# Copyright 2015 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

require "google/cloud/bigquery/service"
require "google/cloud/bigquery/data"
require "google/cloud/bigquery/encryption_configuration"
require "google/apis/bigquery_v2"

module Google
  module Cloud
    module Bigquery
      # # QueryJob
      # A {Job} subclass representing a query operation that may be performed
      # on a {Table}. A QueryJob instance is created when you call
      # {Project#query_job}, {Dataset#query_job}.
      # @see https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/querying-data Querying Data
      # @see https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/v2/jobs Jobs API
      #   reference
      # @example
      #   require "google/cloud/bigquery"
      #   bigquery = Google::Cloud::Bigquery.new
      #   job = bigquery.query_job "SELECT COUNT(word) as count FROM " \
      #                            "`bigquery-public-data.samples.shakespeare`"
      #   job.wait_until_done!
      #   if job.failed?
      #     puts job.error
      #   else
      #     puts job.data.first
      #   end
      # @example With multiple statements and child jobs:
      #   require "google/cloud/bigquery"
      #   bigquery = Google::Cloud::Bigquery.new
      #   multi_statement_sql = <<~SQL
      #     -- Declare a variable to hold names as an array.
      #     DECLARE top_names ARRAY<STRING>;
      #     -- Build an array of the top 100 names from the year 2017.
      #     SET top_names = (
      #     SELECT ARRAY_AGG(name ORDER BY number DESC LIMIT 100)
      #     FROM `bigquery-public-data.usa_names.usa_1910_current`
      #     WHERE year = 2017
      #     );
      #     -- Which names appear as words in Shakespeare's plays?
      #     SELECT
      #     name AS shakespeare_name
      #     FROM UNNEST(top_names) AS name
      #     WHERE name IN (
      #     SELECT word
      #     FROM `bigquery-public-data.samples.shakespeare`
      #     );
      #   SQL
      #   job = bigquery.query_job multi_statement_sql
      #   job.wait_until_done!
      #   child_jobs = bigquery.jobs parent_job: job
      #   child_jobs.each do |child_job|
      #     script_statistics = child_job.script_statistics
      #     puts script_statistics.evaluation_kind
      #     script_statistics.stack_frames.each do |stack_frame|
      #       puts stack_frame.text
      #     end
      #   end
      class QueryJob < Job
        # Checks if the priority for the query is `BATCH`.
        # @return [Boolean] `true` when the priority is `BATCH`, `false`
        #   otherwise.
        def batch?
          @gapi.configuration.query.priority == "BATCH"

        # Checks if the priority for the query is `INTERACTIVE`.
        # @return [Boolean] `true` when the priority is `INTERACTIVE`, `false`
        #   otherwise.
        def interactive?
          val = @gapi.configuration.query.priority
          return true if val.nil?
          val == "INTERACTIVE"

        # Checks if the the query job allows arbitrarily large results at a
        # slight cost to performance.
        # @return [Boolean] `true` when large results are allowed, `false`
        #   otherwise.
        def large_results?
          val = @gapi.configuration.query.allow_large_results
          return false if val.nil?

        # Checks if the query job looks for an existing result in the query
        # cache. For more information, see [Query
        # Caching](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/querying-data#querycaching).
        # @return [Boolean] `true` when the query cache will be used, `false`
        #   otherwise.
        def cache?
          val = @gapi.configuration.query.use_query_cache
          return false if val.nil?

        # If set, don't actually run this job. A valid query will return a
        # mostly empty response with some processing statistics, while an
        # invalid query will return the same error it would if it wasn't a dry
        # run.
        # @return [Boolean] `true` when the dry run flag is set for the query
        #   job, `false` otherwise.
        def dryrun?
        alias dryrun dryrun?
        alias dry_run dryrun?
        alias dry_run? dryrun?

        # Checks if the query job flattens nested and repeated fields in the
        # query results. The default is `true`. If the value is `false`,
        # #large_results? should return `true`.
        # @return [Boolean] `true` when the job flattens results, `false`
        #   otherwise.
        def flatten?
          val = @gapi.configuration.query.flatten_results
          return true if val.nil?

        # Limits the billing tier for this job. Queries that have resource usage
        # beyond this tier will raise (without incurring a charge). If
        # unspecified, this will be set to your project default. For more
        # information, see [High-Compute
        # queries](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/pricing#high-compute).
        # @return [Integer, nil] The tier number, or `nil` for the project
        #   default.
        def maximum_billing_tier

        # Limits the bytes billed for this job. Queries that will have bytes
        # billed beyond this limit will raise (without incurring a charge). If
        # `nil`, this will be set to your project default.
        # @return [Integer, nil] The number of bytes, or `nil` for the project
        #   default.
        def maximum_bytes_billed
          Integer @gapi.configuration.query.maximum_bytes_billed
        rescue StandardError

        # Checks if the query results are from the query cache.
        # @return [Boolean] `true` when the job statistics indicate a cache hit,
        #   `false` otherwise.
        def cache_hit?
          return false unless @gapi.statistics.query

        # The number of bytes processed by the query.
        # @return [Integer, nil] Total bytes processed for the job.
        def bytes_processed
          Integer @gapi.statistics.query.total_bytes_processed
        rescue StandardError

        # Describes the execution plan for the query.
        # @return [Array<Google::Cloud::Bigquery::QueryJob::Stage>, nil] An
        #   array containing the stages of the execution plan.
        # @example
        #   require "google/cloud/bigquery"
        #   bigquery = Google::Cloud::Bigquery.new
        #   sql = "SELECT word FROM `bigquery-public-data.samples.shakespeare`"
        #   job = bigquery.query_job sql
        #   job.wait_until_done!
        #   stages = job.query_plan
        #   stages.each do |stage|
        #     puts stage.name
        #     stage.steps.each do |step|
        #       puts step.kind
        #       puts step.substeps.inspect
        #     end
        #   end
        def query_plan
          return nil unless @gapi&.statistics&.query&.query_plan
          Array(@gapi.statistics.query.query_plan).map { |stage| Stage.from_gapi stage }

