# encoding: UTF-8 module GoodData module Model class ProjectBlueprint attr_accessor :data # Instantiates a project blueprint either from a file or from a string containing # json. Also eats Hash for convenience. # # @param spec [String | Hash] value of an label you are looking for # @return [GoodData::Model::ProjectBlueprint] class << self def from_json(spec) if spec.is_a?(String) if File.file?(spec) ProjectBlueprint.new(MultiJson.load(File.read(spec), :symbolize_keys => true)) else ProjectBlueprint.new(MultiJson.load(spec, :symbolize_keys => true)) end else ProjectBlueprint.new(spec) end end def build(title, &block) pb = ProjectBuilder.create(title, &block) pb.to_blueprint end end # Removes dataset from blueprint. Dataset can be given as either a name # or a DatasetBlueprint or a Hash representation. # # @param project [Hash] Project blueprint # @param dataset_name [GoodData::Model::DatasetBlueprint | String | Hash] Dataset to be removed # @return [Hash] project with removed dataset def self.remove_dataset(project, dataset_name) dataset = dataset_name.is_a?(String) ? find_dataset(project, dataset_name) : dataset_name index = project[:datasets].index(dataset) dupped_project = project.deep_dup dupped_project[:datasets].delete_at(index) dupped_project end # Removes dataset from blueprint. Dataset can be given as either a name # or a DatasetBlueprint or a Hash representation. This version mutates # the dataset in place # # @param project [Hash] Project blueprint # @param dataset_name [GoodData::Model::DatasetBlueprint | String | Hash] Dataset to be removed # @return [Hash] project with removed dataset def self.remove_dataset!(project, dataset_name) dataset = dataset_name.is_a?(String) ? find_dataset(project, dataset_name) : dataset_name index = project[:datasets].index(dataset) project[:datasets].delete_at(index) project end # Returns datasets of blueprint. Those can be optionally including # date dimensions # # @param project [GoodData::Model::ProjectBlueprint | Hash] Project blueprint # @param options [Hash] options # @return [Array] def self.datasets(project, options = {}) include_date_dimensions = options[:include_date_dimensions] || options[:dd] ds = (project.to_hash[:datasets] || []) if include_date_dimensions ds + date_dimensions(project) else ds end end # Returns true if a dataset contains a particular dataset false otherwise # # @param project [GoodData::Model::ProjectBlueprint | Hash] Project blueprint # @param name [GoodData::Model::DatasetBlueprint | String | Hash] Dataset # @return [Boolean] def self.dataset?(project, name) find_dataset(project, name) true rescue false end # Returns dataset specified. It can check even for a date dimension # # @param project [GoodData::Model::ProjectBlueprint | Hash] Project blueprint # @param name [GoodData::Model::DatasetBlueprint | String | Hash] Dataset # @param options [Hash] options # @return [GoodData::Model::DatasetBlueprint] def self.find_dataset(project, name, options = {}) include_date_dimensions = options[:include_date_dimensions] || options[:dd] return name.to_hash if DatasetBlueprint.dataset_blueprint?(name) all_datasets = if include_date_dimensions datasets(project) + date_dimensions(project) else datasets(project) end ds = all_datasets.find { |d| d[:name] == name } fail "Dataset #{name} could not be found" if ds.nil? ds end # Returns list of date dimensions # # @param project [GoodData::Model::ProjectBlueprint | Hash] Project blueprint # @return [Array] def self.date_dimensions(project) project.to_hash[:date_dimensions] || [] end # Returns true if a date dimension of a given name exists in a bleuprint # # @param project [GoodData::Model::ProjectBlueprint | Hash] Project blueprint # @param name [string] Date dimension # @return [Boolean] def self.date_dimension?(project, name) find_date_dimension(project, name) true rescue false end # Finds a date dimension of a given name in a bleuprint. If a dataset is # not found it throws an exeception # # @param project [GoodData::Model::ProjectBlueprint | Hash] Project blueprint # @param name [string] Date dimension # @return [Hash] def self.find_date_dimension(project, name) ds = date_dimensions(project).find { |d| d[:name] == name } fail "Date dimension #{name} could not be found" if ds.nil? ds end # Returns fields from all datasets # # @param project [GoodData::Model::ProjectBlueprint | Hash] Project blueprint # @return [Array] def self.fields(project) datasets(project).mapcat { |d| DatasetBlueprint.fields(d) } end # Returns a dataset of a given name. If a dataset is not found it throws an exeception # # @param project [GoodData::Model::ProjectBlueprint | Hash] Project blueprint # @param project [String] Dataset title # @return [Array] def find_dataset_by_title(project, title) ds = datasets(project).find { |d| Model.title(d) == title } fail "Dataset #{title} could not be found" if ds.nil? end def change(&block) builder = ProjectBuilder.create_from_data(self) block.call(builder) @data = builder.to_hash self end # Returns datasets of blueprint. Those can be optionally including # date dimensions # # @param options [Hash] options # @return [Array] def datasets(options = {}) ProjectBlueprint.datasets(to_hash, options).map { |d| DatasetBlueprint.new(d) } end def add_dataset(a_dataset, index = nil) if index.nil? || index > datasets.length data[:datasets] << a_dataset.to_hash else data[:datasets].insert(index, a_dataset.to_hash) end end # Removes dataset from blueprint. Dataset can be given as either a name # or a DatasetBlueprint or a Hash representation. # # @param dataset_name [GoodData::Model::DatasetBlueprint | String | Hash] Dataset to be removed # @return [Hash] project with removed dataset def remove_dataset(dataset_name) ProjectBlueprint.remove_dataset(to_hash, dataset_name) end # Removes dataset from blueprint. Dataset can be given as either a name # or a DatasetBlueprint or a Hash representation. # # @param dataset_name [GoodData::Model::DatasetBlueprint | String | Hash] Dataset to be removed # @return [Hash] project with removed dataset def remove_dataset!(dataset_name) ProjectBlueprint.remove_dataset!(to_hash, dataset_name) end # Is this a project blueprint? # # @return [Boolean] if it is def project_blueprint? true end # Returns list of date dimensions # # @return [Array] def date_dimensions ProjectBlueprint.date_dimensions(to_hash) end # Returns true if a dataset contains a particular dataset false otherwise # # @param name [GoodData::Model::DatasetBlueprint | String | Hash] Dataset # @return [Boolean] def dataset?(name) ProjectBlueprint.dataset?(to_hash, name) end # Returns dataset specified. It can check even for a date dimension # # @param name [GoodData::Model::DatasetBlueprint | String | Hash] Dataset # @param options [Hash] options # @return [GoodData::Model::DatasetBlueprint] def find_dataset(name, options = {}) DatasetBlueprint.new(ProjectBlueprint.find_dataset(to_hash, name, options)) end # Returns a dataset of a given name. If a dataset is not found it throws an exeception # # @param project [String] Dataset title # @return [Array] def find_dataset_by_title(title) ds = ProjectBlueprint.find_dataset_by_title(to_hash, title) DatasetBlueprint.new(ds) end # Constructor # # @param init_data [ProjectBlueprint | Hash] Blueprint or a blueprint definition. If passed a hash it is used as data for new instance. If there is a ProjectBlueprint passed it is duplicated and a new instance is created. # @return [ProjectBlueprint] A new project blueprint instance def initialize(init_data) some_data = if init_data.respond_to?(:project_blueprint?) && init_data.project_blueprint? init_data.to_hash elsif init_data.respond_to?(:to_blueprint) init_data.to_blueprint.to_hash else init_data end @data = some_data.deep_dup end # Validate the blueprint in particular if all references reference existing datasets and valid fields inside them. # # @return [Array] array of errors def validate_references if datasets.count == 1 [] else x = datasets.reduce([]) { |a, e| e.anchor? ? a << [e.name] : a } + date_dimensions.map { |y| [y[:name]] } refs = datasets.reduce([]) do |a, e| a.concat(e.references) end refs.reduce([]) do |a, e| x.include?([e[:dataset]]) ? a : a.concat([e]) end end end # Validate the blueprint and all its datasets return array of errors that are found. # # @return [Array] array of errors def validate refs_errors = validate_references labels_errors = datasets.reduce([]) { |a, e| a.concat(e.validate) } refs_errors.concat(labels_errors) end # Validate the blueprint and all its datasets and return true if model is valid. False otherwise. # # @return [Boolean] is model valid? def valid? validate.empty? end # Returns list of datasets which are referenced by given dataset. This can be # optionally switched to return even date dimensions # # @param project [GoodData::Model::DatasetBlueprint | Hash | String] Dataset blueprint # @return [Array] def referenced_by(dataset) find_dataset(dataset).references.map do |ref| find_dataset(ref[:dataset], include_date_dimensions: true) end end # Returns list of attributes from all the datasets in a blueprint # # @return [Array] def attributes datasets.reduce([]) { |a, e| a.concat(e.attributes) } end # Returns list of attributes and anchors from all the datasets in a blueprint # # @return [Array] def attributes_and_anchors datasets.mapcat(&:attributes_and_anchors) end # Returns list of labels from all the datasets in a blueprint # # @return [Array] def labels datasets.mapcat(&:labels) end # Returns list of facts from all the datasets in a blueprint # # @return [Array] def facts datasets.mapcat(&:facts) end # Returns list of fields from all the datasets in a blueprint # # @return [Array] def fields ProjectBlueprint.fields(to_hash) end # Returns list of attributes that can break facts in a given dataset. # This basically means that it is giving you all attributes from the # datasets that are references by given dataset. Currently does not # work transitively # # @param project [GoodData::Model::DatasetBlueprint | Hash | String] Dataset blueprint # @return [Array] def can_break(dataset) dataset = find_dataset(dataset) if dataset.is_a?