// ======================================================================== // SproutCore -- JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright ©2006-2008, Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors. // Portions copyright ©2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // ======================================================================== require('system/drag') ; /** @mixin The DragSource protocol is used to dynamically generate multiple types of data from a single object. You must implement this protocol if you want to provide the data for a drag event. */ SC.DragSource = { /** This method must be overridden for drag operations to be allowed. Return a bitwise OR'd mask of the drag operations allowed on the specified target. If you don't care about the target, just return a constant value. @param {SC.View} dropTarget The proposed target of the drop. @param {SC.Drag} drag The SC.Drag instance managing this drag. */ dragSourceOperationMaskFor: function(drag, dropTarget) { return SC.DRAG_NONE ; }, /** If this property is set to NO or is not implemented, then the user may modify the drag operation by changing the modifier keys they have pressed. @returns {Boolean} */ ignoreModifierKeysWhileDragging: NO, /** This method is called when the drag begins. You can use this to do any visual highlighting to indicate that the receiver is the source of the drag. @param {SC.Drag} drag The Drag instance managing this drag. @param {Point} loc The point in *window* coordinates where the drag began. You can use convertOffsetFromView() to convert this to local coordinates. */ dragDidBegin: function(drag, loc) {}, /** This method is called whenever the drag image is moved. This is similar to the dragUpdated() method called on drop targets. @param {SC.Drag} drag The Drag instance managing this drag. @param {Point} loc The point in *window* coordinates where the drag mouse is. You can use convertOffsetFromView() to convert this to local coordinates. */ dragDidMove: function(drag, loc) {}, /** This method is called when the drag ended. You can use this to do any cleanup. The operation is the actual operation performed on the drag. @param {SC.Drag} drag The drag instance managing the drag. @param {Point} loc The point in WINDOW coordinates where the drag ended. @param {DragOp} op The drag operation that was performed. One of SC.DRAG_COPY, SC.DRAG_MOVE, SC.DRAG_LINK, or SC.DRAG_NONE. */ dragDidEnd: function(drag, loc, op) {} } ;