require 'rake' require 'erb' require 'yaml' require 'highline' require File.expand_path('../../daddy/version', __FILE__) require 'i18n' I18n.load_path += Dir.glob(File.expand_path('../../tasks/locale/*.yml', __FILE__)) I18n.locale = ENV['LANG'][0..1] if ENV['LANG'] def self.daddy_version Daddy::VERSION end def self.cli @_cli ||= end def self.rails_root ENV['RAILS_ROOT'] || @_rails_root ||= ask('RAILS_ROOT', :default => Dir.pwd) end def self.rails_env(options = {}) ret = ENV['RAILS_ENV'] unless ret cli.say('RAILS_ENV') @_rails_env ||= cli.choose do |menu| menu.choice 'production' menu.choice 'development' menu.choice 'test' menu.prompt = 'select number above [2]' menu.default = 'development' end end end def self.app_name ENV['APP_NAME'] || @_app_name ||= ask('APP_NAME', :default => File.basename(Dir.pwd)) end def self.template_dir File.join(File.dirname(File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__))), 'templates') end def self.cookbook_dir File.expand_path('../../../itamae/cookbooks', __FILE__) end def self.dry_run? %w{ DRY_RUN DR }.each do |key| return true if %w{ true t yes y 1 }.include?(ENV[key].to_s.downcase) end false end def self.task_file(*path) File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), *path) end def self.render(template, options = {}) text =, 0, '-').result if options[:to] FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(options[:to])) File.write(options[:to], text) ret =[:to]) else ret = text end ret end def self.ask(prompt, options = {}) if options[:default] print prompt + " [#{options[:default]}]: " else print prompt + ": " end if options[:password] system("stty -echo") at_exit do system("stty echo") end end answer = STDIN.gets.strip answer = options[:default] if answer.empty? if options[:password] system("stty echo") puts end if options[:required] and answer.to_s.empty? raise "必須です。処理を中止します。" end answer.empty? ? nil : answer end def self.quiet? ARGV.include?('--quiet') or ARGV.include?('-q') end def*commands) options = commands.pop if commands.last.is_a?(Hash) options ||= {} commands.each do |c| masked_command = options[:mask] ? c.gsub(*options[:mask]) : c if dry_run? puts "command to be run: #{masked_command}" unless quiet? else puts masked_command unless quiet? fail unless system(c) end end end def self.run_itamae(*recipes) options = [] options << '--ohai' options << '--log-level=debug' if ENV['DEBUG'] recipe_files = [] recipes.each do |recipe| recipe = "#{recipe}.rb" unless recipe.end_with?('.rb') recipe_files << File.join(cookbook_dir, recipe) end run "bundle exec itamae local #{options.join(' ')} #{recipe_files.join(' ')}" end