        # The type of query statement, if valid. Possible values (new values
        # might be added in the future):
        # * "CREATE_MODEL": DDL statement, see [Using Data Definition Language
        #   Statements](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/data-definition-language)
        # * "CREATE_TABLE": DDL statement, see [Using Data Definition Language
        #   Statements](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/data-definition-language)
        # * "CREATE_TABLE_AS_SELECT": DDL statement, see [Using Data Definition
        #   Language Statements](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/data-definition-language)
        # * "CREATE_VIEW": DDL statement, see [Using Data Definition Language
        #   Statements](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/data-definition-language)
        # * "DELETE": DML statement, see [Data Manipulation Language Syntax](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/dml-syntax)
        # * "DROP_MODEL": DDL statement, see [Using Data Definition Language
        #   Statements](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/data-definition-language)
        # * "DROP_TABLE": DDL statement, see [Using Data Definition Language
        #   Statements](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/data-definition-language)
        # * "DROP_VIEW": DDL statement, see [Using Data Definition Language
        #   Statements](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/data-definition-language)
        # * "INSERT": DML statement, see [Data Manipulation Language Syntax](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/dml-syntax)
        # * "MERGE": DML statement, see [Data Manipulation Language Syntax](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/dml-syntax)
        # * "SELECT": SQL query, see [Standard SQL Query Syntax](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/query-syntax)
        # * "UPDATE": DML statement, see [Data Manipulation Language Syntax](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/dml-syntax)
        # @return [String, nil] The type of query statement.
        def statement_type
          return nil unless @gapi.statistics.query

        # Whether the query is a DDL statement.
        # @see https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/data-definition-language
        #   Using Data Definition Language Statements
        # @return [Boolean]
        # @example
        #   require "google/cloud/bigquery"
        #   bigquery = Google::Cloud::Bigquery.new
        #   query_job = bigquery.query_job "CREATE TABLE my_table (x INT64)"
        #   query_job.statement_type #=> "CREATE_TABLE"
        #   query_job.ddl? #=> true
        def ddl?
           "DROP_VIEW"].include? statement_type

        # Whether the query is a DML statement.
        # @see https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/dml-syntax
        #   Data Manipulation Language Syntax
        # @return [Boolean]
        # @example
        #   require "google/cloud/bigquery"
        #   bigquery = Google::Cloud::Bigquery.new
        #   query_job = bigquery.query_job "UPDATE my_table " \
        #                                  "SET x = x + 1 " \
        #                                  "WHERE x IS NOT NULL"
        #   query_job.statement_type #=> "UPDATE"
        #   query_job.dml? #=> true
        def dml?
          ["INSERT", "UPDATE", "MERGE", "DELETE"].include? statement_type

        # The DDL operation performed, possibly dependent on the pre-existence
        # of the DDL target. (See {#ddl_target_table}.) Possible values (new
        # values might be added in the future):
        # * "CREATE": The query created the DDL target.
        # * "SKIP": No-op. Example cases: the query is
        #   `CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS` while the table already exists, or the
        #   query is `DROP TABLE IF EXISTS` while the table does not exist.
        # * "REPLACE": The query replaced the DDL target. Example case: the
        #   query is `CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE`, and the table already exists.
        # * "DROP": The query deleted the DDL target.
        # @return [String, nil] The DDL operation performed.
        def ddl_operation_performed
          return nil unless @gapi.statistics.query

        # The DDL target routine, in reference state. (See {Routine#reference?}.)
        # Present only for `CREATE/DROP FUNCTION/PROCEDURE` queries. (See
        # {#statement_type}.)
        # @return [Google::Cloud::Bigquery::Routine, nil] The DDL target routine, in
        #   reference state.
        def ddl_target_routine
          return nil unless @gapi.statistics.query
          routine = @gapi.statistics.query.ddl_target_routine
          return nil unless routine
          Google::Cloud::Bigquery::Routine.new_reference_from_gapi routine, service

        # The DDL target table, in reference state. (See {Table#reference?}.)
        # Present only for `CREATE/DROP TABLE/VIEW` queries. (See
        # {#statement_type}.)
        # @return [Google::Cloud::Bigquery::Table, nil] The DDL target table, in
        #   reference state.
        def ddl_target_table
          return nil unless @gapi.statistics.query
          table = @gapi.statistics.query.ddl_target_table
          return nil unless table
          Google::Cloud::Bigquery::Table.new_reference_from_gapi table, service

        # The number of rows affected by a DML statement. Present only for DML
        # statements `INSERT`, `UPDATE` or `DELETE`. (See {#statement_type}.)
        # @return [Integer, nil] The number of rows affected by a DML statement,
        #   or `nil` if the query is not a DML statement.
        def num_dml_affected_rows
          return nil unless @gapi.statistics.query

        # The table in which the query results are stored.
        # @return [Table] A table instance.
        def destination
          table = @gapi.configuration.query.destination_table
          return nil unless table
          retrieve_table table.project_id,

        # Checks if the query job is using legacy sql.
        # @return [Boolean] `true` when legacy sql is used, `false` otherwise.
        def legacy_sql?
          val = @gapi.configuration.query.use_legacy_sql
          return true if val.nil?

        # Checks if the query job is using standard sql.
        # @return [Boolean] `true` when standard sql is used, `false` otherwise.
        def standard_sql?

        # The user-defined function resources used in the query. May be either a
        # code resource to load from a Google Cloud Storage URI
        # (`gs://bucket/path`), or an inline resource that contains code for a
        # user-defined function (UDF). Providing an inline code resource is
        # equivalent to providing a URI for a file containing the same code. See
        # [User-Defined Functions](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/user-defined-functions).
        # @return [Array<String>] An array containing Google Cloud Storage URIs
        #   and/or inline source code.
        def udfs
          udfs_gapi = @gapi.configuration.query.user_defined_function_resources
          return nil unless udfs_gapi
          Array(udfs_gapi).map { |udf| udf.inline_code || udf.resource_uri }

        # The encryption configuration of the destination table.
        # @return [Google::Cloud::BigQuery::EncryptionConfiguration] Custom
        #   encryption configuration (e.g., Cloud KMS keys).
        # @!group Attributes
        def encryption
          EncryptionConfiguration.from_gapi @gapi.configuration.query.destination_encryption_configuration

        # Checks if the destination table will be range partitioned. See [Creating and using integer range partitioned
        # tables](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/creating-integer-range-partitions).
        # @return [Boolean] `true` when the table is range partitioned, or `false` otherwise.
        # @!group Attributes
        def range_partitioning?

        # The field on which the destination table will be range partitioned, if any. The field must be a
        # top-level `NULLABLE/REQUIRED` field. The only supported type is `INTEGER/INT64`. See
        # [Creating and using integer range partitioned
        # tables](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/creating-integer-range-partitions).
        # @return [String, nil] The partition field, if a field was configured, or `nil` if not range partitioned.
        # @!group Attributes
        def range_partitioning_field
          @gapi.configuration.query.range_partitioning.field if range_partitioning?

        # The start of range partitioning, inclusive. See [Creating and using integer range partitioned
        # tables](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/creating-integer-range-partitions).
        # @return [Integer, nil] The start of range partitioning, inclusive, or `nil` if not range partitioned.
        # @!group Attributes
        def range_partitioning_start
          @gapi.configuration.query.range_partitioning.range.start if range_partitioning?

