require "spec_helper" require "timeout" describe "Tokenizer" do let(:parser) { @context["handlebars"] } let(:lexer) { @context["handlebars"]["lexer"] } Token =, :text) def tokenize(string) lexer.setInput(string) out = [] while token = lexer.lex # p token result = parser.terminals_[token] || token # p result break if !result || result == "EOF" || result == "INVALID" out <<, lexer.yytext) end out end RSpec::Matchers.define :match_tokens do |tokens| match do |result| == tokens end end RSpec::Matchers.define :be_token do |name, string| match do |token| == name token.text.should == string end end it "tokenizes a simple mustache as 'OPEN ID CLOSE'" do result = tokenize("{{foo}}") result.should match_tokens(%w(OPEN ID CLOSE)) result[1].should be_token("ID", "foo") end it "tokenizes a simple path" do result = tokenize("{{foo/bar}}") result.should match_tokens(%w(OPEN ID SEP ID CLOSE)) end it "allows dot notation" do result = tokenize("{{}}") result.should match_tokens(%w(OPEN ID SEP ID CLOSE)) tokenize("{{}}").should match_tokens(%w(OPEN ID SEP ID SEP ID CLOSE)) end it "tokenizes {{.}} as OPEN ID CLOSE" do result = tokenize("{{.}}") result.should match_tokens(%w(OPEN ID CLOSE)) end it "tokenizes a path as 'OPEN (ID SEP)* ID CLOSE'" do result = tokenize("{{../foo/bar}}") result.should match_tokens(%w(OPEN ID SEP ID SEP ID CLOSE)) result[1].should be_token("ID", "..") end it "tokenizes a path with .. as a parent path" do result = tokenize("{{../}}") result.should match_tokens(%w(OPEN ID SEP ID SEP ID CLOSE)) result[1].should be_token("ID", "..") end it "tokenizes a path with this/foo as OPEN ID SEP ID CLOSE" do result = tokenize("{{this/foo}}") result.should match_tokens(%w(OPEN ID SEP ID CLOSE)) result[1].should be_token("ID", "this") result[3].should be_token("ID", "foo") end it "tokenizes a simple mustache with spaces as 'OPEN ID CLOSE'" do result = tokenize("{{ foo }}") result.should match_tokens(%w(OPEN ID CLOSE)) result[1].should be_token("ID", "foo") end it "tokenizes a simple mustache with line breaks as 'OPEN ID ID CLOSE'" do result = tokenize("{{ foo \n bar }}") result.should match_tokens(%w(OPEN ID ID CLOSE)) result[1].should be_token("ID", "foo") end it "tokenizes raw content as 'CONTENT'" do result = tokenize("foo {{ bar }} baz") result.should match_tokens(%w(CONTENT OPEN ID CLOSE CONTENT)) result[0].should be_token("CONTENT", "foo ") result[4].should be_token("CONTENT", " baz") end it "tokenizes a partial as 'OPEN_PARTIAL ID CLOSE'" do result = tokenize("{{> foo}}") result.should match_tokens(%w(OPEN_PARTIAL ID CLOSE)) end it "tokenizes a partial with context as 'OPEN_PARTIAL ID ID CLOSE'" do result = tokenize("{{> foo bar }}") result.should match_tokens(%w(OPEN_PARTIAL ID ID CLOSE)) end it "tokenizes a partial without spaces as 'OPEN_PARTIAL ID CLOSE'" do result = tokenize("{{>foo}}") result.should match_tokens(%w(OPEN_PARTIAL ID CLOSE)) end it "tokenizes a partial space at the end as 'OPEN_PARTIAL ID CLOSE'" do result = tokenize("{{>foo }}") result.should match_tokens(%w(OPEN_PARTIAL ID CLOSE)) end it "tokenizes a comment as 'COMMENT'" do result = tokenize("foo {{! this is a comment }} bar {{ baz }}") result.should match_tokens(%w(CONTENT COMMENT CONTENT OPEN ID CLOSE)) result[1].should be_token("COMMENT", " this is a comment ") end it "tokenizes open and closing blocks as 'OPEN_BLOCK ID CLOSE ... OPEN_ENDBLOCK ID CLOSE'" do result = tokenize("{{#foo}}content{{/foo}}") result.should match_tokens(%w(OPEN_BLOCK ID CLOSE