module Pushfile class Upload include Pushfile::Data include Pushfile::Resize include Pushfile::Util include Pushfile::Rackspace include Pushfile::Amazon # Image regexp IMAGE_REGEX = /^.+(\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|bmp))$/i attr_accessor :provider, :file, :timestamp, :name, :thumb, :type, :cdn, :container, :max, :status, :service, :width, :height, :data def initialize(o = {}) # Set provider @provider = o[:provider] || Pushfile.provider || 'amazon' # Extract config config = (o.delete(:config).to_sym rescue nil) || :default # Default options o = { :cdn => send("#{@provider}_cdn"), :container => send("#{@provider}_container"), :max => Pushfile.settings[:upload_limit], :snet => Pushfile.mode == 'production', :provider => @provider }.merge(o) # Merge image config o = Pushfile.settings[:images][config].merge(o) rescue o # Storing options @options = o @type = o[:type] @cdn = o[:cdn] @container = o[:container] @snet = o[:snet] @max = o[:max] @width = o[:width] @height = o[:height] begin @service = send(o[:provider]) rescue @status = {:error => 'upload_cant_connect_to_cdn'} end @data = setup_data end # Create upload def create @file = @data.is_a?(String) ? : @data[:tempfile] # Return error if no file return (@status = {:error => 'upload_file_not_found'}) unless @file @name = filename(@data.is_a?(String) ? @data : @data[:filename]) # Check if it's more than max or return error return (@status = {:error => 'upload_file_size_is_too_big'}) if @max and @file.size > @max # Resize file and create thumbnail for image if @name =~ IMAGE_REGEX resize! if @width or @height thumbnail! end # Store timestamp and type @timestamp = @data[:timestamp].nil? ? : @data[:timestamp].to_s @type = @data[:type] begin # Upload file => @container).files.create( :content_type => @type, :key => (@timestamp ? "#{@timestamp}_#{@name}" : @name), :body => @file ) # Upload thumbnail if @thumb => @container).files.create( :content_type => @type, :key => "#{@timestamp}_#{@thumb}", :body =>"/tmp/#{@thumb}") ) # Delete thumb file File.delete("/tmp/#{@thumb}") end rescue => x # Can't connect, report exception. @status = {:error => 'upload_cant_connect_to_cdn'} else thumb_url = @thumb ? "#{@cdn}/#{@timestamp}_#{@thumb}" : nil @status = {:url => "#{@cdn}/#{@timestamp}_#{@name}", :thumb_url => thumb_url, :size => @file.size, :mimetype => @type} @status end end # Destroy def destroy(key) begin => @container) => key).destroy rescue @status = {:error => 'upload_cant_connect_to_cdn'} end end end end