require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper.rb' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/gchart' Chart::Theme.add_theme_file("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/fixtures/test_theme.yml") # Time to add your specs! # describe "generating a default Gchart" do before(:each) do @chart = Gchart.line end it "should include the Google URL" do @chart.include?("").should be_true end it "should have a default size" do @chart.include?('chs=300x200').should be_true end it "should be able to have a custom size" do Gchart.line(:size => '400x600').include?('chs=400x600').should be_true Gchart.line(:width => 400, :height => 600).include?('chs=400x600').should be_true end it "should have a type" do @chart.include?('cht=lc').should be_true end it 'should use theme defaults if theme is set' do Gchart.line(:theme=>:test).include?('chco=6886B4,FDD84E').should be_true Gchart.line(:theme=>:test).include?(Gchart.jstize('chf=c,s,FFFFFF|bg,s,FFFFFF')).should be_true end it "should use the simple encoding by default with auto max value" do # 9 is the max value in simple encoding, 26 being our max value the 2nd encoded value should be 9 Gchart.line(:data => [0, 26]).include?('chd=s:A9').should be_true Gchart.line(:data => [0, 26], :max_value => 26).should == Gchart.line(:data => [0, 26]) end it "should support simple encoding with and without max_value" do Gchart.line(:data => [0, 26], :max_value => 26).include?('chd=s:A9').should be_true Gchart.line(:data => [0, 26], :max_value => false).include?('chd=s:Aa').should be_true end it "should support the extended encoding and encode properly" do Gchart.line(:data => [0, 10], :encoding => 'extended', :max_value => false).include?('chd=e:AA').should be_true Gchart.line(:encoding => 'extended', :max_value => false, :data => [[0,25,26,51,52,61,62,63], [64,89,90,115,4084]] ).include?('chd=e:AAAZAaAzA0A9A-A.,BABZBaBz.0').should be_true end it "should auto set the max value for extended encoding" do Gchart.line(:data => [0, 25], :encoding => 'extended', :max_value => false).include?('chd=e:AAAZ').should be_true # Extended encoding max value is '..' Gchart.line(:data => [0, 25], :encoding => 'extended').include?('chd=e:AA..').should be_true end it "should be able to have data with text encoding" do Gchart.line(:data => [10, 5.2, 4, 45, 78], :encoding => 'text').include?('chd=t:10,5.2,4,45,78').should be_true end it "should handle max and min values with text encoding" do Gchart.line(:data => [10, 5.2, 4, 45, 78], :encoding => 'text').include?('chds=0,78').should be_true end it "should automatically handle negative values with proper max/min limits when using text encoding" do Gchart.line(:data => [-10, 5.2, 4, 45, 78], :encoding => 'text').include?('chds=-10,78').should be_true end it "should handle negative values with manual max/min limits when using text encoding" do Gchart.line(:data => [-10, 5.2, 4, 45, 78], :encoding => 'text', :min_value => -20, :max_value => 100).include?('chds=-20,100').should be_true end it "should set the proper axis values when using text encoding and negative values" do :data => [[-10], [100]], :encoding => 'text', :horizontal => true, :min_value => -20, :max_value => 100, :axis_with_labels => 'x', :bar_colors => ['FD9A3B', '4BC7DC']).should include("chxr=0,-20,100") end it "should be able to have muliple set of data with text encoding" do Gchart.line(:data => [[10, 5.2, 4, 45, 78], [20, 40, 70, 15, 99]], :encoding => 'text').include?(Gchart.jstize('chd=t:10,5.2,4,45,78|20,40,70,15,99')).should be_true end it "should be able to receive a custom param" do Gchart.line(:custom => 'ceci_est_une_pipe').include?