# # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014 Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'spec_helper' require 'chef-dk/policyfile/cookbook_locks' shared_examples_for "Cookbook Lock" do let(:cookbook_lock_data) { cookbook_lock.to_lock } it "has a cookbook name" do expect(cookbook_lock.name).to eq(cookbook_name) end it "has a source_options attribute" do cookbook_lock.source_options = { artifactserver: "https://artifacts.example.com/nginx/1.0.0/download" } expect(cookbook_lock.source_options).to eq({ artifactserver: "https://artifacts.example.com/nginx/1.0.0/download" }) end it "has an identifier attribute" do cookbook_lock.identifier = "my-opaque-id" expect(cookbook_lock.identifier).to eq("my-opaque-id") end it "has a dotted_decimal_identifier attribute" do cookbook_lock.dotted_decimal_identifier = "123.456.789" expect(cookbook_lock.dotted_decimal_identifier).to eq("123.456.789") end it "has a version attribute" do cookbook_lock.version = "1.2.3" expect(cookbook_lock.version).to eq("1.2.3") end it "has a storage config" do expect(cookbook_lock.storage_config).to eq(storage_config) end context "when the underlying cookbook has not been mutated, or #refresh! has not been called" do it "is not updated" do expect(cookbook_lock).to_not be_updated end it "does not have an updated identifier" do expect(cookbook_lock.identifier_updated?).to be false end it "does not have an updated version" do expect(cookbook_lock.version_updated?).to be false end end context "when version and identifier attributes are populated" do before do allow(cookbook_lock).to receive(:validate!) cookbook_lock.identifier = "my-opaque-id" cookbook_lock.dotted_decimal_identifier = "123.456.789" cookbook_lock.version = "1.2.3" cookbook_lock.source_options = { :sourcekey => "location info" } end it "includes the identifier in the lock data" do expect(cookbook_lock_data["identifier"]).to eq("my-opaque-id") end it "includes the dotted decimal identifier in the lock data" do expect(cookbook_lock_data["dotted_decimal_identifier"]).to eq("123.456.789") end it "includes the version in lock data" do expect(cookbook_lock_data["version"]).to eq("1.2.3") end it "includes the source_options in lock data" do expect(cookbook_lock_data["source_options"]).to eq({ :sourcekey => "location info" }) end it "creates a CookbookLocationSpecification with the source and version data" do location_spec = cookbook_lock.cookbook_location_spec expect(location_spec.name).to eq(cookbook_name) expect(location_spec.version_constraint).to eq(Semverse::Constraint.new("= 1.2.3")) expect(location_spec.source_options).to eq({ sourcekey: "location info" }) end it "delegates #dependencies to cookbook_location_spec" do deps = [ [ "foo", ">= 0.0.0"], [ "bar", "~> 2.1" ] ] expect(cookbook_lock.cookbook_location_spec).to receive(:dependencies).and_return(deps) expect(cookbook_lock.dependencies).to eq(deps) end end context "when created from lock data" do let(:lock_data) do { "identifier" => "my-opaque-id", "dotted_decimal_identifier" => "123.456.789", "version" => "1.2.3", "source_options" => { "sourcekey" => "location info" } } end before do cookbook_lock.build_from_lock_data(lock_data) end it "sets the identifier attribute" do expect(cookbook_lock.identifier).to eq("my-opaque-id") end it "sets the dotted_decimal_identifier attribute" do expect(cookbook_lock.dotted_decimal_identifier).to eq("123.456.789") end it "sets the version attribute" do expect(cookbook_lock.version).to eq("1.2.3") end it "sets the source options" do expect(cookbook_lock.source_options).to eq({ sourcekey: "location info" }) end end end describe ChefDK::Policyfile::CachedCookbook do let(:cookbook_name) { "nginx" } let(:storage_config) { ChefDK::Policyfile::StorageConfig.new } let(:cookbook_lock) do described_class.new(cookbook_name, storage_config) end include_examples "Cookbook Lock" it "has a cache_key attribute" do cookbook_lock.cache_key = "nginx-1.0.0-example.com" expect(cookbook_lock.cache_key).to eq("nginx-1.0.0-example.com") end it "has an origin attribute" do cookbook_lock.origin = "https://artifacts.example.com/nginx/1.0.0/download" expect(cookbook_lock.origin).to eq("https://artifacts.example.com/nginx/1.0.0/download") end it "errors locating the cookbook when the cache key is not set" do expect { cookbook_lock.cookbook_path }.to raise_error(ChefDK::MissingCookbookLockData) end it "ignores calls to #refresh!" do expect { cookbook_lock.refresh! }.to_not raise_error end context "when populated with valid data" do let(:cookbook_name) { "foo" } let(:cache_path) { File.join(fixtures_path, "cached_cookbooks") } before do cookbook_lock.cache_key = "foo-1.0.0" storage_config.cache_path = cache_path end it "gives the path to the cookbook in the cache" do expect(cookbook_lock.cookbook_path).to eq(File.join(cache_path, "foo-1.0.0")) end end end describe ChefDK::Policyfile::LocalCookbook do let(:cookbook_name) { "nginx" } let(:storage_config) { ChefDK::Policyfile::StorageConfig.new } let(:cookbook_lock) do lock = described_class.new(cookbook_name, storage_config) allow(lock).to receive(:scm_info).and_return({}) lock end include_examples "Cookbook Lock" describe "gathering identifier info" do let(:identifiers) do instance_double("ChefDK::CookbookProfiler::Identifiers", content_identifier: "abc123", dotted_decimal_identifier: "111.222.333", semver_version: "1.2.3") end before do allow(cookbook_lock).to receive(:identifiers).and_return(identifiers) cookbook_lock.gather_profile_data end it "sets the content identifier" do expect(cookbook_lock.identifier).to eq("abc123") end it "sets the backwards compatible dotted decimal identifer equivalent" do expect(cookbook_lock.dotted_decimal_identifier).to eq("111.222.333") end it "collects the 'real' SemVer version of the cookbook" do expect(cookbook_lock.version).to eq("1.2.3") end end context "when loading data from a serialized form" do let(:previous_lock_data) do { "identifier" => "abc123", "dotted_decimal_identifier" => "111.222.333", "version" => "1.2.3", "source" => "../my_repo/nginx", "source_options" => { "path" => "../my_repo/nginx" } } end before do cookbook_lock.build_from_lock_data(previous_lock_data) end it "sets the identifier" do expect(cookbook_lock.identifier).to eq("abc123") end it "sets the dotted_decimal_identifier" do expect(cookbook_lock.dotted_decimal_identifier).to eq("111.222.333") end it "sets the version" do expect(cookbook_lock.version).to eq("1.2.3") end it "sets the source attribute" do expect(cookbook_lock.source).to eq("../my_repo/nginx") end it "sets the source options, symbolizing keys so the data is compatible with CookbookLocationSpecification" do expected = { path: "../my_repo/nginx" } expect(cookbook_lock.source_options).to eq(expected) end context "after the data has been refreshed" do before do allow(cookbook_lock).to receive(:identifiers).and_return(identifiers) cookbook_lock.refresh! end context "and the underlying hasn't been mutated" do let(:identifiers) do instance_double("ChefDK::CookbookProfiler::Identifiers", content_identifier: "abc123", dotted_decimal_identifier: "111.222.333", semver_version: "1.2.3") end it "has the correct identifier" do expect(cookbook_lock.identifier).to eq("abc123") end it "has the correct dotted_decimal_identifier" do expect(cookbook_lock.dotted_decimal_identifier).to eq("111.222.333") end it "has the correct version" do expect(cookbook_lock.version).to eq("1.2.3") end it "sets the updated flag to false" do expect(cookbook_lock).to_not be_updated end it "sets the version_updated flag to false" do expect(cookbook_lock.version_updated?).to be(false) end it "sets the identifier_updated flag to false" do expect(cookbook_lock.identifier_updated?).to be(false) end end context "and the underlying data has been mutated" do # represents the updated state of the cookbook let(:identifiers) do instance_double("ChefDK::CookbookProfiler::Identifiers", content_identifier: "def456", dotted_decimal_identifier: "777.888.999", semver_version: "7.8.9") end it "sets the content identifier to the new identifier" do expect(cookbook_lock.identifier).to eq("def456") end it "sets the dotted_decimal_identifier to the new identifier" do expect(cookbook_lock.dotted_decimal_identifier).to eq("777.888.999") end it "sets the SemVer version to the new version" do expect(cookbook_lock.version).to eq("7.8.9") end it "sets the updated flag to true" do expect(cookbook_lock).to be_updated end it "sets the version_updated flag to true" do expect(cookbook_lock.version_updated?).to be(true) end it "sets the identifier_updated flag to true" do expect(cookbook_lock.identifier_updated?).to be(true) end end end end end