module Paginate
module Helper
# Display pagination based on the collection and current page.
# <%= paginate @posts %>
# <%= paginate @posts, options %>
# <%= paginate @posts, posts_path, options %>
# The available options are:
# * :url: the URL which page numbers will be appended to. Can be proc or string.
# * :id: the HTML id that will identify the pagination block.
# * :size: the page size. When not specified will default to Paginate::Config.size.
# * :param_name: the page param name. When not specified will default to Paginate::Config.param_name.
# <%= paginate @posts, proc {|page| posts_path(page) }
# <%= paginate @posts, :url => proc {|page| posts_path(page) }
# You don't have to specify the URL; the current requested URI will be used if you don't provide it.
def paginate(collection, *args)
options = args.extract_options!
param_name = [options[:param_name], Paginate::Config.param_name, :page].compact.first
:collection => collection,
:page => params[param_name],
:param_name => param_name,
:fullpath => request.respond_to?(:fullpath) ? request.fullpath : request.request_uri
options.merge!(:url => args.first) if args.any?
# In order to iterate the correct items you have to skip the last collection's item.
# We added this helper to automatically skip the last item only if there's a next page.
# <% iterate @items do |item| %>
# <% end %>
# If you want to grab the iteration index as well just expect it as a block parameter.
# <% iterate @items do |item, i|
# <% end %>
# If you set a custom size while fetching items from database, you need to inform it while iterating.
# @items = Item.paginate(:page => 1, :size => 5)
# Then in your view:
# <% iterate @items, :size => 5 do |item| %>
# <% end %>
# You can receive the iteration counter by expecting two arguments.
# <% iterate @items do |item, i| do %>
# <% end %>
def iterate(collection, options = {}, &block)
options.reverse_merge!(:size => Paginate::Config.size)
collection[0, options[:size]].each_with_index do |item, i|
if block.arity == 1
yield item
yield item, i