; then (( $rvm_debug_flag )) && $rvm_scripts_path/log "debug" "Found archive and its md5, testing correctness" if [[ $(md5sum --status -c "$archive.md5") -gt 0 ]] ; then (( $rvm_debug_flag )) && $rvm_scripts_path/log "debug" "Archive is bad, downloading" download=1 else (( $rvm_debug_flag )) && $rvm_scripts_path/log "debug" "Archive is good, not downloading" download=0 result=0 fi else (( $rvm_debug_flag )) && $rvm_scripts_path/log "debug" "No archive or no MD5, downloading" download=1 fi if [[ $download -gt 0 ]] ; then eval $fetch_command "$1" result=$? if [[ $result -gt 0 ]] ; then retry=0 if [[ $result -eq 78 ]] ; then $rvm_scripts_path/log "error" "The requested url does not exist: '$1'" elif [[ $result -eq 18 ]] ; then $rvm_scripts_path/log "error" "Partial file. Only a part of the file was transferred. Removing partial and re-trying." rm -f "$archive" retry=1 elif [[ $result -eq 33 ]] ; then (( $rvm_debug_flag )) && $rvm_scripts_path/log "debug" "Server does not support 'range' command, removing '$archive'" rm -f "$archive" retry=1 else $rvm_scripts_path/log "error" "There was an error, please check $rvm_ruby_log_path/*.error.log" fi if [[ $retry -eq 1 ]] ; then eval $fetch_command "$1" result=$? if [[ $result -gt 0 ]] ; then $rvm_scripts_path/log "error" "There was an error, please check $rvm_ruby_log_path/*.error.log" fi fi fi popd > /dev/null 2>&1 fi exit $result