('ceci_est_une_pipe').should be_true end it "should be able to set label axis" do Gchart.line(:axis_with_labels => 'x,y,r').include?('chxt=x,y,r').should be_true Gchart.line(:axis_with_labels => ['x','y','r']).include?('chxt=x,y,r').should be_true end it "should be able to have axis labels" do Gchart.line(:axis_labels => ['Jan|July|Jan|July|Jan', '0|100', 'A|B|C', '2005|2006|2007']).include?(Gchart.jstize('chxl=0:|Jan|July|Jan|July|Jan|1:|0|100|2:|A|B|C|3:|2005|2006|2007')).should be_true Gchart.line(:axis_labels => ['Jan|July|Jan|July|Jan']).include?(Gchart.jstize('chxl=0:|Jan|July|Jan|July|Jan')).should be_true Gchart.line(:axis_labels => [['Jan','July','Jan','July','Jan']]).include?(Gchart.jstize('chxl=0:|Jan|July|Jan|July|Jan')).should be_true Gchart.line(:axis_labels => [['Jan','July','Jan','July','Jan'], ['0','100'], ['A','B','C'], ['2005','2006','2007']]).include?(Gchart.jstize('chxl=0:|Jan|July|Jan|July|Jan|1:|0|100|2:|A|B|C|3:|2005|2006|2007')).should be_true end end describe "generating different type of charts" do it "should be able to generate a line chart" do Gchart.line.should be_an_instance_of(String) Gchart.line.include?('cht=lc').should be_true end it "should be able to generate a sparkline chart" do Gchart.sparkline.should be_an_instance_of(String) Gchart.sparkline.include?('cht=ls').should be_true end it "should be able to generate a line xy chart" do Gchart.line_xy.should be_an_instance_of(String) Gchart.line_xy.include?('cht=lxy').should be_true end it "should be able to generate a scatter chart" do Gchart.scatter.should be_an_instance_of(String) Gchart.scatter.include?('cht=s').should be_true end it "should be able to generate a bar chart" do be_an_instance_of(String)'cht=bvs').should be_true end it "should be able to generate a Venn diagram" do Gchart.venn.should be_an_instance_of(String) Gchart.venn.include?('cht=v').should be_true end it "should be able to generate a Pie Chart" do Gchart.pie.should be_an_instance_of(String) Gchart.pie.include?('cht=p').should be_true end it "should be able to generate a Google-O-Meter" do Gchart.meter.should be_an_instance_of(String) Gchart.meter.include?('cht=gom').should be_true end it "should be able to generate a map chart" do be_an_instance_of(String)'cht=t').should be_true end it "should not support other types" do == "sexy is not a supported chart format, please use one of the following: #{Gchart.supported_types}." end end describe "range markers" do it "should be able to generate given a hash of range-marker options" do Gchart.line(:range_markers => {:start_position => 0.59, :stop_position => 0.61, :color => 'ff0000'}).include?('chm=r,ff0000,0,0.59,0.61').should be_true end it "should be able to generate given an array of range-marker hash options" do Gchart.line(:range_markers => [ {:start_position => 0.59, :stop_position => 0.61, :color => 'ff0000'}, {:start_position => 0, :stop_position => 0.6, :color => '666666'}, {:color => 'cccccc', :start_position => 0.6, :stop_position => 1} ]).include?(Gchart.jstize('r,ff0000,0,0.59,0.61|r,666666,0,0,0.6|r,cccccc,0,0.6,1')).should be_true end it "should allow a :overlaid? to be set" do Gchart.line(:range_markers => {:start_position => 0.59, :stop_position => 0.61, :color => 'ffffff', :overlaid? => true}).include?('chm=r,ffffff,0,0.59,0.61,1').should be_true Gchart.line(:range_markers => {:start_position => 0.59, :stop_position => 0.61, :color => 'ffffff', :overlaid? => false}).include?('chm=r,ffffff,0,0.59,0.61').should be_true end describe "when setting the orientation option" do before(:each) do options = {:start_position => 0.59, :stop_position => 0.61, :color => 'ff0000'} end it "to vertical (R) if given a valid option" do Gchart.line(:range_markers => options.merge(:orientation => 'v')).include?