######## ####### ######## ####### ######## ######## ## / / / / License \ \ \ \ ## Copyleft culture, Copyright (C) is prohibited here ## This work is licensed under a CC BY-SA 4.0 ## Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License ## Refer to the http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ ######## ####### ######## ####### ######## ######## ## / / / / Code Climate \ \ \ \ ## Language = ruby ## Indent = space; 4 chars; ######## ####### ######## ####### ######## ######## module ArchestryLookup class << self #Gems require 'json' require 'oj' require 'logger' require 'digest' #Files def run(state) ['tooling', 'sql', 'objects', 'schema', "context/#{state[:myAppName].downcase}"].each do |folderName| Dir[File.join(__dir__, "#{folderName}/**", '*.rb')].each { |file| require_relative file} end args = ArchestryLookup::Schema.getMFVSchema state[:timing] = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) ArchestryLookup::Sql.preSql(state) ArchestryLookup::Sql.archestry_model_lookup(args, state) ArchestryLookup::Objects.lookup_post(args, state) if state[:json] == 'obj' return args else json = JSON.pretty_generate(args) #json = Oj.dump(args) ## NO GIT-PREFERRED PRETTY OUTPUT IN OJ FileUtils.rm("#{state[:json]}") FileUtils.mkdir_p("#{state[:jsonFolder]}") File.open(state[:json], 'w') { |file| file.write(json) } end end end end