CONTENT OPEN_ENDBLOCK ID CLOSE)) end it "tokenizes inverse sections as 'OPEN_INVERSE CLOSE'" do tokenize("{{^}}").should match_tokens(%w(OPEN_INVERSE CLOSE)) tokenize("{{else}}").should match_tokens(%w(OPEN_INVERSE CLOSE)) tokenize("{{ else }}").should match_tokens(%w(OPEN_INVERSE CLOSE)) end it "tokenizes inverse sections with ID as 'OPEN_INVERSE ID CLOSE'" do result = tokenize("{{^foo}}") result.should match_tokens(%w(OPEN_INVERSE ID CLOSE)) result[1].should be_token("ID", "foo") end it "tokenizes inverse sections with ID and spaces as 'OPEN_INVERSE ID CLOSE'" do result = tokenize("{{^ foo }}") result.should match_tokens(%w(OPEN_INVERSE ID CLOSE)) result[1].should be_token("ID", "foo") end it "tokenizes mustaches with params as 'OPEN ID ID ID CLOSE'" do result = tokenize("{{ foo bar baz }}") result.should match_tokens(%w(OPEN ID ID ID CLOSE)) result[1].should be_token("ID", "foo") result[2].should be_token("ID", "bar") result[3].should be_token("ID", "baz") end it "tokenizes mustaches with String params as 'OPEN ID ID STRING CLOSE'" do result = tokenize("{{ foo bar \"baz\" }}") result.should match_tokens(%w(OPEN ID ID STRING CLOSE)) result[3].should be_token("STRING", "baz") end it "tokenizes String params with spaces inside as 'STRING'" do result = tokenize("{{ foo bar \"baz bat\" }}") result.should match_tokens(%w(OPEN ID ID STRING CLOSE)) result[3].should be_token("STRING", "baz bat") end it "tokenizes String params with escapes quotes as 'STRING'" do result = tokenize(%|{{ foo "bar\\"baz" }}|) result.should match_tokens(%w(OPEN ID STRING CLOSE)) result[2].should be_token("STRING", %{bar"baz}) end it "tokenizes numbers" do result = tokenize(%|{{ foo 1 }}|) result.should match_tokens(%w(OPEN ID INTEGER CLOSE)) result[2].should be_token("INTEGER", "1") end it "tokenizes booleans" do result = tokenize(%|{{ foo true }}|) result.should match_tokens(%w(OPEN ID BOOLEAN CLOSE)) result[2].should be_token("BOOLEAN", "true") result = tokenize(%|{{ foo false }}|) result.should match_tokens(%w(OPEN ID BOOLEAN CLOSE)) result[2].should be_token("BOOLEAN", "false") end it "tokenizes hash arguments" do result = tokenize("{{ foo bar=baz }}") result.should match_tokens %w(OPEN ID ID EQUALS ID CLOSE) result = tokenize("{{ foo bar baz=bat }}") result.should match_tokens %w(OPEN ID ID ID EQUALS ID CLOSE) result = tokenize("{{ foo bar baz=1 }}") result.should match_tokens %w(OPEN ID ID ID EQUALS INTEGER CLOSE) result = tokenize("{{ foo bar baz=true }}") result.should match_tokens %w(OPEN ID ID ID EQUALS BOOLEAN CLOSE) result = tokenize("{{ foo bar baz=false }}") result.should match_tokens %w(OPEN ID ID ID EQUALS BOOLEAN CLOSE) result = tokenize("{{ foo bar\n baz=bat }}") result.should match_tokens %w(OPEN ID ID ID EQUALS ID CLOSE) result = tokenize("{{ foo bar baz=\"bat\" }}") result.should match_tokens %w(OPEN ID ID ID EQUALS STRING CLOSE) result = tokenize("{{ foo bar baz=\"bat\" bam=wot }}") result.should match_tokens %w(OPEN ID ID ID EQUALS STRING ID EQUALS ID CLOSE) result = tokenize("{{foo omg bar=baz bat=\"bam\"}}") result.should match_tokens %w(OPEN ID ID ID EQUALS ID ID EQUALS STRING CLOSE) result[2].should be_token("ID", "omg") end it "does not time out in a mustache with a single } followed by EOF" do Timeout.timeout(1) { tokenize("{{foo}").should match_tokens(%w(OPEN ID)) } end it "does not time out in a mustache when invalid ID characters are used" do Timeout.timeout(1) { tokenize("{{foo & }}").should match_tokens(%w(OPEN ID)) } end end