('chm=R').should be_true Gchart.line(:range_markers => options.merge(:orientation => 'V')).include?('chm=R').should be_true Gchart.line(:range_markers => options.merge(:orientation => 'R')).include?('chm=R').should be_true Gchart.line(:range_markers => options.merge(:orientation => 'vertical')).include?('chm=R').should be_true Gchart.line(:range_markers => options.merge(:orientation => 'Vertical')).include?('chm=R').should be_true end it "to horizontal (r) if given a valid option (actually anything other than the vertical options)" do Gchart.line(:range_markers => options.merge(:orientation => 'horizontal')).include?('chm=r').should be_true Gchart.line(:range_markers => options.merge(:orientation => 'h')).include?('chm=r').should be_true Gchart.line(:range_markers => options.merge(:orientation => 'etc')).include?('chm=r').should be_true end it "if left blank defaults to horizontal (r)" do Gchart.line(:range_markers => options).include?('chm=r').should be_true end end end describe "a bar graph" do it "should have a default vertical orientation" do'cht=bvs').should be_true end it "should be able to have a different orientation" do => 'vertical').include?('cht=bvs').should be_true => 'v').include?('cht=bvs').should be_true => 'h').include?('cht=bhs').should be_true => 'horizontal').include?('cht=bhs').should be_true => false).include?('cht=bvs').should be_true end it "should be set to be stacked by default" do'cht=bvs').should be_true end it "should be able to stacked or grouped" do => true).include?('cht=bvs').should be_true => false).include?('cht=bvg').should be_true => true).include?('cht=bvg').should be_true => false).include?('cht=bvs').should be_true end it "should be able to have different bar colors" do => 'efefef,00ffff').include?('chco=').should be_true => 'efefef,00ffff').include?('chco=efefef,00ffff').should be_true # alias => 'efefef').include?('chco=efefef').should be_true end it "should be able to have different bar colors when using an array of colors" do => ['efefef','00ffff']).include?('chco=efefef,00ffff').should be_true end it 'should be able to accept a string of width and spacing options' do => '25,6').include?('chbh=25,6').should be_true end it 'should be able to accept a single fixnum width and spacing option to set the bar width' do => 25).include?('chbh=25').should be_true end it 'should be able to accept an array of width and spacing options' do => [25,6,12]).include?('chbh=25,6,12').should be_true => [25,6]).include?('chbh=25,6').should be_true => [25]).include?('chbh=25').should be_true end describe "with a hash of width and spacing options" do before(:each) do @default_width = 23 @default_spacing = 4 @default_group_spacing = 8 end it 'should be able to have a custom bar width' do => {:width => 19}).include?("chbh=19,#{@default_spacing},#{@default_group_spacing}").should be_true end it 'should be able to have custom spacing' do => {:spacing => 19}).include?("chbh=#{@default_width},19,#{@default_group_spacing}").should be_true end it 'should be able to have custom group spacing' do => {:group_spacing => 19}).include?("chbh=#{@default_width},#{@default_spacing},19").should be_true end end end describe "a line chart" do before(:each) do @title = 'Chart Title' @legend = ['first data set label', 'n data set label'] @chart = Gchart.line(:title => @title, :legend => @legend) end it 'should be able have a chart title' do @chart.include?("chtt=Chart+Title").should be_true end it "should be able to a custom color and size title" do Gchart.line(:title => @title, :title_color => 'FF0000').include?