<% email = data.contacts.select { |x| x.label == "email" }.first phones = data.contacts.select { |x| ["phone", "mobile", "cell"].include?(x.label) } messaging = data.contacts.select { |x| ["skype", "gtalk", "telegram", "whatsup"].include?(x.label) } address = data.addresses.select { |x| x.label == "home" }.first # make a period (2015, 2015-10, 2015-01-01 into the date attributes day, month, year" def period_tod period el = period.to_s.split("-") fields = ["year=\"%d\"", "month=\"--%02d\"", "day=\"---%02d\""] el.each_with_index.map { |x, i| fields[i] % x.to_i }.join(" ") end %> ECV <%= DateTime.now.iso8601 %> <%= DateTime.now.iso8601 %> V3.3 resume.rb © European Communities | http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu false <Code>dr</Code> <Label><%= data.basics.title %></Label> <%= data.basics.first_name %> <%= data.basics.last_name %>
<%= address.street %> <%= address.zip_code %> <%= address.city %> <%= address.country[0..1].upcase %>
<%= email.value %> <% phones.each do |phone| %> <%= phone.value %> <%= phone.label %> <% end %> <% data.web_presence.each do |web| %> <%= web.value %> <% end %> <% messaging.each do |im| %> <%= im.value %> <% end %>
" month="--<%= "%02d" % data.basics.birthdate.month %>" year="<%= data.basics.birthdate.year %>" /> <% if data.gender %> <%= data.gender %> <% end %>
<% data.work.each do |pos| %> /> <% if pos["till"] and pos.till != "" %> /> <% else %> true <% end %> <%= pos.summary %> <%= pos["who"] ? pos.who : "" %> <% if pos["address"] %>
<%= pos.address %>
<%= pos.website %>
<% end %>
<% end %> <% data.teaching.each do |pos| %> /> <% if pos["till"] and pos.till != "" %> /> <% else %> true <% end %> <%= pos.summary %> <%= pos.who + (pos["school"] ? pos.school : "") %> <% if pos["address"] %>
<%= pos.address %>
<%= pos["website"] %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% data.education.select { |x| x.publish }.each do |edu| %> /> /> <%= edu.degree %> <%= edu["school"] %>
<%= edu.address %>
<% end %>
<% if data.languages %> <% if data.mother_tongues %> <% data.mother_tongues.each do |mt| %> <%= mt.code %> <% end %> <% end %> <% if data.foreign %> <% data.foreign.each do |language| %> <%= language.code %> <%= language.listening %> <%= language.reading %> <%= language.spoken_interaction %> <%= language.spoken_production %> <%= language.writing %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% if data.driving %> <% data.driving.each do |license| %> <%= license.license %> <% end %> <% end %> <% [[:volunteer, "Volunteering Work"], [:interests] <% if data.volunteer %>

Volunteering Work

<% data.volunteer.each do |v| %> <% end %> <% end %>
<% data.awards.each do |award| %> <Label><%= award.title %></Label> <%= award.summary %> (<%= achievement.who %>, <%= achievement.where %>, <%= achievement.date %>) <% end %> <% data.achievements.each do |achievement| %> <Label><%= achievement.title %></Label> <%= achievement.summary %> (<%= achievement.who %>, <%= achievement.where %>, <%= achievement.date %>) <% end %> <% if data.projects %> <Code>projects</Code> <Label>Projects</Label> <%= data.projects.each.map { |x| "#{x.name} (#{x.who}): #{x.role} (#{x.from}--#{x.till})" }.join("; ") %> <% end %> <% if data.publications %> <Code>publications</Code> <Label>Publications</Label> <%= data.publications.each.map { |x| [x.title, x.authors, x.publisher, x.date].join(", ") }.join("; ") %> <% end %>