require 'spec_helper' require 'kintone/query' describe Kintone::Query do describe '#to_s' do subject { target.to_s } context '==', 'with field' do where(:target, :result) do [ [ { field(:text) == '"Hello, world."' }, 'text = "Hello, world."'], [ { field(:text) == 'Hello, world.' }, 'text = "Hello, world."'], [ { field('作成日時') == now }, '作成日時 = NOW()'], [ { field('作成日時') == today }, '作成日時 = TODAY()'], [ { field('作成日時') == this_month }, '作成日時 = THIS_MONTH()'], [ { field('作成日時') == last_month }, '作成日時 = LAST_MONTH()'], [ { field('作成日時') == this_year }, '作成日時 = THIS_YEAR()'], [ { field(:number) == 100 }, 'number = 100'] ] end with_them do it { expect(subject).to eq result } end end context '==', 'with f' do where(:target, :result) do [ [ { f(:text) == '"Hello, world."' }, 'text = "Hello, world."'], [ { f(:text) == 'Hello, world.' }, 'text = "Hello, world."'], [ { f('作成日時') == now }, '作成日時 = NOW()'], [ { f('作成日時') == today }, '作成日時 = TODAY()'], [ { f('作成日時') == this_month }, '作成日時 = THIS_MONTH()'], [ { f('作成日時') == last_month }, '作成日時 = LAST_MONTH()'], [ { f('作成日時') == this_year }, '作成日時 = THIS_YEAR()'], [ { f(:number) == 100 }, 'number = 100'] ] end with_them do it { expect(subject).to eq result } end end context '!=', 'with field' do where(:target, :result) do [ [ { field(:text) != '"Hello, world."' }, 'text != "Hello, world."'], [ { field(:text) != 'Hello, world.' }, 'text != "Hello, world."'], [ { field('作成日時') != now }, '作成日時 != NOW()'], [ { field('作成日時') != today }, '作成日時 != TODAY()'], [ { field('作成日時') != this_month }, '作成日時 != THIS_MONTH()'], [ { field('作成日時') != last_month }, '作成日時 != LAST_MONTH()'], [ { field('作成日時') != this_year }, '作成日時 != THIS_YEAR()'], [ { field(:number) != 100 }, 'number != 100'] ] end with_them do it { expect(subject).to eq result } end end context '!=', 'with f' do where(:target, :result) do [ [ { f(:text) != '"Hello, world."' }, 'text != "Hello, world."'], [ { f(:text) != 'Hello, world.' }, 'text != "Hello, world."'], [ { f('作成日時') != now }, '作成日時 != NOW()'], [ { f('作成日時') != today }, '作成日時 != TODAY()'], [ { f('作成日時') != this_month }, '作成日時 != THIS_MONTH()'], [ { f('作成日時') != last_month }, '作成日時 != LAST_MONTH()'], [ { f('作成日時') != this_year }, '作成日時 != THIS_YEAR()'], [ { f(:number) != 100 }, 'number != 100'] ] end with_them do it { expect(subject).to eq result } end end context '>', 'with field' do where(:target, :result) do [ [ { field(:text) > '"Hello, world."' }, 'text > "Hello, world."'], [ { field(:text) > 'Hello, world.' }, 'text > "Hello, world."'], [ { field('作成日時') > now }, '作成日時 > NOW()'], [ { field('作成日時') > today }, '作成日時 > TODAY()'], [ { field('作成日時') > this_month }, '作成日時 > THIS_MONTH()'], [ { field('作成日時') > last_month }, '作成日時 > LAST_MONTH()'], [ { field('作成日時') > this_year }, '作成日時 > THIS_YEAR()'], [ { field(:number) > 100 }, 'number > 100'] ] end with_them do it { expect(subject).to eq result } end end context '>', 'with f' do where(:target, :result) do [ [ { f(:text) > '"Hello, world."' }, 'text > "Hello, world."'], [ { f(:text) > 'Hello, world.' }, 'text > "Hello, world."'], [ { f('作成日時') > now }, '作成日時 > NOW()'], [ { f('作成日時') > today }, '作成日時 > TODAY()'], [ { f('作成日時') > this_month }, '作成日時 > THIS_MONTH()'], [ { f('作成日時') > last_month }, '作成日時 > LAST_MONTH()'], [ { f('作成日時') > this_year }, '作成日時 > THIS_YEAR()'], [ { f(:number) > 100 }, 'number > 100'] ] end with_them do it { expect(subject).to eq result } end end context '<', 'with field' do where(:target, :result) do [ [ { field(:text) < '"Hello, world."' }, 'text < "Hello, world."'], [ { field(:text) < 'Hello, world.' }, 'text < "Hello, world."'], [ { field('作成日時') < now }, '作成日時 < NOW()'], [ { field('作成日時') < today }, '作成日時 < TODAY()'], [ { field('作成日時') < this_month }, '作成日時 < THIS_MONTH()'], [ { field('作成日時') < last_month }, '作成日時 < LAST_MONTH()'], [ { field('作成日時') < this_year }, '作成日時 < THIS_YEAR()'], [ { field(:number) < 100 }, 'number < 100'] ] end with_them do it { expect(subject).to eq result } end end context '<', 'with f' do where(:target, :result) do [ [ { f(:text) < '"Hello, world."' }, 'text < "Hello, world."'], [ { f(:text) < 'Hello, world.' }, 'text < "Hello, world."'], [ { f('作成日時') < now }, '作成日時 < NOW()'], [ { f('作成日時') < today }, '作成日時 < TODAY()'], [ { f('作成日時') < this_month }, '作成日時 < THIS_MONTH()'], [ { f('作成日時') < last_month }, '作成日時 < LAST_MONTH()'], [ { f('作成日時') < this_year }, '作成日時 < THIS_YEAR()'], [ { f(:number) < 100 }, 'number < 100'] ] end with_them do it { expect(subject).to eq result } end end context '>=', 'with field' do where(:target, :result) do [ [ { field(:text) >= '"Hello, world."' }, 'text >= "Hello, world."'], [ { field(:text) >= 'Hello, world.' }, 'text >= "Hello, world."'], [ { field('作成日時') >= now }, '作成日時 >= NOW()'], [ { field('作成日時') >= today }, '作成日時 >= TODAY()'], [ { field('作成日時') >= this_month }, '作成日時 >= THIS_MONTH()'], [ { field('作成日時') >= last_month }, '作成日時 >= LAST_MONTH()'], [ { field('作成日時') >= this_year }, '作成日時 >= THIS_YEAR()'], [ { field(:number) >= 100 }, 'number >= 100'] ] end with_them do it { expect(subject).to eq result } end end context '>=', 'with f' do where(:target, :result) do [ [ { f(:text) >= '"Hello, world."' }, 'text >= "Hello, world."'], [ { f(:text) >= 'Hello, world.' }, 'text >= "Hello, world."'], [ { f('作成日時') >= now }, '作成日時 >= NOW()'], [ { f('作成日時') >= today }, '作成日時 >= TODAY()'], [ { f('作成日時') >= this_month }, '作成日時 >= THIS_MONTH()'], [ { f('作成日時') >= last_month }, '作成日時 >= LAST_MONTH()'], [ { f('作成日時') >= this_year }, '作成日時 >= THIS_YEAR()'], [ { f(:number) >= 100 }, 'number >= 100'] ] end with_them do it { expect(subject).to eq result } end end context '<=', 'with field' do where(:target, :result) do [ [ { field(:text) <= '"Hello, world."' }, 'text <= "Hello, world."'], [ { field(:text) <= 'Hello, world.' }, 'text <= "Hello, world."'], [ { field('作成日時') <= now }, '作成日時 <= NOW()'], [ { field('作成日時') <= today }, '作成日時 <= TODAY()'], [ { field('作成日時') <= this_month }, '作成日時 <= THIS_MONTH()'], [ { field('作成日時') <= last_month }, '作成日時 <= LAST_MONTH()'], [ { field('作成日時') <= this_year }, '作成日時 <= THIS_YEAR()'], [ { field(:number) <= 100 }, 'number <= 100'] ] end with_them do it { expect(subject).to eq result } end end context '<=', 'with f' do where(:target, :result) do [ [ { f(:text) <= '"Hello, world."' }, 'text <= "Hello, world."'], [ { f(:text) <= 'Hello, world.' }, 'text <= "Hello, world."'], [ { f('作成日時') <= now }, '作成日時 <= NOW()'], [ { f('作成日時') <= today }, '作成日時 <= TODAY()'], [ { f('作成日時') <= this_month }, '作成日時 <= THIS_MONTH()'], [ { f('作成日時') <= last_month }, '作成日時 <= LAST_MONTH()'], [ { f('作成日時') <= this_year }, '作成日時 <= THIS_YEAR()'], [ { f(:number) <= 100 }, 'number <= 100'] ] end with_them do it { expect(subject).to eq result } end end context 'in', 'with field' do where(:target, :result) do [ [ { field(:dropdown).in(['"A"', '"B"']) }, 'dropdown in ("A", "B")'], [ { field(:dropdown).in(%w(A B)) }, 'dropdown in ("A", "B")'], [ { field(:dropdown).in([:A, :B]) }, 'dropdown in ("A", "B")'], [ { field(:dropdown).in([100, 200]) }, 'dropdown in (100, 200)'], [ { field('作成者').in([login_user]) }, '作成者 in (LOGINUSER())'] ] end with_them do it { expect(subject).to eq result } end end context 'in', 'with f' do where(:target, :result) do [ [ { f(:dropdown).in(['"A"', '"B"']) }, 'dropdown in ("A", "B")'], [ { f(:dropdown).in(%w(A B)) }, 'dropdown in ("A", "B")'], [ { f(:dropdown).in([:A, :B]) }, 'dropdown in ("A", "B")'], [ { f(:dropdown).in([100, 200]) }, 'dropdown in (100, 200)'], [ { f('作成者').in([login_user]) }, '作成者 in (LOGINUSER())'] ] end with_them do it { expect(subject).to eq result } end end context 'not in', 'with field' do where(:target, :result) do [ [ { field(:dropdown).not_in(['"A"', '"B"']) }, 'dropdown not in ("A", "B")' ], [ { field(:dropdown).not_in(%w(A B)) }, 'dropdown not in ("A", "B")' ], [ { field(:dropdown).not_in([:A, :B]) }, 'dropdown not in ("A", "B")' ], [ { field(:dropdown).not_in([100, 200]) }, 'dropdown not in (100, 200)' ], [ { field('作成者').not_in([login_user]) }, '作成者 not in (LOGINUSER())' ] ] end with_them do it { expect(subject).to eq result } end end context 'not in', 'with field' do where(:target, :result) do [ [ { f(:dropdown).not_in(['"A"', '"B"']) }, 'dropdown not in ("A", "B")' ], [ { f(:dropdown).not_in(%w(A B)) }, 'dropdown not in ("A", "B")' ], [ { f(:dropdown).not_in([:A, :B]) }, 'dropdown not in ("A", "B")' ], [ { f(:dropdown).not_in([100, 200]) }, 'dropdown not in (100, 200)' ], [ { f('作成者').not_in([login_user]) }, '作成者 not in (LOGINUSER())' ] ] end with_them do it { expect(subject).to eq result } end end context 'like', 'with field' do where(:target, :result) do [ [ { field(:text).like('Hello') }, 'text like "Hello"'], [ { field(:text).like('"Hello"') }, 'text like "Hello"'], [ { field(:text).like(:Hello) }, 'text like "Hello"'] ] end with_them do it { expect(subject).to eq result } end end context 'like', 'with f' do where(:target, :result) do [ [ { f(:text).like('Hello') }, 'text like "Hello"'], [ { f(:text).like('"Hello"') }, 'text like "Hello"'], [ { f(:text).like(:Hello) }, 'text like "Hello"'] ] end with_them do it { expect(subject).to eq result } end end context 'not like', 'with field' do where(:target, :result) do [ [ { field(:text).not_like('Hello') }, 'text not like "Hello"'], [ { field(:text).not_like('"Hello"') }, 'text not like "Hello"'], [ { field(:text).not_like(:Hello) }, 'text not like "Hello"'] ] end with_them do it { expect(subject).to eq result } end end context 'not like', 'with f' do where(:target, :result) do [ [ { f(:text).not_like('Hello') }, 'text not like "Hello"'], [ { f(:text).not_like('"Hello"') }, 'text not like "Hello"'], [ { f(:text).not_like(:Hello) }, 'text not like "Hello"'] ] end with_them do it { expect(subject).to eq result } end end context 'and!' do let(:target) do do field(:text).like 'Hello' and! field(:number) > 100 end end def result 'text like "Hello" and number > 100' end it { expect(subject).to eq result } end context 'or!' do let(:target) do do field(:text).like 'Hello' or! field(:number) > 100 end end def result 'text like "Hello" or number > 100' end it { expect(subject).to eq result } end context 'precede' do let(:target) do do precede do field(:text).like 'Hello' or! field(:number) > 100 end and! precede do field(:text2).not_like 'Hello' and! field(:number2) <= 100 end end end def result '(text like "Hello" or number > 100) and (text2 not like "Hello" and number2 <= 100)' end it { expect(subject).to eq result } end context 'order by' do where(:target, :result) do [ [ { order_by(:record_id, :asc) }, 'order by record_id asc'], [ { order_by(:record_id, :desc) }, 'order by record_id desc'], [ { order_by(:record_id) }, 'order by record_id asc'], [ { order_by('作成日時', :desc) }, 'order by 作成日時 desc'] ] end with_them do it { expect(subject).to eq result } end end context 'limit' do where(:target, :result) do [ [ { limit(20) }, 'limit 20'], [ { limit('20') }, 'limit 20'] ] end with_them do it { expect(subject).to eq result } end end context 'offset' do where(:target, :result) do [ [ { offset(30) }, 'offset 30'], [ { offset('30') }, 'offset 30'] ] end with_them do it { expect(subject).to eq result } end end end end