('chts=FF0000').should be_true Gchart.line(:title => @title, :title_size => '20').include?('chts=454545,20').should be_true end it "should be able to have multiple legends" do @chart.include?(Gchart.jstize("chdl=first+data+set+label|n+data+set+label")).should be_true end it "should escape text values in url" do title = 'Chart & Title' legend = ['first data & set label', 'n data set label'] chart = Gchart.line(:title => title, :legend => legend) chart.include?(Gchart.jstize("chdl=first+data+%26+set+label|n+data+set+label")).should be_true end it "should be able to have one legend" do chart = Gchart.line(:legend => 'legend label') chart.include?("chdl=legend+label").should be_true end it "should be able to set the background fill" do Gchart.line(:bg => 'efefef').include?("chf=bg,s,efefef").should be_true Gchart.line(:bg => {:color => 'efefef', :type => 'solid'}).include?("chf=bg,s,efefef").should be_true Gchart.line(:bg => {:color => 'efefef', :type => 'gradient'}).include?("chf=bg,lg,0,efefef,0,ffffff,1").should be_true Gchart.line(:bg => {:color => 'efefef,0,ffffff,1', :type => 'gradient'}).include?("chf=bg,lg,0,efefef,0,ffffff,1").should be_true Gchart.line(:bg => {:color => 'efefef', :type => 'gradient', :angle => 90}).include?("chf=bg,lg,90,efefef,0,ffffff,1").should be_true Gchart.line(:bg => {:color => 'efefef', :type => 'stripes'}).include?("chf=bg,ls,90,efefef,0.2,ffffff,0.2").should be_true end it "should be able to set a graph fill" do Gchart.line(:graph_bg => 'efefef').include?("chf=c,s,efefef").should be_true Gchart.line(:graph_bg => {:color => 'efefef', :type => 'solid'}).include?("chf=c,s,efefef").should be_true Gchart.line(:graph_bg => {:color => 'efefef', :type => 'gradient'}).include?("chf=c,lg,0,efefef,0,ffffff,1").should be_true Gchart.line(:graph_bg => {:color => 'efefef,0,ffffff,1', :type => 'gradient'}).include?("chf=c,lg,0,efefef,0,ffffff,1").should be_true Gchart.line(:graph_bg => {:color => 'efefef', :type => 'gradient', :angle => 90}).include?("chf=c,lg,90,efefef,0,ffffff,1").should be_true end it "should be able to set both a graph and a background fill" do Gchart.line(:bg => 'efefef', :graph_bg => '76A4FB').include?("bg,s,efefef").should be_true Gchart.line(:bg => 'efefef', :graph_bg => '76A4FB').include?("c,s,76A4FB").should be_true Gchart.line(:bg => 'efefef', :graph_bg => '76A4FB').include?(Gchart.jstize("chf=c,s,76A4FB|bg,s,efefef")).should be_true end it "should be able to have different line colors" do Gchart.line(:line_colors => 'efefef|00ffff').include?(Gchart.jstize('chco=efefef|00ffff')).should be_true Gchart.line(:line_color => 'efefef|00ffff').include?(Gchart.jstize('chco=efefef|00ffff')).should be_true end it "should be able to render a graph where all the data values are 0" do Gchart.line(:data => [0, 0, 0]).include?("chd=s:AAA").should be_true end end describe "a sparkline chart" do before(:each) do @title = 'Chart Title' @legend = ['first data set label', 'n data set label'] @jstized_legend = Gchart.jstize(@legend.join('|')) @data = [27,25,25,25,25,27,100,31,25,36,25,25,39,25,31,25,25,25,26,26,25,25,28,25,25,100,28,27,31,25,27,27,29,25,27,26,26,25,26,26,35,33,34,25,26,25,36,25,26,37,33,33,37,37,39,25,25,25,25] @chart = Gchart.sparkline(:title => @title, :data => @data, :legend => @legend) end it "should create a sparkline" do @chart.include?('cht=ls').should be_true end it 'should be able have a chart title' do @chart.include?("chtt=Chart+Title").should be_true end it "should be able to a custom color and size title" do Gchart.sparkline(:title => @title, :title_color => 'FF0000').include?('chts=FF0000').should be_true Gchart.sparkline(:title => @title, :title_size => '20').include?