        # The width of each interval. See [Creating and using integer range partitioned
        # tables](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/creating-integer-range-partitions).
        # @return [Integer, nil] The width of each interval, for data in range partitions, or `nil` if not range
        #   partitioned.
        # @!group Attributes
        def range_partitioning_interval
          @gapi.configuration.query.range_partitioning.range.interval if range_partitioning?

        # The end of range partitioning, exclusive. See [Creating and using integer range partitioned
        # tables](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/creating-integer-range-partitions).
        # @return [Integer, nil] The end of range partitioning, exclusive, or `nil` if not range partitioned.
        # @!group Attributes
        def range_partitioning_end
          @gapi.configuration.query.range_partitioning.range.end if range_partitioning?

        # Checks if the destination table will be time-partitioned. See
        # [Partitioned Tables](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/partitioned-tables).
        # @return [Boolean] `true` when the table will be time-partitioned,
        #   or `false` otherwise.
        # @!group Attributes
        def time_partitioning?

        # The period for which the destination table will be partitioned, if
        # any. See [Partitioned Tables](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/partitioned-tables).
        # @return [String, nil] The partition type. The supported types are `DAY`,
        #   `HOUR`, `MONTH`, and `YEAR`, which will generate one partition per day,
        #   hour, month, and year, respectively; or `nil` if not present.
        # @!group Attributes
        def time_partitioning_type
          @gapi.configuration.query.time_partitioning.type if time_partitioning?

        # The field on which the destination table will be partitioned, if any.
        # If not set, the destination table will be partitioned by pseudo column
        # `_PARTITIONTIME`; if set, the table will be partitioned by this field.
        # See [Partitioned Tables](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/partitioned-tables).
        # @return [String, nil] The partition field, if a field was configured.
        #   `nil` if not partitioned or not set (partitioned by pseudo column
        #   '_PARTITIONTIME').
        # @!group Attributes
        def time_partitioning_field
          return nil unless time_partitioning?

        # The expiration for the destination table partitions, if any, in
        # seconds. See [Partitioned
        # Tables](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/partitioned-tables).
        # @return [Integer, nil] The expiration time, in seconds, for data in
        #   partitions, or `nil` if not present.
        # @!group Attributes
        def time_partitioning_expiration
          tp = @gapi.configuration.query.time_partitioning
          tp.expiration_ms / 1_000 if tp && !tp.expiration_ms.nil?

        # If set to true, queries over the destination table will require a
        # partition filter that can be used for partition elimination to be
        # specified. See [Partitioned
        # Tables](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/partitioned-tables).
        # @return [Boolean] `true` when a partition filter will be required,
        #   or `false` otherwise.
        # @!group Attributes
        def time_partitioning_require_filter?
          tp = @gapi.configuration.query.time_partitioning
          return false if tp.nil? || tp.require_partition_filter.nil?

        # Checks if the destination table will be clustered.
        # See {QueryJob::Updater#clustering_fields=}, {Table#clustering_fields} and
        # {Table#clustering_fields=}.
        # @see https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/clustered-tables
        #   Introduction to clustered tables
        # @see https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/creating-clustered-tables
        #   Creating and using clustered tables
        # @return [Boolean] `true` when the table will be clustered,
        #   or `false` otherwise.
        # @!group Attributes
        def clustering?

        # One or more fields on which the destination table should be clustered.
        # Must be specified with time-based partitioning, data in the table will
        # be first partitioned and subsequently clustered. The order of the
        # returned fields determines the sort order of the data.
        # BigQuery supports clustering for both partitioned and non-partitioned
        # tables.
        # See {QueryJob::Updater#clustering_fields=}, {Table#clustering_fields} and
        # {Table#clustering_fields=}.
        # @see https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/clustered-tables
        #   Introduction to clustered tables
        # @see https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/creating-clustered-tables
        #   Creating and using clustered tables
        # @return [Array<String>, nil] The clustering fields, or `nil` if the
        #   destination table will not be clustered.
        # @!group Attributes
        def clustering_fields
          @gapi.configuration.query.clustering.fields if clustering?

        # Refreshes the job until the job is `DONE`.
        # The delay between refreshes will incrementally increase.
        # @example
        #   require "google/cloud/bigquery"
        #   bigquery = Google::Cloud::Bigquery.new
        #   sql = "SELECT word FROM `bigquery-public-data.samples.shakespeare`"
        #   job = bigquery.query_job sql
        #   job.wait_until_done!
        #   job.done? #=> true
        def wait_until_done!
          return if done?

          loop do
            query_results_gapi = service.job_query_results job_id, location: location, max: 0
            if query_results_gapi.job_complete
              @destination_schema_gapi = query_results_gapi.schema

        # Retrieves the query results for the job.
        # @param [String] token Page token, returned by a previous call,
        #   identifying the result set.
        # @param [Integer] max Maximum number of results to return.
        # @param [Integer] start Zero-based index of the starting row to read.
        # @return [Google::Cloud::Bigquery::Data] An object providing access to
        #   data read from the destination table for the job.
        # @example
        #   require "google/cloud/bigquery"
        #   bigquery = Google::Cloud::Bigquery.new
        #   sql = "SELECT word FROM `bigquery-public-data.samples.shakespeare`"
        #   job = bigquery.query_job sql
        #   job.wait_until_done!
        #   data = job.data
        #   # Iterate over the first page of results
        #   data.each do |row|
        #     puts row[:word]
        #   end
        #   # Retrieve the next page of results
        #   data = data.next if data.next?
        def data token: nil, max: nil, start: nil
          return nil unless done?
          return Data.from_gapi_json({ rows: [] }, nil, @gapi, service) if dryrun?
          if ddl? || dml?
            data_hash = { totalRows: nil, rows: [] }
            return Data.from_gapi_json data_hash, nil, @gapi, service

          data_hash = service.list_tabledata destination_table_dataset_id,
                                             token: token,
                                             max: max,
                                             start: start
          Data.from_gapi_json data_hash, destination_table_gapi, @gapi, service
        alias query_results data

        # Yielded to a block to accumulate changes for a patch request.
        class Updater < QueryJob
          # @private Create an Updater object.
          def initialize service, gapi
            @service = service
            @gapi = gapi

