require 'cases/sqlserver_helper' require 'models/task' require 'models/reply' require 'models/joke' require 'models/subscriber' class AdapterTestSqlserver < ActiveRecord::TestCase def setup @connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection @basic_insert_sql = "INSERT INTO [funny_jokes] ([name]) VALUES('Knock knock')" @basic_update_sql = "UPDATE [customers] SET [address_street] = NULL WHERE [id] = 2" @basic_select_sql = "SELECT * FROM [customers] WHERE ([customers].[id] = 1)" end context 'For abstract behavior' do should 'have a 128 max #table_alias_length' do assert @connection.table_alias_length <= 128 end should 'raise invalid statement error' do assert_raise(ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid) { Topic.connection.update("UPDATE XXX") } end should 'be our adapter_name' do assert_equal 'SQLServer', @connection.adapter_name end should 'support migrations' do assert @connection.supports_migrations? end should 'support DDL in transactions' do assert @connection.supports_ddl_transactions? end context 'for database version' do setup do @version_regexp = ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLServerAdapter::DATABASE_VERSION_REGEXP @supported_version = ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLServerAdapter::SUPPORTED_VERSIONS @sqlserver_2000_string = "Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.2039 (Intel X86)" @sqlserver_2005_string = "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3215.00 (Intel X86)" end should 'return a string from #database_version that matches class regexp' do assert_match @version_regexp, @connection.database_version end should 'return a 4 digit year fixnum for #database_year' do assert_instance_of Fixnum, @connection.database_year assert_contains @supported_version, @connection.database_year end should 'return true to #sqlserver_2000?' do @connection.stubs(:database_version).returns(@sqlserver_2000_string) assert @connection.sqlserver_2000? end should 'return true to #sqlserver_2005?' do @connection.stubs(:database_version).returns(@sqlserver_2005_string) assert @connection.sqlserver_2005? end end context 'for #unqualify_table_name and #unqualify_db_name' do setup do @expected_table_name = 'baz' @expected_db_name = 'foo' @first_second_table_names = ['[baz]','baz','[bar].[baz]','bar.baz'] @third_table_names = ['[foo].[bar].[baz]',''] @qualifed_table_names = @first_second_table_names + @third_table_names end should 'return clean table_name from #unqualify_table_name' do @qualifed_table_names.each do |qtn| assert_equal @expected_table_name, @connection.send(:unqualify_table_name,qtn), "This qualifed_table_name #{qtn} did not unqualify correctly." end end should 'return nil from #unqualify_db_name when table_name is less than 2 qualified' do @first_second_table_names.each do |qtn| assert_equal nil, @connection.send(:unqualify_db_name,qtn), "This qualifed_table_name #{qtn} did not return nil." end end should 'return clean db_name from #unqualify_db_name when table is thrid level qualified' do @third_table_names.each do |qtn| assert_equal @expected_db_name, @connection.send(:unqualify_db_name,qtn), "This qualifed_table_name #{qtn} did not unqualify the db_name correctly." end end end should 'return true to #insert_sql? for inserts only' do assert @connection.send(:insert_sql?,'INSERT...') assert !@connection.send(:insert_sql?,'UPDATE...') assert !@connection.send(:insert_sql?,'SELECT...') end context 'for #sql_for_association_limiting?' do should 'return false for simple selects with no GROUP BY and ORDER BY' do assert !sql_for_association_limiting?("SELECT * FROM [posts]") end should 'return true to single SELECT, ideally a table/primarykey, that also has a GROUP BY and ORDER BY' do assert sql_for_association_limiting?("SELECT [posts].id FROM...GROUP BY [posts].id ORDER BY MIN(") end should 'return false to single * wildcard SELECT that also has a GROUP BY and ORDER BY' do assert !sql_for_association_limiting?("SELECT * FROM...GROUP BY [posts].id ORDER BY MIN(") end should 'return false to multiple columns in the select even when GROUP BY and ORDER BY are present' do sql = "SELECT [accounts].credit_limit, firm_id FROM...GROUP BY firm_id ORDER BY firm_id" assert !sql_for_association_limiting?