module Roroacms module GeneralHelper # get a value from the theme yaml file by the key # Params: # +key+:: YAML key of the value that you want to retrive def theme_yaml(key = nil) if File.exists?("#{Rails.root}/app/views/themes/#{current_theme}/theme.yml") theme_yaml = YAML.load("#{Rails.root}/app/views/themes/#{current_theme}/theme.yml")) theme_yaml[key] else 'html.erb' end end # rewrite the theme helper to use the themes function file def rewrite_theme_helper if File.exists?("#{Rails.root}/app/views/themes/#{current_theme}/theme_helper.rb") # get the theme helper from the theme folder file ="#{Rails.root}/app/views/themes/#{current_theme}/theme_helper.rb", "rb") contents = # check if the first line starts with the module name or not parts = contents.split(/[\r\n]+/) if parts[0] != 'module ThemeHelper' contents = "module ThemeHelper\n\n" + contents + "\n\nend" end # write the contents to the actual file file"#{Rails.root}/app/helpers/theme_helper.rb", 'w') { |file| file.write(contents) } else contents = "module ThemeHelper\n\nend""#{Rails.root}/app/helpers/theme_helper.rb", 'w') { |file| file.write(contents) } end load("#{Rails.root}/app/helpers/theme_helper.rb") end # do a check to see if theme has theme.yml file def check_theme_folder if !File.exists?("#{Rails.root}/app/views/themes/#{current_theme}/theme.yml") render :inline => I18n.t("helpers.general_helper.check_theme_folder.message") and return end end def check_necessaries change = false hash = {'theme.yml' => 'Y', 'layout.html.erb' => 'Y', 'page.html.erb' => 'Y'} if !File.exists?("#{Rails.root}/app/views/themes/#{current_theme}/theme.yml") hash['theme.yml'] = 'N' change = true end if !File.exists?("#{Rails.root}/app/views/themes/#{current_theme}/layout.html.erb") hash['layout.html.erb'] = 'N' change = true end if !File.exists?("#{Rails.root}/app/views/themes/#{current_theme}/page.html.erb") hash['page.html.erb'] = 'N' change = true end change ? hash : nil end # list controllers in given directory # Params: # +dir+:: directory that you want to list all of the controllers from def list_controllers_raw(dir = "") dir = dir + "/**/" if !dir.blank? controller_list = Dir["#{Roroacms::Engine.root}/app/controllers**/roroacms/#{dir}*.rb"].each do |file| controller_list.push(file.split('/').last.sub!("_controller.rb","")) end end # capitalizes all words in a string # Params: # +str+:: the string def ucwords(str = nil) return '' if str.blank? str.split(' ').select {|w| w.capitalize! || w }.join(' ') end # set the session data for the admin to allow/restrict the necessary areas def set_sessions(session, admin) session[:admin_id] = session[:username] = admin.username end # destroy the session data - logging them out of the admin panel def destroy_session(session) session[:admin_id] = nil session[:username] = nil end def strip_url(url) return url if url.blank? url.sub!(/www./, '') if url.include? "www." url.sub!(/https\:\/\//, '') if url.include? "https://" url.sub!(/http\:\/\//, '') if url.include? "http://" return url end def nested_dropdown(items, text = 'post_title') result = [] do |item, sub_items| name = text == 'post_title' && !item.parent.blank? && item.parent.disabled == 'Y' ? item[text.to_sym] + " (parent: #{item.parent.post_title})" : item[text.to_sym] result << [('- ' * item.depth) + name.html_safe, item[:id]] result += nested_dropdown(sub_items, text) unless sub_items.blank? end result end def get_closest_revision(revisions, current, status) if status == 'user-autosave' revisions.each_with_index do |f, index| return f if f.post_status.downcase == 'user-autosave' && index > current end return nil end return revisions[current+1] if !revisions[current+1].blank? return revisions[0].parent end end end