          # @private Create an Updater from an options hash.
          # @return [Google::Cloud::Bigquery::QueryJob::Updater] A job
          #   configuration object for setting query options.
          def self.from_options service, query, options
            job_ref = service.job_ref_from options[:job_id], options[:prefix]
            dataset_config = service.dataset_ref_from options[:dataset],
            req = Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::Job.new(
              job_reference: job_ref,
              configuration: Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::JobConfiguration.new(
                query: Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::JobConfigurationQuery.new(
                  query: query,
                  default_dataset: dataset_config,
                  maximum_billing_tier: options[:maximum_billing_tier]

            updater = QueryJob::Updater.new service, req
            updater.set_params_and_types options[:params], options[:types] if options[:params]
            updater.create = options[:create]
            updater.write = options[:write]
            updater.table = options[:table]
            updater.dryrun = options[:dryrun]
            updater.maximum_bytes_billed = options[:maximum_bytes_billed]
            updater.labels = options[:labels] if options[:labels]
            updater.legacy_sql = Convert.resolve_legacy_sql options[:standard_sql], options[:legacy_sql]
            updater.external = options[:external] if options[:external]
            updater.priority = options[:priority]
            updater.cache = options[:cache]
            updater.large_results = options[:large_results]
            updater.flatten = options[:flatten]
            updater.udfs = options[:udfs]

          # Sets the geographic location where the job should run. Required
          # except for US and EU.
          # @param [String] value  A geographic location, such as "US", "EU" or
          #   "asia-northeast1". Required except for US and EU.
          # @example
          #   require "google/cloud/bigquery"
          #   bigquery = Google::Cloud::Bigquery.new
          #   dataset = bigquery.dataset "my_dataset"
          #   job = bigquery.query_job "SELECT 1;" do |query|
          #     query.table = dataset.table "my_table", skip_lookup: true
          #     query.location = "EU"
          #   end
          # @!group Attributes
          def location= value
            @gapi.job_reference.location = value
            return unless value.nil?

            # Treat assigning value of nil the same as unsetting the value.
            unset = @gapi.job_reference.instance_variables.include? :@location
            @gapi.job_reference.remove_instance_variable :@location if unset

          # Sets the priority of the query.
          # @param [String] value Specifies a priority for the query. Possible
          #   values include `INTERACTIVE` and `BATCH`.
          # @!group Attributes
          def priority= value
            @gapi.configuration.query.priority = priority_value value

          # Specifies to look in the query cache for results.
          # @param [Boolean] value Whether to look for the result in the query
          #   cache. The query cache is a best-effort cache that will be flushed
          #   whenever tables in the query are modified. The default value is
          #   true. For more information, see [query
          #   caching](https://developers.google.com/bigquery/querying-data).
          # @!group Attributes
          def cache= value
            @gapi.configuration.query.use_query_cache = value

          # Allow large results for a legacy SQL query.
          # @param [Boolean] value This option is specific to Legacy SQL.
          #   If `true`, allows the query to produce arbitrarily large result
          #   tables at a slight cost in performance. Requires `table` parameter
          #   to be set.
          # @!group Attributes
          def large_results= value
            @gapi.configuration.query.allow_large_results = value

          # Flatten nested and repeated fields in legacy SQL queries.
          # @param [Boolean] value This option is specific to Legacy SQL.
          #   Flattens all nested and repeated fields in the query results. The
          #   default value is `true`. `large_results` parameter must be `true`
          #   if this is set to `false`.
          # @!group Attributes
          def flatten= value
            @gapi.configuration.query.flatten_results = value

          # Sets the default dataset of tables referenced in the query.
          # @param [Dataset] value The default dataset to use for unqualified
          #   table names in the query.
          # @!group Attributes
          def dataset= value
            @gapi.configuration.query.default_dataset = @service.dataset_ref_from value

          # Sets the query parameters. Standard SQL only.
          # Use {set_params_and_types} to set both params and types.
          # @param [Array, Hash] params Standard SQL only. Used to pass query arguments when the `query` string contains
          #   either positional (`?`) or named (`@myparam`) query parameters. If value passed is an array `["foo"]`, the
          #   query must use positional query parameters. If value passed is a hash `{ myparam: "foo" }`, the query must
          #   use named query parameters. When set, `legacy_sql` will automatically be set to false and `standard_sql`
          #   to true.
          #   Ruby types are mapped to BigQuery types as follows:
          #   | BigQuery     | Ruby                                 | Notes                                            |
          #   |--------------|--------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------|
          #   | `BOOL`       | `true`/`false`                       |                                                  |
          #   | `INT64`      | `Integer`                            |                                                  |
          #   | `FLOAT64`    | `Float`                              |                                                  |
          #   | `NUMERIC`    | `BigDecimal`                         | `BigDecimal` values will be rounded to scale 9.  |
          #   | `BIGNUMERIC` |                                      | Query param values must be mapped in `types`.    |
          #   | `STRING`     | `String`                             |                                                  |
          #   | `DATETIME`   | `DateTime`                           | `DATETIME` does not support time zone.           |
          #   | `DATE`       | `Date`                               |                                                  |
          #   | `TIMESTAMP`  | `Time`                               |                                                  |
          #   | `TIME`       | `Google::Cloud::BigQuery::Time`      |                                                  |
          #   | `BYTES`      | `File`, `IO`, `StringIO`, or similar |                                                  |
          #   | `ARRAY`      | `Array`                              | Nested arrays, `nil` values are not supported.   |
          #   | `STRUCT`     | `Hash`                               | Hash keys may be strings or symbols.             |
          #   See [Data Types](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/data-types) for an overview
          #   of each BigQuery data type, including allowed values.
          # @!group Attributes
          def params= params
            set_params_and_types params