(sql) end end context 'for #get_table_name' do should 'return quoted table name from basic INSERT, UPDATE and SELECT statements' do assert_equal '[funny_jokes]', @connection.send(:get_table_name,@basic_insert_sql) assert_equal '[customers]', @connection.send(:get_table_name,@basic_update_sql) assert_equal '[customers]', @connection.send(:get_table_name,@basic_select_sql) end end context 'dealing with various orders SQL snippets' do setup do @single_order = '' @single_order_with_desc = ' DESC' @two_orders = ', comments.post_id' @two_orders_with_asc = ', comments.post_id ASC' @two_orders_with_desc_and_asc = ' DESC, comments.post_id ASC' @two_duplicate_order_with_dif_dir = "id, id DESC" end should 'convert to an 2D array of column/direction arrays using #orders_and_dirs_set' do assert_equal [['',nil]], orders_and_dirs_set('ORDER BY'), 'Needs to remove ORDER BY' assert_equal [['',nil]], orders_and_dirs_set(@single_order) assert_equal [['',nil],['comments.post_id',nil]], orders_and_dirs_set(@two_orders) assert_equal [['',nil],['comments.post_id','ASC']], orders_and_dirs_set(@two_orders_with_asc) assert_equal [['id',nil],['id','DESC']], orders_and_dirs_set(@two_duplicate_order_with_dif_dir) end should 'remove duplicate or maintain the same order by statements giving precedence to first using #add_order! method chain extension' do assert_equal ' ORDER BY', add_order!(@single_order) assert_equal ' ORDER BY DESC', add_order!(@single_order_with_desc) assert_equal ' ORDER BY, comments.post_id', add_order!(@two_orders) assert_equal ' ORDER BY DESC, comments.post_id ASC', add_order!(@two_orders_with_desc_and_asc) assert_equal 'SELECT * FROM [developers] ORDER BY id', add_order!('id, DESC','SELECT * FROM [developers]') assert_equal 'SELECT * FROM [developers] ORDER BY [developers].[id] DESC', add_order!('[developers].[id] DESC, id','SELECT * FROM [developers]') end should 'take all types of order options and convert them to MIN functions using #order_to_min_set' do assert_equal 'MIN(', order_to_min_set(@single_order) assert_equal 'MIN(, MIN(comments.post_id)', order_to_min_set(@two_orders) assert_equal 'MIN( DESC', order_to_min_set(@single_order_with_desc) assert_equal 'MIN(, MIN(comments.post_id) ASC', order_to_min_set(@two_orders_with_asc) assert_equal 'MIN( DESC, MIN(comments.post_id) ASC', order_to_min_set(@two_orders_with_desc_and_asc) end end context 'with different language' do teardown do @connection.execute("SET LANGUAGE us_english") rescue nil end should_eventually 'do a date insertion when language is german' do @connection.execute("SET LANGUAGE deutsch") assert_nothing_raised do Task.create(:starting => Time.utc(2000, 1, 31, 5, 42, 0), :ending =>, 12, 31)) end end end end context 'For chronic data types' do context 'with a usec' do setup do @time = end should 'truncate 123456 usec to just 123' do @time.stubs(:usec).returns(123456) saved = SqlServerChronic.create!(:datetime => @time).reload assert_equal 123000, saved.datetime.usec end should 'drop 123 to 0' do @time.stubs(:usec).returns(123) saved = SqlServerChronic.create!(:datetime => @time).reload assert_equal 0, saved.datetime.usec assert_equal '000', saved.datetime_before_type_cast.split('.').last end end context 'which have coerced types' do setup do christmas_08 = "2008-12-25".to_time christmas_08_afternoon = "2008-12-25 12:00".to_time @chronic_date = SqlServerChronic.create!(:date => christmas_08).reload @chronic_time = SqlServerChronic.create!(:time => christmas_08_afternoon).reload end should 'have an inheritable attribute ' do assert SqlServerChronic.coerced_sqlserver_date_columns.include?('date') end should 'have column and objects cast to date' do date_column = SqlServerChronic.columns_hash['date'] assert_equal :date, date_column.type, "This column: \n#{date_column.inspect}" assert_instance_of Date, end should 'have column objects cast to time' do time_column = SqlServerChronic.columns_hash['time'] assert_equal :time, time_column.type, "This column: \n#{time_column.inspect}" assert_instance_of Time, @chronic_time.time end end end context 'For identity inserts' do setup do @identity_insert_sql = "INSERT INTO [funny_jokes] ([id],[name]) VALUES(420,'Knock knock')" end should 'return quoted table_name to #query_requires_identity_insert? when INSERT sql contains id_column' do assert_equal '[funny_jokes]', @connection.send(:query_requires_identity_insert?,@identity_insert_sql) end should 'return false to #query_requires_identity_insert? for normal SQL' do [@basic_insert_sql, @basic_update_sql, @basic_select_sql].each do |sql| assert !