!!! 5 - nav = render_haml('_nav.haml', self) - head = render_haml('_head.haml', self) - foot = render_haml('_foot.haml', self) %html %head %title Flapjack - Internal Statistics = head %body %div#wrap %div{:class => "container"} %div{:class => "page-header"} = nav %h2 Internal Statistics %table{:class => "table table-bordered table-hover table-condensed"} %tr %td Events queued: %td= @events_queued %tr %td Number of entities: %td= @count_all_entities %tr %td Number of failing entities: %td= @count_failing_entities %tr %td Number of checks: %td= @count_all_checks %tr %td Number of failing checks: %td= @count_failing_checks %tr %td Events processed (all time) %td #{@event_counters['all']} (ok: #{@event_counters['ok']}, failure: #{@event_counters['failure']}, action: #{@event_counters['action']}) %tr %td Events processed (this instance) %td #{@event_counters_instance['all']} (ok: #{@event_counters_instance['ok']}, failure: #{@event_counters_instance['failure']}, action: #{@event_counters_instance['action']}) %tr %td Average rate (this instance) %td #{@event_rate_all} events per second %tr %td Total keys in redis %td #{@keys.length} %tr %td Uptime %td= @uptime_string %tr %td Boot time %td= @boot_time %tr %td Current time %td= Time.now %h4 Executive Instances: %table{:class => "table table-bordered table-hover"} %tr %th Hostname %th PID %th Started - @executive_instances.each do |i| - hostname, pid = i[0].split(':') - started = "#{relative_time_ago(Time.at(i[1].to_i))} ago" %tr %td= hostname %td= pid %td= started %p %a{:href => 'self_stats.json'} Instrument as JSON %div#push %div#footer = foot