--- en: aborted: Oops, we couldn't evaluate your solution abort_explanation_html:
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    Don't forget to check the notifications! exam_registration_finished_html: Registration for this exam ended on %{date} (%{location} time) exam_registration_open: Registrations open for %{description}! exam_registration_to: Registration to %{description} exams_will_be_here: Your exams in the organization will appear here. exams: Exams exercise: Exercise exercises: Exercises exercise_count: exercises exercise_done: All our tests passed! exercise_number: Exercise %{number} exercise_success_rate: Exercises success rate exit: Exit exp_points: experience points. expectations: Expectations expected_state: Expected board explain_redirect: You have registered in another organization failed: Oops, something went wrong faqs: FAQs feedback: Feedback female: Female file_exceeds_max_size: "File size should not exceed %{size_kb}kb. Please select another file." finish: Finish first_name: First Name forbidden_explanation: Please verify you have logged in with the right account format: Format forum: Forum forum_terms: Forum rules forum_terms_link: If you have any questions, please check %{terms_link} fullscreen: "Fullscreen (F11)" gender: Gender get_messages: "View messages" go_to: 'Go to %{organization}' gone_explanation: This content is no longer available. guide: Guide guide_created: Guide created successfully guide_finished: You completed %{guide}! guides_index_title: Which guide do you want to do today? here: here hidden_done: 'Good!' history: History home: Home important_info: Important information initial_state: Initial board insert_file_name: Insert a file name invitation: Invitation to course invitation_for: 'Join %{course}' item_not_accessible: "You are not permitted to access this content" its_been_a_while: It's been a while since you last used Mumuki. joining_html: '¡Welcome to course %{course}!' keep_learning: Keep learning! kids_default_success: You did it great! language: Language last_name: Last Name last_submission_date: Last submission latest_exercises: Latest exercises learning: Learning lesson: Lesson lessons: Lessons lesson_number: Lesson %{number} let_us_know: please let us know! level: Level level_up: Level up! linkedin_profile_button_locale: en_US listen_statement: Listen to the statement loading: Loading load_solution_into_console: Load your solution into the console locked_content: 'This content will be unlocked when you finish previous chapters' male: Male manual_evaluation_pending: Thanks for submitting your solution! It will be revised by the course teachers soon medal: Medal message: Message message_deleted: This message was deleted because it %{motive}, which violates the %{forum_terms}. messages: Messages messages_error: Previous messages are unavailable. Please try again later. messages_pluralized: one: Message other: Messages moderation: Mentoring moderator: Mentor moderator_take_care: i_will: I'll take care of it i_wont: I won't take care of it moderator_is: "%{moderator} is taking care of it" status_changed: The discussion status changed. Please refresh the page. someone_else_will: Someone else already marked they'll take care of it. you_are: You're taking care of it you_will_confirmation: You'll take care of this discussion. If you change your mind, click the button again. you_wont_confirmation: You won't take care of this discussion. more_messages: More my_account: My account my_doubts: My doubts my_profile: My profile my_submissions: My Submissions name: Name navigation_continue: 'Next: %{sibling}' navigation_next: Next navigation_revisit: 'Next pending: %{sibling}' need_a_hint: Do you need a hint? need_help: I need help! never: never new: New new_certificate_mailer_title: 'Congratulations' new_certificate_mailer_p1: 'Your new certificate is ready' new_certificate_mailer_p2: 'You can find it attached to this email or you can view it in your Mumuki profile' new_message_placeholder: Write a message for your teacher... new_message_received: You have a new message from %{sender} next_exercise: Next next_lesson: 'Next Guide: %{name}' no_discussions: No discussions matched your search. no_exercises: Nobody created an exercise for this search yet no_guides: Nobody created a guide for this search yet no_messages: It seems you don't have any messages yet! no_need_hint: This exercise has no hint no_questions: It seems there isn't any question yet. no_submissions: It seems like you haven't tried to solve this exercise no_useful_result: Didn't find what you were looking for? not_found_explanation: 'You may have mistyped the address or the page may have moved.' not_in_any_organizations: It seems you aren't in any