@connection.send(:query_requires_identity_insert?,sql), "SQL was #{sql}" end end should 'find identity column using #identity_column' do joke_id_column = Joke.columns.detect { |c| == 'id' } assert_equal joke_id_column, @connection.send(:identity_column,Joke.table_name) end should 'return nil when calling #identity_column for a table_name with no identity' do assert_nil @connection.send(:identity_column,Subscriber.table_name) end end context 'For Quoting' do should 'return 1 for #quoted_true' do assert_equal '1', @connection.quoted_true end should 'return 0 for #quoted_false' do assert_equal '0', @connection.quoted_false end should 'not escape backslash characters like abstract adapter' do string_with_backslashs = "\\n" assert_equal string_with_backslashs, @connection.quote_string(string_with_backslashs) end should 'quote column names with brackets' do assert_equal '[foo]', @connection.quote_column_name(:foo) assert_equal '[foo]', @connection.quote_column_name('foo') assert_equal '[foo].[bar]', @connection.quote_column_name('') end should 'quote table names like columns' do assert_equal '[foo].[bar]', @connection.quote_column_name('') assert_equal '[foo].[bar].[baz]', @connection.quote_column_name('') end end context 'When disableing referential integrity' do setup do @parent = FkTestHasPk.create! @member = FkTestHasFk.create!(:fk_id => end should 'NOT ALLOW by default the deletion of a referenced parent' do assert_raise(ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid) { @parent.destroy } end should 'ALLOW deletion of referenced parent using #disable_referential_integrity block' do assert_nothing_raised(ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid) do FkTestHasPk.connection.disable_referential_integrity { @parent.destroy } end end should 'again NOT ALLOW deletion of referenced parent after #disable_referential_integrity block' do assert_raise(ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid) do FkTestHasPk.connection.disable_referential_integrity { } @parent.destroy end end end context 'For DatabaseStatements' do end context 'For SchemaStatements' do context 'returning from #type_to_sql' do should 'create integers when no limit supplied' do assert_equal 'integer', @connection.type_to_sql(:integer) end should 'create integers when limit is 4' do assert_equal 'integer', @connection.type_to_sql(:integer, 4) end should 'create integers when limit is 3' do assert_equal 'integer', @connection.type_to_sql(:integer, 3) end should 'create smallints when limit is less than 3' do assert_equal 'smallint', @connection.type_to_sql(:integer, 2) assert_equal 'smallint', @connection.type_to_sql(:integer, 1) end should 'create bigints when limit is greateer than 4' do assert_equal 'bigint', @connection.type_to_sql(:integer, 5) assert_equal 'bigint', @connection.type_to_sql(:integer, 6) assert_equal 'bigint', @connection.type_to_sql(:integer, 7) assert_equal 'bigint', @connection.type_to_sql(:integer, 8) end end end context 'For indexes' do setup do @desc_index_name = 'idx_credit_limit_test_desc' @connection.execute "CREATE INDEX #{@desc_index_name} ON accounts (credit_limit DESC)" end teardown do @connection.execute "DROP INDEX accounts.#{@desc_index_name}" end should 'have indexes with descending order' do assert @connection.indexes('accounts').detect { |i| == @desc_index_name } end end private def sql_for_association_limiting?(sql) @connection.send :sql_for_association_limiting?, sql end def orders_and_dirs_set(order) @connection.send :orders_and_dirs_set, order end def add_order!(order,sql='') ActiveRecord::Base.send :add_order!, sql, order, nil sql end def order_to_min_set(order) @connection.send :order_to_min_set, order end end class AdapterTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase COERCED_TESTS = [ :test_add_limit_offset_should_sanitize_sql_injection_for_limit_without_comas, :test_add_limit_offset_should_sanitize_sql_injection_for_limit_with_comas ] include SqlserverCoercedTest def test_coerced_test_add_limit_offset_should_sanitize_sql_injection_for_limit_without_comas sql_inject = "1 select * from schema" connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection assert_raise(ArgumentError) { connection.add_limit_offset!("", :limit=>sql_inject) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { connection.add_limit_offset!("", :limit=>sql_inject, :offset=>7) } end def test_coerced_test_add_limit_offset_should_sanitize_sql_injection_for_limit_with_comas sql_inject = "1, 7 procedure help()" connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection assert_raise(ArgumentError) { connection.add_limit_offset!("", :limit=>sql_inject) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { connection.add_limit_offset!("", :limit=> '1 ; DROP TABLE USERS', :offset=>7) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { connection.add_limit_offset!("", :limit=>sql_inject, :offset=>7) } end end