# frozen_string_literal: true require 'stringio' class Pry # Manage the processing of command line options class CLI NoOptionsError = Class.new(StandardError) class << self # @return [Proc] The Proc defining the valid command line options. attr_accessor :options # @return [Array] The Procs that process the parsed options. Plugins can # utilize this facility in order to add and process their own Pry # options. attr_accessor :option_processors # @return [Array] The input array of strings to process # as CLI options. attr_accessor :input_args # Add another set of CLI options (a Pry::Slop block) def add_options(&block) if options old_options = options self.options = proc do instance_exec(&old_options) instance_exec(&block) end else self.options = block end self end # Add a block responsible for processing parsed options. def add_option_processor(&block) self.option_processors ||= [] option_processors << block self end # Clear `options` and `option_processors` def reset self.options = nil self.option_processors = nil end def parse_options(args = ARGV) unless options raise NoOptionsError, "No command line options defined! Use Pry::CLI.add_options to " \ "add command line options." end @pass_argv = args.index { |cli_arg| %w[- --].include?(cli_arg) } if @pass_argv slop_args = args[0...@pass_argv] self.input_args = args.replace(args[@pass_argv + 1..-1]) else self.input_args = slop_args = args end begin opts = Pry::Slop.parse!( slop_args, help: true, multiple_switches: false, strict: true, &options ) rescue Pry::Slop::InvalidOptionError # Display help message on unknown switches and exit. puts Pry::Slop.new(&options) Kernel.exit end Pry.initial_session_setup Pry.final_session_setup # Option processors are optional. option_processors.each { |processor| processor.call(opts) } if option_processors opts end def start(opts) Kernel.exit if opts.help? # invoked via cli Pry.cli = true # create the actual context if opts[:context] Pry.initial_session_setup context = Pry.binding_for(eval(opts[:context])) # rubocop:disable Security/Eval Pry.final_session_setup else context = Pry.toplevel_binding end if !@pass_argv && Pry::CLI.input_args.any? && Pry::CLI.input_args != ["pry"] full_name = File.expand_path(Pry::CLI.input_args.first) Pry.load_file_through_repl(full_name) Kernel.exit end # Start the session (running any code passed with -e, if there is any) Pry.start(context, input: StringIO.new(Pry.config.exec_string)) end end reset end end # The default Pry command line options (before plugin options are included) Pry::CLI.add_options do banner( "Usage: pry [OPTIONS]\n" \ "Start a Pry session.\n" \ "See http://pryrepl.org/ for more information.\n" \ "Copyright (c) 2016 John Mair (banisterfiend)" \ ) on( :e, :exec=, "A line of code to execute in context before the session starts" ) do |input| Pry.config.exec_string += "\n" unless Pry.config.exec_string.empty? Pry.config.exec_string += input end on "no-pager", "Disable pager for long output" do Pry.config.pager = false end on "no-history", "Disable history loading" do Pry.config.history.should_load = false end on "no-color", "Disable syntax highlighting for session" do Pry.config.color = false end on :f, "Suppress loading of pryrc" do Pry.config.should_load_rc = false Pry.config.should_load_local_rc = false end on :s, "select-plugin=", "Only load specified plugin (and no others)." do |_plugin_name| warn "The --select-plugin option is deprecated and has no effect" end on :d, "disable-plugin=", "Disable a specific plugin." do |_plugin_name| warn "The --disable-plugin option is deprecated and has no effect" end on "no-plugins", "Suppress loading of plugins." do warn "The --no-plugins option is deprecated and has no effect" end on "plugins", "List installed plugins." do warn "The --plugins option is deprecated and has no effect" warn "Try using `gem list pry-`" Kernel.exit end on "simple-prompt", "Enable simple prompt mode" do Pry.config.prompt = Pry::Prompt[:simple] end on "noprompt", "No prompt mode" do Pry.config.prompt = Pry::Prompt[:none] end on :r, :require=, "`require` a Ruby script at startup" do |file| Pry.config.requires << file end on(:I=, "Add a path to the $LOAD_PATH", as: Array, delimiter: ":") do |load_path| load_path.map! do |path| %r{\A\./} =~ path ? path : File.expand_path(path) end $LOAD_PATH.unshift(*load_path) end on "gem", "Shorthand for -I./lib -rgemname" do |_load_path| $LOAD_PATH.unshift("./lib") Dir["./lib/*.rb"].each do |file| Pry.config.requires << file end end on :v, :version, "Display the Pry version" do puts "Pry version #{Pry::VERSION} on Ruby #{RUBY_VERSION}" Kernel.exit end on :c, :context=, "Start the session in the specified context. Equivalent to " \ "`context.pry` in a session.", default: "Pry.toplevel_binding" end