organizations yet! notifications: Notifications notify_problem_with_exercise: Report a bug office: Office only_landscape_support: Please, rotate your tablet or cellphone to continue practicing opened: Open opened_count: '%{count} opened' other: Other out_of_attempts: You've run out of attempts. You should proceed to the next exercise! output: Output overview: Overview passed: Everything is in order! Your solution passed all our tests! passed_with_warnings: It worked, but you can do better pending: pending pending_messages: You have unread messages pending_messages_explanation: You can't send new solutions until you read pending messages pending_review: Pending review pending_review_count: '%{count} for review' permissions: Permissions please_fill_profile_data: Please complete your profile data to continue! please_validate: 'Please validate your data before continue:' preview: Preview preview_error: The preview cannot be shown. Check your internet connection or try with a shorter message. previous_exercise: Previous problem_with_exercise: '[Mumuki] Problem with exercise: %{title}' processing_your_solution: We are processing you solution profile_of: Profile of %{username} programming_since: Started programming progress: Progresss read: Read refresh_or_wait: Please press F5 if results are not displayed after a few seconds reply_count: one: 1 reply other: '%{count} replies' requires_attention: Requires attention reset_query: Clear current search filters responses_count_asc: By less validated replies responses_count_desc: By more validated replies restart: Restart results: Results results_hidden: Your solution was submitted successfully! retry_exercise: Retry running: running save: Save see_context: Watch exercise introduction animation select_file: Select file sending_solution: Sending solution show: Show show_message: Show message sign_in: Sign in sign_in_action: sign in sign_out: Sign Out sign_up_date: User since skipped: You are doing very well, so you've passed this exercise. skipped_congratulations: Well done! skipped_description: You are doing very well, so you've passed this exercise. skipped_solve_anyway: Solve anyway solution: Solution solved: Solved solve_doubts: Solve other's doubts solve_more_exercises_to_level_up: Solve number more exercises to advance to the next level. solve_your_doubts: Solve your doubts solve_your_doubts_teaser: Do you have any doubts? solved_count: '%{count} solved' solved_exercises_count: solved solved_exercises_percentage: done something_went_wrong: Something went wrong! sort: Sort sources: Sources start_lesson: Start this lesson! start_practicing: Start Practicing! start_using_mumuki: Start using Mumuki! status: Status stop_emails?: Want to stop getting emails? submission: submission submission_date: Submission date submission_for_exercise: Submission for exercise submissions_count: Submissions submissions_for: Submissions for %{exercise} subscribe: Subscribe tag: Tags task: Task teacher_info: Information for teachers tell_us_how: Please tell us how this happened! tell_us_if_our_error: If you think this is our fault, %{issues} terms_accepted: The terms and conditions were accepted terms_and_conditions: Terms and Conditions terms_and_conditions_continue_disclaimer: By continuing you agree to %{terms_link} terms_and_conditions_must_be_accepted: You must accept the terms and conditions test_results: Test results time_ago: "%{time} ago" time_left: You have title: Title to_closed: Close to_opened: Reopen to_pending_review: Mark as solved to_solved: Mark as solved unauthorized_explanation: You have no permissions for this content. Maybe you logged in with another account. total: Total undo_upvote: Undo upvote unlocked_medal_as_avatar: You earned this medal! You can now choose it as an avatar. unspecified: I'd rather not say unmeet_expectations: "Goals that weren't met" unprepared_organization_explanation: This path hasn't started yet. unsubscribe: Unsubscribe unsubscribed_successfully: You have successfully unsubscribed from reminders. uploading_solution: "Uploading solution" upvote: Upvote upvotes_count_desc: Most voted upvotes_count_asc: Least voted user: User user_data_updated: Your data was updated successfully username: Username view_details: View details want_permissions: The following user requires permissions for the organization we_miss_you: We miss you! week_of: Week of %{date} welcome: Welcome to %{name}! working: "Working" wrong_answer: The answer is wrong years: years old you_earned: You earned you_must_sign_in_before_submitting: You must sign in before submitting your solutions you_never_submitted_solutions: It seems that you've never submitted solutions since you created your account. your_new_organization: your new organization