('chts=454545,20').should be_true end it "should be able to have multiple legends" do @chart.include?(Gchart.jstize("chdl=first+data+set+label|n+data+set+label")).should be_true end it "should be able to have one legend" do chart = Gchart.sparkline(:legend => 'legend label') chart.include?("chdl=legend+label").should be_true end it "should be able to set the background fill" do Gchart.sparkline(:bg => 'efefef').include?("chf=bg,s,efefef").should be_true Gchart.sparkline(:bg => {:color => 'efefef', :type => 'solid'}).include?("chf=bg,s,efefef").should be_true Gchart.sparkline(:bg => {:color => 'efefef', :type => 'gradient'}).include?("chf=bg,lg,0,efefef,0,ffffff,1").should be_true Gchart.sparkline(:bg => {:color => 'efefef,0,ffffff,1', :type => 'gradient'}).include?("chf=bg,lg,0,efefef,0,ffffff,1").should be_true Gchart.sparkline(:bg => {:color => 'efefef', :type => 'gradient', :angle => 90}).include?("chf=bg,lg,90,efefef,0,ffffff,1").should be_true Gchart.sparkline(:bg => {:color => 'efefef', :type => 'stripes'}).include?("chf=bg,ls,90,efefef,0.2,ffffff,0.2").should be_true end it "should be able to set a graph fill" do Gchart.sparkline(:graph_bg => 'efefef').include?("chf=c,s,efefef").should be_true Gchart.sparkline(:graph_bg => {:color => 'efefef', :type => 'solid'}).include?("chf=c,s,efefef").should be_true Gchart.sparkline(:graph_bg => {:color => 'efefef', :type => 'gradient'}).include?("chf=c,lg,0,efefef,0,ffffff,1").should be_true Gchart.sparkline(:graph_bg => {:color => 'efefef,0,ffffff,1', :type => 'gradient'}).include?("chf=c,lg,0,efefef,0,ffffff,1").should be_true Gchart.sparkline(:graph_bg => {:color => 'efefef', :type => 'gradient', :angle => 90}).include?("chf=c,lg,90,efefef,0,ffffff,1").should be_true end it "should be able to set both a graph and a background fill" do Gchart.sparkline(:bg => 'efefef', :graph_bg => '76A4FB').include?("bg,s,efefef").should be_true Gchart.sparkline(:bg => 'efefef', :graph_bg => '76A4FB').include?("c,s,76A4FB").should be_true Gchart.sparkline(:bg => 'efefef', :graph_bg => '76A4FB').include?(Gchart.jstize("chf=c,s,76A4FB|bg,s,efefef")).should be_true end it "should be able to have different line colors" do Gchart.sparkline(:line_colors => 'efefef|00ffff').include?(Gchart.jstize('chco=efefef|00ffff')).should be_true Gchart.sparkline(:line_color => 'efefef|00ffff').include?(Gchart.jstize('chco=efefef|00ffff')).should be_true end end describe "a 3d pie chart" do before(:each) do @title = 'Chart Title' @legend = ['first data set label', 'n data set label'] @jstized_legend = Gchart.jstize(@legend.join('|')) @data = [12,8,40,15,5] @chart = Gchart.pie(:title => @title, :legend => @legend, :data => @data) end it "should create a pie" do @chart.include?('cht=p').should be_true end it "should be able to be in 3d" do Gchart.pie_3d(:title => @title, :legend => @legend, :data => @data).include?('cht=p3').should be_true end it "should be able to set labels by using the legend or labesl accessor" do Gchart.pie_3d(:title => @title, :legend => @legend, :data => @data).include?("chl=#{@jstized_legend}").should be_true Gchart.pie_3d(:title => @title, :labels => @legend, :data => @data).include?("chl=#{@jstized_legend}").should be_true Gchart.pie_3d(:title => @title, :labels => @legend, :data => @data).should == Gchart.pie_3d(:title => @title, :legend => @legend, :data => @data) end end describe "a google-o-meter" do before(:each) do @data = [70] @legend = ['arrow points here'] @jstized_legend = Gchart.jstize(@legend.join('|')) @chart = Gchart.meter(:data => @data) end it "should create a meter" do @chart.include?('cht=gom').should be_true end it "should be able to set a solid background fill" do Gchart.meter(:bg => 'efefef').include?("chf=bg,s,efefef").should be_true Gchart.meter(:bg => {:color => 'efefef', :type => 'solid'}).include?("chf=bg,s,efefef").should be_true end end describe "a map chart" do before(:each) do @data = [0,100,50,32] @geographical_area = 'usa' @map_colors = ['FFFFFF', 'FF0000', 'FFFF00', '00FF00'] @country_codes = ['MT', 'WY', "ID", 'SD'] @chart = => @data, :encoding => 'text', :size => '400x300', :geographical_area => @geographical_area, :map_colors => @map_colors, :country_codes => @country_codes) end it "should create a map" do @chart.include?('cht=t').should be_true end it "should set the geographical area" do @chart.include?('chtm=usa').should be_true end it "should set the map colors" do @chart.include?('chco=FFFFFF,FF0000,FFFF00,00FF00').should be_true end it "should set the country/state codes" do @chart.include?('chld=MTWYIDSD').should be_true end it "should set the chart data" do @chart.include?('chd=t:0,100,50,32').should be_true end end describe 'exporting a chart' do it "should be available in the url format by default" do Gchart.line(:data => [0, 26], :format => 'url').should == Gchart.line(:data => [0, 26]) end it "should be available as an image tag" do Gchart.line(:data => [0, 26], :format => 'image_tag').should match(/Google Chart/) end it "should be available as an image tag using img_tag alias" do Gchart.line(:data => [0, 26], :format => 'img_tag').should match(/Google Chart/) end it "should be available as an image tag using custom dimensions" do Gchart.line(:data => [0, 26], :format => 'image_tag', :size => '400x400').should match(/Google Chart/) end it "should be available as an image tag using custom alt text" do Gchart.line(:data => [0, 26], :format => 'image_tag', :alt => 'Sexy chart').should match(/Sexy chart/) end it "should be available as an image tag using custom title text" do Gchart.line(:data => [0, 26], :format => 'image_tag', :title => 'Sexy chart').should match(/Google Chart/) end it "should be available as an image tag using custom css id selector" do Gchart.line(:data => [0, 26], :format => 'image_tag', :id => 'chart').should match(/Google Chart/) end it "should be available as an image tag using custom css class selector" do Gchart.line(:data => [0, 26], :format => 'image_tag', :class => 'chart').should match(/Google Chart/) end it "should use ampersands to separate key/value pairs in URLs by default" do Gchart.line(:data => [0, 26]).should satisfy {|chart| chart.include? "&" } Gchart.line(:data => [0, 26]).should_not satisfy {|chart| chart.include? "&" } end it "should escape ampersands in URLs when used as an image tag" do Gchart.line(:data => [0, 26], :format => 'image_tag', :class => 'chart').should satisfy {|chart| chart.include? "&" } end it "should be available as a file" do File.delete('chart.png') if File.exist?('chart.png') Gchart.line(:data => [0, 26], :format => 'file') File.exist?('chart.png').should be_true File.delete('chart.png') if File.exist?('chart.png') end it "should be available as a file using a custom file name" do File.delete('custom_file_name.png') if File.exist?('custom_file_name.png') Gchart.line(:data => [0, 26], :format => 'file', :filename => 'custom_file_name.png') File.exist?('custom_file_name.png').should be_true File.delete('custom_file_name.png') if File.exist?('custom_file_name.png') end it "should work even with multiple attrs" do File.delete('foo.png') if File.exist?('foo.png') Gchart.line(:size => '400x200', :data => [1,2,3,4,5], :axis_labels => [[1,2,3,4, 5], %w[foo bar]], :axis_with_labels => 'x,r', :format => "file", :filename => "foo.png" ) File.exist?('foo.png').should be_true File.delete('foo.png') if File.exist?('foo.png') end end