(String) referenced_by(dataset).reduce([]) do |a, e| e.attributes_and_anchors.each do |attr| a.push([e, attr]) end a end end # Experimental but a basis for automatic check of health of a project # # @param project [GoodData::Model::DatasetBlueprint | Hash | String] Dataset blueprint # @return [Array] def lint(full = false) errors = [] find_star_centers.each do |dataset| if dataset.anchor? errors << { type: :anchor_on_fact_dataset, dataset_name: dataset.name, anchor_name: dataset.anchor[:name] } end end date_facts = datasets.mapcat { |d| d.date_facts } date_facts.each do |date_fact| errors << { type: :date_fact, date_fact: date_fact[:name] } end unique_titles = fields.map { |f| Model.title(f) }.uniq (fields.map { |f| Model.title(f) } - unique_titles).each do |duplicate_title| errors << { type: :duplicate_title, title: duplicate_title } end datasets.select(&:wide?).each do |wide_dataset| errors << { type: :wide_dataset, dataset: wide_dataset.name } end if full # GoodData::Attributes.all(:full => true).select { |attr| attr.used_by} end errors end # Return list of datasets that are centers of the stars in datamart. # This means these datasets are not referenced by anybody else # In a good blueprint design these should be fact tables # # @return [Array] def find_star_centers referenced = datasets.mapcat { |d| referenced_by(d) } referenced.flatten! res = datasets.map(&:to_hash) - referenced.map(&:to_hash) res.map { |d| DatasetBlueprint.new(d) } end # Returns some reports that might get you started. They are just simple # reports. Currently it is implemented by getting facts from star centers # and randomly picking attributes form referenced datasets. # # @return [Array] def suggest_reports(options = {}) strategy = options[:strategy] || :stupid case strategy when :stupid reports = suggest_metrics.reduce([]) do |a, e| star, metrics = e metrics.each { |m| m.save } reports_stubs = metrics.map do |m| breaks = can_break(star).map { |ds, aM| ds.identifier_for(aM) } # [breaks.sample((breaks.length/10.0).ceil), m] [breaks, m] end a.concat(reports_stubs) end reports.reduce([]) do |a, e| attrs, metric = e attrs.each do |attr| a << GoodData::Report.create( :title => 'Fantastic report', :top => [attr], :left => metric) end a end end end # Returns some metrics that might get you started. They are just simple # reports. Currently it is implemented by getting facts from star centers # and randomly picking attributes form referenced datasets. # # @return [Array] def suggest_metrics stars = find_star_centers metrics = stars.map { |s| s.suggest_metrics } stars.zip(metrics) end # Merging two blueprints. The self blueprint is changed in place # # @param a_blueprint [GoodData::Model::DatasetBlueprint] Dataset blueprint to be merged # @return [GoodData::Model::ProjectBlueprint] def merge!(a_blueprint) temp_blueprint = merge(a_blueprint) @data = temp_blueprint.data self end # Merging two blueprints. A new blueprint is created. The self one # is nto mutated # # @param a_blueprint [GoodData::Model::DatasetBlueprint] Dataset blueprint to be merged # @return [GoodData::Model::ProjectBlueprint] def merge(a_blueprint) temp_blueprint = dup a_blueprint.datasets.each do |dataset| if temp_blueprint.dataset?(dataset.name) local_dataset = temp_blueprint.find_dataset(dataset.name) index = temp_blueprint.datasets.index(local_dataset) local_dataset.merge!(dataset) temp_blueprint.remove_dataset(local_dataset.name) temp_blueprint.add_dataset(local_dataset, index) else temp_blueprint.add_dataset(dataset.dup) end end temp_blueprint end # Duplicated blueprint # # @param a_blueprint [GoodData::Model::DatasetBlueprint] Dataset blueprint to be merged # @return [GoodData::Model::DatasetBlueprint] def dup ProjectBlueprint.new(data.deep_dup) end # Returns title of a dataset. If not present it is generated from the name # # @return [String] a title def title Model.title(to_hash) end # Returns Wire representation. This is used by our API to generate and # change projects # # @return [Hash] a title def to_wire ToWire.to_wire(data) end # Returns SLI manifest representation. This is used by our API to allow # loading data # # @return [Array] a title def to_manifest ToManifest.to_manifest(to_hash) end # Returns SLI manifest for one dataset. This is used by our API to allow # loading data. The method is on project blueprint because you need # acces to whole project to be able to generate references # # @param dataset [GoodData::Model::DatasetBlueprint | Hash | String] Dataset # @param mode [String] Method of loading. FULL or INCREMENTAL # @return [Array] a title def dataset_to_manifest(dataset, mode = 'FULL') ToManifest.dataset_to_manifest(self, dataset, mode) end # Returns hash representation of blueprint # # @return [Hash] a title def to_hash @data end end end end