require 'fileutils' require 'mkmf' require 'nokogiri' $CFLAGS += " -std=c99" $LDFLAGS.gsub!('-Wl,--no-undefined', '') $warnflags = CONFIG['warnflags'] = '-Wall' NG_SPEC = Gem::Specification.find_by_name('nokogiri', "= #{Nokogiri::VERSION}") def download_headers begin require 'yaml' dependencies = YAML.load_file(File.join(NG_SPEC.gem_dir, 'dependencies.yml')) version = dependencies['libxml2']['version'] host = RbConfig::CONFIG["host_alias"].empty? ? RbConfig::CONFIG["host"] : RbConfig::CONFIG["host_alias"] path = File.join('ports', host, 'libxml2', version, 'include/libxml2') return path if # Make sure we're using the same version Nokogiri uses dep_index = NG_SPEC.dependencies.index { |dep| == 'mini_portile2' and dep.type == :runtime } return nil if dep_index.nil? requirement = NG_SPEC.dependencies[dep_index].requirement.to_s require 'rubygems' gem 'mini_portile2', requirement require 'mini_portile2' p = MiniPortile::new('libxml2', version).tap do |r| = RbConfig::CONFIG["host_alias"].empty? ? RbConfig::CONFIG["host"] : RbConfig::CONFIG["host_alias"] r.files = [{ url: "{r.version}.tar.gz", sha256: dependencies['libxml2']['sha256'] }] r.configure_options += [ "--without-python", "--without-readline", "--with-c14n", "--with-debug", "--with-threads" ] end unless p.downloaded? p.extract p.configure unless p.configured? system('make', '-C', "tmp/#{}/ports/libxml2/#{version}/libxml2-#{version}/include/libxml", 'install-xmlincHEADERS') path rescue puts 'failed to download/install headers' nil end end required = arg_config('--with-libxml2') prohibited = arg_config('--without-libxml2') if required and prohibited abort "cannot use both --with-libxml2 and --without-libxml2" end have_libxml2 = false have_ng = false if !prohibited if Nokogiri::VERSION_INFO.include?('libxml') and Nokogiri::VERSION_INFO['libxml']['source'] == 'packaged' # Nokogiri has libxml2 built in. Find the headers. libxml2_path = File.join(Nokogiri::VERSION_INFO['libxml']['libxml2_path'], 'include/libxml2') if find_header('libxml/tree.h', libxml2_path) have_libxml2 = true else # Unfortunately, some versions of Nokogiri delete these files. # # Try to download them libxml2_path = download_headers unless libxml2_path.nil? have_libxml2 = find_header('libxml/tree.h', libxml2_path) end end else # Nokogiri is compiled with system headers. # Hack to work around broken mkmf on macOS # ( fixed now) if RbConfig::MAKEFILE_CONFIG['LIBPATHENV'] == 'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH' RbConfig::MAKEFILE_CONFIG['LIBPATHENV'] = 'DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH' end pkg_config('libxml-2.0') have_libxml2 = have_library('xml2', 'xmlNewDoc') end if required and !have_libxml2 abort "libxml2 required but could not be located" end if have_libxml2 # Find nokogiri.h have_ng = find_header('nokogiri.h', File.join(NG_SPEC.gem_dir, 'ext/nokogiri')) end end if have_libxml2 and have_ng $CFLAGS += " -DNGLIB=1" end # Symlink gumbo-parser source files. ext_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__) gumbo_src = File.join(ext_dir, 'gumbo_src') Dir.chdir(ext_dir) do $srcs = Dir['*.c', '../../gumbo-parser/src/*.c'] end $INCFLAGS << ' -I$(srcdir)/../../gumbo-parser/src' $VPATH << '$(srcdir)/../../gumbo-parser/src' create_makefile('nokogumbo/nokogumbo') # vim: set sw=2 sts=2 ts=8 et: