# File upload

## Introduction

The HTML `<input>` element with type="file" lets a user pick one or more files, to upload to a server.

## Guidance

Find out when to use the File upload component in your service in the [GOV.UK Design System](https://govuk-design-system-production.cloudapps.digital/components/file-upload).

## Quick start examples

### Component default

[Preview the file-upload component](http://govuk-frontend-review.herokuapp.com/components/file-upload/preview)

#### Markup

    <div class="govuk-form-group">
      <label class="govuk-label" for="file-upload-1">
        Upload a file

      <input class="govuk-file-upload" id="file-upload-1" name="file-upload-1" type="file">

#### Macro

    {% from 'file-upload/macro.njk' import govukFileUpload %}

    {{ govukFileUpload({
      "id": "file-upload-1",
      "name": "file-upload-1",
      "label": {
        "text": "Upload a file"
    }) }}

### File-upload--with-hint-text

[Preview the file-upload--with-hint-text example](http://govuk-frontend-review.herokuapp.com/components/file-upload/with-hint-text/preview)

#### Markup

    <div class="govuk-form-group">
      <label class="govuk-label" for="file-upload-2">
        Upload your photo

      <span id="file-upload-2-hint" class="govuk-hint">
        Your photo may be in your Pictures, Photos, Downloads or Desktop folder. Or in an app like iPhoto.

      <input class="govuk-file-upload" id="file-upload-2" name="file-upload-2" type="file" aria-describedby="file-upload-2-hint">

#### Macro

    {% from 'file-upload/macro.njk' import govukFileUpload %}

    {{ govukFileUpload({
      "id": "file-upload-2",
      "name": "file-upload-2",
      "label": {
        "text": "Upload your photo"
      "hint": {
        "text": "Your photo may be in your Pictures, Photos, Downloads or Desktop folder. Or in an app like iPhoto."
    }) }}

### File-upload--with-error-message

[Preview the file-upload--with-error-message example](http://govuk-frontend-review.herokuapp.com/components/file-upload/with-error-message/preview)

#### Markup

    <div class="govuk-form-group govuk-form-group--error">
      <label class="govuk-label" for="file-upload-3">
        Upload a file

      <span id="file-upload-3-hint" class="govuk-hint">
        Your photo may be in your Pictures, Photos, Downloads or Desktop folder. Or in an app like iPhoto.

      <span id="file-upload-3-error" class="govuk-error-message">
        Error message goes here

      <input class="govuk-file-upload govuk-file-upload--error" id="file-upload-3" name="file-upload-3" type="file" aria-describedby="file-upload-3-hint file-upload-3-error">

#### Macro

    {% from 'file-upload/macro.njk' import govukFileUpload %}

    {{ govukFileUpload({
      "id": "file-upload-3",
      "name": "file-upload-3",
      "label": {
        "text": "Upload a file"
      "hint": {
        "text": "Your photo may be in your Pictures, Photos, Downloads or Desktop folder. Or in an app like iPhoto."
      "errorMessage": {
        "text": "Error message goes here"
    }) }}

### File-upload--with-value-and-attributes

[Preview the file-upload--with-value-and-attributes example](http://govuk-frontend-review.herokuapp.com/components/file-upload/with-value-and-attributes/preview)

#### Markup

    <div class="govuk-form-group">
      <label class="govuk-label" for="file-upload-4">
        Upload a photo

      <input class="govuk-file-upload" id="file-upload-4" name="file-upload-4" type="file" value="C:\fakepath\myphoto.jpg" accept=".jpg, .jpeg, .png">

#### Macro

    {% from 'file-upload/macro.njk' import govukFileUpload %}

    {{ govukFileUpload({
      "id": "file-upload-4",
      "name": "file-upload-4",
      "value": "C:\\fakepath\\myphoto.jpg",
      "label": {
        "text": "Upload a photo"
      "attributes": {
        "accept": ".jpg, .jpeg, .png"
    }) }}

### File-upload--with-label-as-page-heading

[Preview the file-upload--with-label-as-page-heading example](http://govuk-frontend-review.herokuapp.com/components/file-upload/with-label-as-page-heading/preview)

#### Markup

    <div class="govuk-form-group">
      <h1 class="govuk-label-wrapper">
        <label class="govuk-label" for="file-upload-1">
          Upload a file