          # Sets the query parameters. Standard SQL only.
          # @param [Array, Hash] params Standard SQL only. Used to pass query arguments when the `query` string contains
          #   either positional (`?`) or named (`@myparam`) query parameters. If value passed is an array `["foo"]`, the
          #   query must use positional query parameters. If value passed is a hash `{ myparam: "foo" }`, the query must
          #   use named query parameters. When set, `legacy_sql` will automatically be set to false and `standard_sql`
          #   to true.
          #   Ruby types are mapped to BigQuery types as follows:
          #   | BigQuery     | Ruby                                 | Notes                                            |
          #   |--------------|--------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------|
          #   | `BOOL`       | `true`/`false`                       |                                                  |
          #   | `INT64`      | `Integer`                            |                                                  |
          #   | `FLOAT64`    | `Float`                              |                                                  |
          #   | `NUMERIC`    | `BigDecimal`                         | `BigDecimal` values will be rounded to scale 9.  |
          #   | `BIGNUMERIC` |                                      | Query param values must be mapped in `types`.    |
          #   | `STRING`     | `String`                             |                                                  |
          #   | `DATETIME`   | `DateTime`                           | `DATETIME` does not support time zone.           |
          #   | `DATE`       | `Date`                               |                                                  |
          #   | `TIMESTAMP`  | `Time`                               |                                                  |
          #   | `TIME`       | `Google::Cloud::BigQuery::Time`      |                                                  |
          #   | `BYTES`      | `File`, `IO`, `StringIO`, or similar |                                                  |
          #   | `ARRAY`      | `Array`                              | Nested arrays, `nil` values are not supported.   |
          #   | `STRUCT`     | `Hash`                               | Hash keys may be strings or symbols.             |
          #   See [Data Types](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/data-types) for an overview
          #   of each BigQuery data type, including allowed values.
          # @param [Array, Hash] types Standard SQL only. Types of the SQL parameters in `params`. It is not always
          #   possible to infer the right SQL type from a value in `params`. In these cases, `types` must be used to
          #   specify the SQL type for these values.
          #   Arguments must match the value type passed to `params`. This must be an `Array` when the query uses
          #   positional query parameters. This must be an `Hash` when the query uses named query parameters. The values
          #   should be BigQuery type codes from the following list:
          #   * `:BOOL`
          #   * `:INT64`
          #   * `:FLOAT64`
          #   * `:NUMERIC`
          #   * `:BIGNUMERIC`
          #   * `:STRING`
          #   * `:DATETIME`
          #   * `:DATE`
          #   * `:TIMESTAMP`
          #   * `:TIME`
          #   * `:BYTES`
          #   * `Array` - Lists are specified by providing the type code in an array. For example, an array of integers
          #     are specified as `[:INT64]`.
          #   * `Hash` - Types for STRUCT values (`Hash` objects) are specified using a `Hash` object, where the keys
          #     match the `params` hash, and the values are the types value that matches the data.
          #   Types are optional.
          # @!group Attributes
          def set_params_and_types params, types = nil
            types ||= params.class.new
            raise ArgumentError, "types must use the same format as params" if types.class != params.class

            case params
            when Array
              @gapi.configuration.query.use_legacy_sql = false
              @gapi.configuration.query.parameter_mode = "POSITIONAL"
              @gapi.configuration.query.query_parameters = params.zip(types).map do |param, type|
                Convert.to_query_param param, type
            when Hash
              @gapi.configuration.query.use_legacy_sql = false
              @gapi.configuration.query.parameter_mode = "NAMED"
              @gapi.configuration.query.query_parameters = params.map do |name, param|
                type = types[name]
                Convert.to_query_param(param, type).tap { |named_param| named_param.name = String name }
              raise ArgumentError, "params must be an Array or a Hash"

          # Sets the create disposition for creating the query results table.
          # @param [String] value Specifies whether the job is allowed to
          # create new tables. The default value is `needed`.
          #   The following values are supported:
          #   * `needed` - Create the table if it does not exist.
          #   * `never` - The table must already exist. A 'notFound' error is
          #     raised if the table does not exist.
          # @!group Attributes
          def create= value
            @gapi.configuration.query.create_disposition = Convert.create_disposition value

          # Sets the write disposition for when the query results table exists.
          # @param [String] value Specifies the action that occurs if the
          #   destination table already exists. The default value is `empty`.
          #   The following values are supported:
          #   * `truncate` - BigQuery overwrites the table data.
          #   * `append` - BigQuery appends the data to the table.
          #   * `empty` - A 'duplicate' error is returned in the job result if
          #     the table exists and contains data.
          # @!group Attributes
          def write= value
            @gapi.configuration.query.write_disposition = Convert.write_disposition value

          # Sets the dry run flag for the query job.
          # @param [Boolean] value If set, don't actually run this job. A valid
          #   query will return a mostly empty response with some processing
          #   statistics, while an invalid query will return the same error it
          #   would if it wasn't a dry run..
          # @!group Attributes
          def dryrun= value
            @gapi.configuration.dry_run = value
          alias dry_run= dryrun=

          # Sets the destination for the query results table.
          # @param [Table] value The destination table where the query results
          #   should be stored. If not present, a new table will be created
          #   according to the create disposition to store the results.
          # @!group Attributes
          def table= value
            @gapi.configuration.query.destination_table = table_ref_from value

          # Sets the maximum bytes billed for the query.
          # @param [Integer] value Limits the bytes billed for this job.
          #   Queries that will have bytes billed beyond this limit will fail
          #   (without incurring a charge). Optional. If unspecified, this will
          #   be set to your project default.
          # @!group Attributes
          def maximum_bytes_billed= value
            @gapi.configuration.query.maximum_bytes_billed = value

          # Sets the labels to use for the job.
          # @param [Hash] value A hash of user-provided labels associated with
          #   the job. You can use these to organize and group your jobs.
          #   The labels applied to a resource must meet the following requirements:
          #   * Each resource can have multiple labels, up to a maximum of 64.
          #   * Each label must be a key-value pair.
          #   * Keys have a minimum length of 1 character and a maximum length of
          #     63 characters, and cannot be empty. Values can be empty, and have
          #     a maximum length of 63 characters.
          #   * Keys and values can contain only lowercase letters, numeric characters,
          #     underscores, and dashes. All characters must use UTF-8 encoding, and
          #     international characters are allowed.
          #   * The key portion of a label must be unique. However, you can use the
          #     same key with multiple resources.
          #   * Keys must start with a lowercase letter or international character.
          # @!group Attributes
          def labels= value
            @gapi.configuration.update! labels: value

          # Sets the query syntax to legacy SQL.
          # @param [Boolean] value Specifies whether to use BigQuery's [legacy
          #   SQL](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/legacy-sql)
          #   dialect for this query. If set to false, the query will use
          #   BigQuery's [standard
          #   SQL](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/)
          #   dialect. Optional. The default value is false.
          # @!group Attributes
          def legacy_sql= value
            @gapi.configuration.query.use_legacy_sql = value

          # Sets the query syntax to standard SQL.
          # @param [Boolean] value Specifies whether to use BigQuery's [standard
          #   SQL](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/)
          #   dialect for this query. If set to true, the query will use
          #   standard SQL rather than the [legacy
          #   SQL](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/legacy-sql)
          #   dialect. Optional. The default value is true.
          # @!group Attributes
          def standard_sql= value
            @gapi.configuration.query.use_legacy_sql = !value

          # Sets definitions for external tables used in the query.
          # @param [Hash<String|Symbol, External::DataSource>] value A Hash
          #   that represents the mapping of the external tables to the table
          #   names used in the SQL query. The hash keys are the table names,
          #   and the hash values are the external table objects.
          # @!group Attributes
          def external= value
            external_table_pairs = value.map { |name, obj| [String(name), obj.to_gapi] }
            external_table_hash = Hash[external_table_pairs]
            @gapi.configuration.query.table_definitions = external_table_hash

