# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- require 'test_helper' require 'hexapdf/reference' require 'hexapdf/object' describe HexaPDF::Reference do it "correctly assigns oid and gen on initialization" do r = HexaPDF::Reference.new(5, 7) assert_equal(5, r.oid) assert_equal(7, r.gen) end it "raises an error when invalid objects are supplied on initialization" do assert_raises(ArgumentError) { HexaPDF::Reference.new('a', 7) } assert_raises(ArgumentError) { HexaPDF::Reference.new(5, 'b') } end it "is sortable w.r.t to other objects implementing #oid and #gen" do obj = Object.new obj.define_singleton_method(:oid) { 1 } obj.define_singleton_method(:gen) { 0 } obj.define_singleton_method(:<=>) {|o| HexaPDF::Reference.new(oid, gen) <=> o } assert_equal([obj, HexaPDF::Reference.new(1, 1), HexaPDF::Reference.new(5, 7)], [HexaPDF::Reference.new(5, 7), HexaPDF::Reference.new(1, 1), obj].sort) assert_nil(HexaPDF::Reference.new(1, 0) <=> 5) end it "is comparable to objects that have an oid and gen" do assert_equal(HexaPDF::Reference.new(5, 7), HexaPDF::Reference.new(5, 7)) refute_equal(HexaPDF::Reference.new(5, 7), HexaPDF::Reference.new(5, 8)) refute_equal(HexaPDF::Reference.new(5, 7), HexaPDF::Reference.new(4, 7)) assert_equal(HexaPDF::Reference.new(5, 7), HexaPDF::Object.new(:data, oid: 5, gen: 7)) end it "behaves correctly as hash key" do h = {} h[HexaPDF::Reference.new(5, 7)] = true assert(h.key?(HexaPDF::Reference.new(5, 7))) refute(h.key?(HexaPDF::Reference.new(5, 8))) end it "shows the PDF serialization as string representation " do assert_equal("5 7 R", HexaPDF::Reference.new(5, 7).to_s) end it "shows oid and gen on inspection" do assert_match(/\[5, 7\]/, HexaPDF::Reference.new(5, 7).inspect) end end