      <input class="govuk-file-upload" id="file-upload-1" name="file-upload-1" type="file">

#### Macro

    {% from 'file-upload/macro.njk' import govukFileUpload %}

    {{ govukFileUpload({
      "id": "file-upload-1",
      "name": "file-upload-1",
      "label": {
        "text": "Upload a file",
        "isPageHeading": true
    }) }}

## Requirements

### Build tool configuration

When compiling the Sass files you'll need to define includePaths to reference the node_modules directory. Below is a sample configuration using gulp

      includePaths: 'node_modules/'

### Static asset path configuration

In order to include the images used in the components, you need to configure your app to show these assets. Below is a sample configuration using Express js:

    app.use('/assets', express.static(path.join(__dirname, '/node_modules/govuk-frontend/assets')))

## Component arguments

If you are using Nunjucks,then macros take the following arguments

**If you’re using Nunjucks macros in production be aware that using `html` arguments, or ones ending with `Html` can be a [security risk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-site_scripting). More about it in the [Nunjucks documentation](https://mozilla.github.io/nunjucks/api.html#user-defined-templates-warning).**

<table class="govuk-table">

<thead class="govuk-table__head">

<tr class="govuk-table__row">

<th class="govuk-table__header" scope="col">Name</th>

<th class="govuk-table__header" scope="col">Type</th>

<th class="govuk-table__header" scope="col">Required</th>

<th class="govuk-table__header" scope="col">Description</th>



<tbody class="govuk-table__body">

<tr class="govuk-table__row">

<th class="govuk-table__header" scope="row">name</th>

<td class="govuk-table__cell ">string</td>

<td class="govuk-table__cell ">Yes</td>

<td class="govuk-table__cell ">The name of the input, which is submitted with the form data.</td>


<tr class="govuk-table__row">

<th class="govuk-table__header" scope="row">id</th>

<td class="govuk-table__cell ">string</td>

<td class="govuk-table__cell ">Yes</td>

<td class="govuk-table__cell ">The id of the input</td>


<tr class="govuk-table__row">

<th class="govuk-table__header" scope="row">value</th>

<td class="govuk-table__cell ">string</td>

<td class="govuk-table__cell ">No</td>

<td class="govuk-table__cell ">Optional initial value of the input</td>


<tr class="govuk-table__row">

<th class="govuk-table__header" scope="row">label</th>

<td class="govuk-table__cell ">object</td>

<td class="govuk-table__cell ">Yes</td>

<td class="govuk-table__cell ">Arguments for the label component. See label component.</td>


<tr class="govuk-table__row">

<th class="govuk-table__header" scope="row">hint</th>

<td class="govuk-table__cell ">object</td>

<td class="govuk-table__cell ">No</td>

<td class="govuk-table__cell ">Arguments for the hint component (e.g. text). See hint component.</td>


<tr class="govuk-table__row">

<th class="govuk-table__header" scope="row">errorMessage</th>

<td class="govuk-table__cell ">object</td>

<td class="govuk-table__cell ">No</td>

<td class="govuk-table__cell ">Arguments for the errorMessage component (e.g. text). See errorMessage component.</td>


<tr class="govuk-table__row">

<th class="govuk-table__header" scope="row">classes</th>

<td class="govuk-table__cell ">string</td>

<td class="govuk-table__cell ">No</td>

<td class="govuk-table__cell ">Optional additional classes to add to the input tag.</td>


<tr class="govuk-table__row">

<th class="govuk-table__header" scope="row">attributes</th>

<td class="govuk-table__cell ">object</td>

<td class="govuk-table__cell ">No</td>

<td class="govuk-table__cell ">Any extra HTML attributes (for example accept or data attributes) to add to the input tag.</td>




**If you’re using Nunjucks macros in production be aware that using `html` arguments, or ones ending with `Html` can be a [security risk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-site_scripting). More about it in the [Nunjucks documentation](https://mozilla.github.io/nunjucks/api.html#user-defined-templates-warning).**

### Setting up Nunjucks views and paths

Below is an example setup using express configure views:

    nunjucks.configure('node_modules/govuk-frontend/components', {
      autoescape: true,
      cache: false,
      express: app

## Contribution

Guidelines can be found at [on our Github repository.](https://github.com/alphagov/govuk-frontend/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md "link to contributing guidelines on our github repository")

## License