          # Sets user defined functions for the query.
          # @param [Array<String>, String] value User-defined function resources
          #   used in the query. May be either a code resource to load from a
          #   Google Cloud Storage URI (`gs://bucket/path`), or an inline
          #   resource that contains code for a user-defined function (UDF).
          #   Providing an inline code resource is equivalent to providing a URI
          #   for a file containing the same code. See [User-Defined
          #   Functions](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/user-defined-functions).
          # @!group Attributes
          def udfs= value
            @gapi.configuration.query.user_defined_function_resources = udfs_gapi_from value

          # Sets the encryption configuration of the destination table.
          # @param [Google::Cloud::BigQuery::EncryptionConfiguration] val
          #   Custom encryption configuration (e.g., Cloud KMS keys).
          # @example
          #   require "google/cloud/bigquery"
          #   bigquery = Google::Cloud::Bigquery.new
          #   dataset = bigquery.dataset "my_dataset"
          #   key_name = "projects/a/locations/b/keyRings/c/cryptoKeys/d"
          #   encrypt_config = bigquery.encryption kms_key: key_name
          #   job = bigquery.query_job "SELECT 1;" do |job|
          #     job.table = dataset.table "my_table", skip_lookup: true
          #     job.encryption = encrypt_config
          #   end
          # @!group Attributes
          def encryption= val
            @gapi.configuration.query.update! destination_encryption_configuration: val.to_gapi

          # Sets the field on which to range partition the table. See [Creating and using integer range partitioned
          # tables](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/creating-integer-range-partitions).
          # See {#range_partitioning_start=}, {#range_partitioning_interval=} and {#range_partitioning_end=}.
          # You can only set range partitioning when creating a table. BigQuery does not allow you to change
          # partitioning on an existing table.
          # @param [String] field The range partition field. the destination table is partitioned by this
          #   field. The field must be a top-level `NULLABLE/REQUIRED` field. The only supported
          #   type is `INTEGER/INT64`.
          # @example
          #   require "google/cloud/bigquery"
          #   bigquery = Google::Cloud::Bigquery.new
          #   dataset = bigquery.dataset "my_dataset"
          #   destination_table = dataset.table "my_destination_table",
          #                                     skip_lookup: true
          #   job = bigquery.query_job "SELECT num FROM UNNEST(GENERATE_ARRAY(0, 99)) AS num" do |job|
          #     job.table = destination_table
          #     job.range_partitioning_field = "num"
          #     job.range_partitioning_start = 0
          #     job.range_partitioning_interval = 10
          #     job.range_partitioning_end = 100
          #   end
          #   job.wait_until_done!
          #   job.done? #=> true
          # @!group Attributes
          def range_partitioning_field= field
            @gapi.configuration.query.range_partitioning ||= Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::RangePartitioning.new(
              range: Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::RangePartitioning::Range.new
            @gapi.configuration.query.range_partitioning.field = field

          # Sets the start of range partitioning, inclusive, for the destination table. See [Creating and using integer
          # range partitioned tables](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/creating-integer-range-partitions).
          # You can only set range partitioning when creating a table. BigQuery does not allow you to change
          # partitioning on an existing table.
          # See {#range_partitioning_field=}, {#range_partitioning_interval=} and {#range_partitioning_end=}.
          # @param [Integer] range_start The start of range partitioning, inclusive.
          # @example
          #   require "google/cloud/bigquery"
          #   bigquery = Google::Cloud::Bigquery.new
          #   dataset = bigquery.dataset "my_dataset"
          #   destination_table = dataset.table "my_destination_table",
          #                                     skip_lookup: true
          #   job = bigquery.query_job "SELECT num FROM UNNEST(GENERATE_ARRAY(0, 99)) AS num" do |job|
          #     job.table = destination_table
          #     job.range_partitioning_field = "num"
          #     job.range_partitioning_start = 0
          #     job.range_partitioning_interval = 10
          #     job.range_partitioning_end = 100
          #   end
          #   job.wait_until_done!
          #   job.done? #=> true
          # @!group Attributes
          def range_partitioning_start= range_start
            @gapi.configuration.query.range_partitioning ||= Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::RangePartitioning.new(
              range: Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::RangePartitioning::Range.new
            @gapi.configuration.query.range_partitioning.range.start = range_start

          # Sets width of each interval for data in range partitions. See [Creating and using integer range partitioned
          # tables](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/creating-integer-range-partitions).
          # You can only set range partitioning when creating a table. BigQuery does not allow you to change
          # partitioning on an existing table.
          # See {#range_partitioning_field=}, {#range_partitioning_start=} and {#range_partitioning_end=}.
          # @param [Integer] range_interval The width of each interval, for data in partitions.
          # @example
          #   require "google/cloud/bigquery"
          #   bigquery = Google::Cloud::Bigquery.new
          #   dataset = bigquery.dataset "my_dataset"
          #   destination_table = dataset.table "my_destination_table",
          #                                     skip_lookup: true
          #   job = bigquery.query_job "SELECT num FROM UNNEST(GENERATE_ARRAY(0, 99)) AS num" do |job|
          #     job.table = destination_table
          #     job.range_partitioning_field = "num"
          #     job.range_partitioning_start = 0
          #     job.range_partitioning_interval = 10
          #     job.range_partitioning_end = 100
          #   end
          #   job.wait_until_done!
          #   job.done? #=> true
          # @!group Attributes
          def range_partitioning_interval= range_interval
            @gapi.configuration.query.range_partitioning ||= Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::RangePartitioning.new(
              range: Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::RangePartitioning::Range.new
            @gapi.configuration.query.range_partitioning.range.interval = range_interval

          # Sets the end of range partitioning, exclusive, for the destination table. See [Creating and using integer
          # range partitioned tables](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/creating-integer-range-partitions).
          # You can only set range partitioning when creating a table. BigQuery does not allow you to change
          # partitioning on an existing table.
          # See {#range_partitioning_start=}, {#range_partitioning_interval=} and {#range_partitioning_field=}.
          # @param [Integer] range_end The end of range partitioning, exclusive.
          # @example
          #   require "google/cloud/bigquery"
          #   bigquery = Google::Cloud::Bigquery.new
          #   dataset = bigquery.dataset "my_dataset"
          #   destination_table = dataset.table "my_destination_table",
          #                                     skip_lookup: true
          #   job = bigquery.query_job "SELECT num FROM UNNEST(GENERATE_ARRAY(0, 99)) AS num" do |job|
          #     job.table = destination_table
          #     job.range_partitioning_field = "num"
          #     job.range_partitioning_start = 0
          #     job.range_partitioning_interval = 10
          #     job.range_partitioning_end = 100
          #   end
          #   job.wait_until_done!
          #   job.done? #=> true
          # @!group Attributes
          def range_partitioning_end= range_end
            @gapi.configuration.query.range_partitioning ||= Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::RangePartitioning.new(
              range: Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::RangePartitioning::Range.new
            @gapi.configuration.query.range_partitioning.range.end = range_end

          # Sets the partitioning for the destination table. See [Partitioned
          # Tables](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/partitioned-tables).
          # The supported types are `DAY`, `HOUR`, `MONTH`, and `YEAR`, which will
          # generate one partition per day, hour, month, and year, respectively.
          # You can only set the partitioning field while creating a table.
          # BigQuery does not allow you to change partitioning on an existing
          # table.
          # @param [String] type The partition type. The supported types are `DAY`,
          #   `HOUR`, `MONTH`, and `YEAR`, which will generate one partition per day,
          #   hour, month, and year, respectively.
          # @example
          #   require "google/cloud/bigquery"
          #   bigquery = Google::Cloud::Bigquery.new
          #   dataset = bigquery.dataset "my_dataset"
          #   destination_table = dataset.table "my_destination_table",
          #                                     skip_lookup: true
          #   job = dataset.query_job "SELECT * FROM UNNEST(" \
          #                           "GENERATE_TIMESTAMP_ARRAY(" \
          #                           "'2018-10-01 00:00:00', " \
          #                           "'2018-10-10 00:00:00', " \
          #                           "INTERVAL 1 DAY)) AS dob" do |job|
          #     job.table = destination_table
          #     job.time_partitioning_type = "DAY"
          #   end
          #   job.wait_until_done!
          #   job.done? #=> true
          # @!group Attributes
          def time_partitioning_type= type
            @gapi.configuration.query.time_partitioning ||= Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::TimePartitioning.new
            @gapi.configuration.query.time_partitioning.update! type: type

          # Sets the field on which to partition the destination table. If not
          # set, the destination table is partitioned by pseudo column
          # `_PARTITIONTIME`; if set, the table is partitioned by this field.
          # See [Partitioned
          # Tables](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/partitioned-tables).
          # The destination table must also be partitioned. See
          # {#time_partitioning_type=}.
          # You can only set the partitioning field while creating a table.
          # BigQuery does not allow you to change partitioning on an existing
          # table.
          # @param [String] field The partition field. The field must be a
          #   top-level TIMESTAMP or DATE field. Its mode must be NULLABLE or
          #   REQUIRED.
          # @example
          #   require "google/cloud/bigquery"
          #   bigquery = Google::Cloud::Bigquery.new
          #   dataset = bigquery.dataset "my_dataset"
          #   destination_table = dataset.table "my_destination_table",
          #                                     skip_lookup: true
          #   job = dataset.query_job "SELECT * FROM UNNEST(" \
          #                           "GENERATE_TIMESTAMP_ARRAY(" \
          #                           "'2018-10-01 00:00:00', " \
          #                           "'2018-10-10 00:00:00', " \
          #                           "INTERVAL 1 DAY)) AS dob" do |job|
          #     job.table = destination_table
          #     job.time_partitioning_type  = "DAY"
          #     job.time_partitioning_field = "dob"
          #   end
          #   job.wait_until_done!
          #   job.done? #=> true
          # @!group Attributes
          def time_partitioning_field= field
            @gapi.configuration.query.time_partitioning ||= Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::TimePartitioning.new
            @gapi.configuration.query.time_partitioning.update! field: field

          # Sets the partition expiration for the destination table. See
          # [Partitioned
          # Tables](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/partitioned-tables).
          # The destination table must also be partitioned. See
          # {#time_partitioning_type=}.
          # @param [Integer] expiration An expiration time, in seconds,
          #   for data in partitions.
          # @example
          #   require "google/cloud/bigquery"
          #   bigquery = Google::Cloud::Bigquery.new
          #   dataset = bigquery.dataset "my_dataset"
          #   destination_table = dataset.table "my_destination_table",
          #                                     skip_lookup: true
          #   job = dataset.query_job "SELECT * FROM UNNEST(" \
          #                           "GENERATE_TIMESTAMP_ARRAY(" \
          #                           "'2018-10-01 00:00:00', " \
          #                           "'2018-10-10 00:00:00', " \
          #                           "INTERVAL 1 DAY)) AS dob" do |job|
          #     job.table = destination_table
          #     job.time_partitioning_type = "DAY"
          #     job.time_partitioning_expiration = 86_400
          #   end
          #   job.wait_until_done!
          #   job.done? #=> true
          # @!group Attributes
          def time_partitioning_expiration= expiration
            @gapi.configuration.query.time_partitioning ||= Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::TimePartitioning.new
            @gapi.configuration.query.time_partitioning.update! expiration_ms: expiration * 1000

          # If set to true, queries over the destination table will require a
          # partition filter that can be used for partition elimination to be
          # specified. See [Partitioned
          # Tables](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/partitioned-tables).
          # @param [Boolean] val Indicates if queries over the destination table
          #   will require a partition filter. The default value is `false`.
          # @!group Attributes
          def time_partitioning_require_filter= val
            @gapi.configuration.query.time_partitioning ||= Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::TimePartitioning.new
            @gapi.configuration.query.time_partitioning.update! require_partition_filter: val

          # Sets the list of fields on which data should be clustered.
          # Only top-level, non-repeated, simple-type fields are supported. When
          # you cluster a table using multiple columns, the order of columns you
          # specify is important. The order of the specified columns determines
          # the sort order of the data.
          # BigQuery supports clustering for both partitioned and non-partitioned
          # tables.
          # See {QueryJob#clustering_fields}, {Table#clustering_fields} and
          # {Table#clustering_fields=}.
          # @see https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/clustered-tables
          #   Introduction to clustered tables
          # @see https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/creating-clustered-tables
          #   Creating and using clustered tables
          # @param [Array<String>] fields The clustering fields. Only top-level,
          #   non-repeated, simple-type fields are supported.
          # @example
          #   require "google/cloud/bigquery"
          #   bigquery = Google::Cloud::Bigquery.new
          #   dataset = bigquery.dataset "my_dataset"
          #   destination_table = dataset.table "my_destination_table",
          #                                     skip_lookup: true
          #   job = dataset.query_job "SELECT * FROM my_table" do |job|
          #     job.table = destination_table
          #     job.time_partitioning_type = "DAY"
          #     job.time_partitioning_field = "dob"
          #     job.clustering_fields = ["last_name", "first_name"]
          #   end
          #   job.wait_until_done!
          #   job.done? #=> true
          # @!group Attributes
          def clustering_fields= fields
            @gapi.configuration.query.clustering ||= Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::Clustering.new
            @gapi.configuration.query.clustering.fields = fields

          def cancel
            raise "not implemented in #{self.class}"

          def rerun!
            raise "not implemented in #{self.class}"

          def reload!
            raise "not implemented in #{self.class}"
          alias refresh! reload!

          def wait_until_done!
            raise "not implemented in #{self.class}"

          # @private Returns the Google API client library version of this job.
          # @return [<Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::Job>] (See
          #   {Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::Job})
          def to_gapi


          # Creates a table reference from a table object.
          def table_ref_from tbl
            return nil if tbl.nil?
              project_id: tbl.project_id,
              dataset_id: tbl.dataset_id,
              table_id:   tbl.table_id

          def priority_value str
            { "batch" => "BATCH", "interactive" => "INTERACTIVE" }[str.to_s.downcase]

          def udfs_gapi_from array_or_str
            Array(array_or_str).map do |uri_or_code|
              resource = Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::UserDefinedFunctionResource.new
              if uri_or_code.start_with? "gs://"
                resource.resource_uri = uri_or_code
                resource.inline_code = uri_or_code

        # Represents a stage in the execution plan for the query.
        # @attr_reader [Float] compute_ratio_avg Relative amount of time the
        #   average shard spent on CPU-bound tasks.
        # @attr_reader [Float] compute_ratio_max Relative amount of time the
        #   slowest shard spent on CPU-bound tasks.
        # @attr_reader [Integer] id Unique ID for the stage within the query
        #   plan.
        # @attr_reader [String] name Human-readable name for the stage.
        # @attr_reader [Float] read_ratio_avg Relative amount of time the
        #   average shard spent reading input.
        # @attr_reader [Float] read_ratio_max Relative amount of time the
        #   slowest shard spent reading input.
        # @attr_reader [Integer] records_read Number of records read into the
        #   stage.
        # @attr_reader [Integer] records_written Number of records written by
        #   the stage.
        # @attr_reader [Array<Step>] steps List of operations within the stage
        #   in dependency order (approximately chronological).
        # @attr_reader [Float] wait_ratio_avg Relative amount of time the
        #   average shard spent waiting to be scheduled.
        # @attr_reader [Float] wait_ratio_max Relative amount of time the
        #   slowest shard spent waiting to be scheduled.
        # @attr_reader [Float] write_ratio_avg Relative amount of time the
        #   average shard spent on writing output.
        # @attr_reader [Float] write_ratio_max Relative amount of time the
        #   slowest shard spent on writing output.
        # @example
        #   require "google/cloud/bigquery"
        #   bigquery = Google::Cloud::Bigquery.new
        #   sql = "SELECT word FROM `bigquery-public-data.samples.shakespeare`"
        #   job = bigquery.query_job sql
        #   job.wait_until_done!
        #   stages = job.query_plan
        #   stages.each do |stage|
        #     puts stage.name
        #     stage.steps.each do |step|
        #       puts step.kind
        #       puts step.substeps.inspect
        #     end
        #   end
        class Stage
          attr_reader :compute_ratio_avg
          attr_reader :compute_ratio_max
          attr_reader :id
          attr_reader :name
          attr_reader :read_ratio_avg
          attr_reader :read_ratio_max
          attr_reader :records_read
          attr_reader :records_written
          attr_reader :status
          attr_reader :steps
          attr_reader :wait_ratio_avg
          attr_reader :wait_ratio_max
          attr_reader :write_ratio_avg
          attr_reader :write_ratio_max

          # @private Creates a new Stage instance.
          def initialize compute_ratio_avg, compute_ratio_max, id, name, read_ratio_avg, read_ratio_max, records_read,
                         records_written, status, steps, wait_ratio_avg, wait_ratio_max, write_ratio_avg,
            @compute_ratio_avg = compute_ratio_avg
            @compute_ratio_max = compute_ratio_max
            @id                = id
            @name              = name
            @read_ratio_avg    = read_ratio_avg
            @read_ratio_max    = read_ratio_max
            @records_read      = records_read
            @records_written   = records_written
            @status            = status
            @steps             = steps
            @wait_ratio_avg    = wait_ratio_avg
            @wait_ratio_max    = wait_ratio_max
            @write_ratio_avg   = write_ratio_avg
            @write_ratio_max   = write_ratio_max

          # @private New Stage from a statistics.query.queryPlan element.
          def self.from_gapi gapi
            steps = Array(gapi.steps).map { |g| Step.from_gapi g }
            new gapi.compute_ratio_avg, gapi.compute_ratio_max, gapi.id, gapi.name, gapi.read_ratio_avg,
                gapi.read_ratio_max, gapi.records_read, gapi.records_written, gapi.status, steps, gapi.wait_ratio_avg,
                gapi.wait_ratio_max, gapi.write_ratio_avg, gapi.write_ratio_max

        # Represents an operation in a stage in the execution plan for the
        # query.
        # @attr_reader [String] kind Machine-readable operation type. For a full
        #   list of operation types, see [Steps
        #   metadata](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/query-plan-explanation#steps_metadata).
        # @attr_reader [Array<String>] substeps Human-readable stage
        #   descriptions.
        # @example
        #   require "google/cloud/bigquery"
        #   bigquery = Google::Cloud::Bigquery.new
        #   sql = "SELECT word FROM `bigquery-public-data.samples.shakespeare`"
        #   job = bigquery.query_job sql
        #   job.wait_until_done!
        #   stages = job.query_plan
        #   stages.each do |stage|
        #     puts stage.name
        #     stage.steps.each do |step|
        #       puts step.kind
        #       puts step.substeps.inspect
        #     end
        #   end
        class Step
          attr_reader :kind
          attr_reader :substeps

          # @private Creates a new Stage instance.
          def initialize kind, substeps
            @kind = kind
            @substeps = substeps

          # @private New Step from a statistics.query.queryPlan[].steps element.
          def self.from_gapi gapi
            new gapi.kind, Array(gapi.substeps)


        def ensure_schema!
          return unless destination_schema.nil?

          query_results_gapi = service.job_query_results job_id, location: location, max: 0
          # raise "unable to retrieve schema" if query_results_gapi.schema.nil?
          @destination_schema_gapi = query_results_gapi.schema

        def destination_schema

        def destination_table_dataset_id

        def destination_table_table_id

        def destination_table_gapi
            table_reference: @gapi.configuration.query.destination_table,
            schema:          destination_schema